TAY: thread about yambs...

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Called the chick that lives in my building. She asked, "Who's this?" I know chick was pretty hammered when I officially met her but still >D I invited her out tonight for drinks with my friends and she said she had to get up early and travel far. Tried to find out what her schedule was like this week and she said she didn't know. I know this chick likes me somewhat by how she was acting around me, when I first ran into her on the elevator and after I chilled with her this weekend. Vibe has flipped the script but will hit her up in a few days and see if I can possibly spark it back up with her. :nerd:
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Had a chubby Jamaican chic, same one I referenced earlier as a dark/low point, suck my **** too much. It's possible. She was here 6 days, wouldn't even be exaggerated to say I got 25-30 hours of head. Day 5 joint was tender like she had sucked all the skin off and just left nerve endings, had to tell her we should skip a day. :lol: AND, I didn't even do her back. And I worked that week. ***** would suck me off through a whole NBA double header, only pausing when something happens and she comes up like, "what happened! Did Kobe dunk?" and I'm like, "Nah, he got called for a tech," "Oh," then she got right back to it. I was like damn what sticktoitiveness.
Alright. A few years ago I had no problem getting yambs then I lost my job, gained mad weight, my confidence was shot. Fast forward one year, I have a nice new job and I've recently got back in the gym trying to get this weight off. My only problem now is confidence. It just feels like I no longer have it in me to just approach a woman I don't know. Anybody else go through this?
Alright. A few years ago I had no problem getting yambs then I lost my job, gained mad weight, my confidence was shot. Fast forward one year, I have a nice new job and I've recently got back in the gym trying to get this weight off. My only problem now is confidence. It just feels like I no longer have it in me to just approach a woman I don't know. Anybody else go through this?
i hit a depression spell once , then i remembered who i was before the bad times and havent had a problem since . All you need to do is get the first one out the way then boom youll be back to normal.
in my 25 years of life on this planet i have bought one female a drink.

i was hammered :lol:

yea I brought one random chick a drink in my 7 years of being over 21
will never do it again ...didn't even get her name when she dipped..

btw I'm 5'9 athletic 180. and I like big chicks.
give me a cute big chick over a skinny ugly chick anyday.
but am currently talking to a skinny cute chick. but its mainly cuz she likes to lift weights like me
I've bought drinks for females not infrequently.

The key thing is to buy them after you established something and not as opener.

I've smashed almost all of the girls I've bought a drink for
I've never bought drinks for females i've just met. Females I chill with get treated just like my dudes though, drinks urrwhurr.
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New coworker seems nice. Went for a quick few lunches and had some light talking. Am I over thinking? today she's restingon me, been feeling on my arms, rubbing legs and asked for my number
New coworker seems nice. Went for a quick few lunches and had some light talking. Am I over thinking? today she's restingon me, been feeling on my arms, rubbing legs and asked for my number

Give her your number fam.. You might be in there with little effort.. Just stay cool how u be cool no need for u to over think it bro..
She's already comfortable with u so go out and get some drinks and invite her back to the crib and recieve the yambs..
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So I had a class with this one chick and I had decided to be more sociable and try to hangout more with my classmates. I talked to her a couple of times and out of the blue asked her to gimme a call so we could hangout before classes.

I guess she thought I was into her so we start spending alone time together and I somehow end up on a date with her.

So I end up at her place and she cooks me dinner and we start watching a movie.

In my head I kept thinking, if I'm at her place alone its pretty much a lock. So I put the moves on her even though she's really resistant at first.

By the end I got her fully naked and on top with me ready to go on when she told me she was a virgin. Everything just halts for me and all the signs become clear to me. Then I decide against trying to get her go all the way.

It becomes kinda awkward and she tells me how she's never gone this far with anyone before and how bad she feels. I guess she felt dirty bc I got her to do everything but sex all on the first date. Apparently she never had so much as a kiss until like three months into her first relationship!

So after some more talk I leave.

Next couple of days she's convinced herself that we were dating and I feel relieved that I didn't go all the way with her bc I can just imagine what she would've done if that happened.

So now I am gonna try letting her down easy and try to power through the last couple of days left with her in class. Its gonna be awkward.
Them virgins yambs.... SO overrated if you don't plan on getting serious with said girl.
Give her your number fam.. You might be in there with little effort.. Just stay cool how u be cool no need for u to over think it bro..
She's already comfortable with u so go out and get some drinks and invite her back to the crib and recieve the yambs..

I did. We just got done texting and she says she's free after work. I need ideas on where to bring it since she's newer than new to me and n y
please don't take that girls virginity.
unkess u plan on dating her.
1 of 2 things will happen.
she'll go in a deep depression and beat herself up about it.
she will become a freak (which can be good or bad) but either way she'll hate herself at first
Had a chubby Jamaican chic, same one I referenced earlier as a dark/low point, suck my **** too much. It's possible. She was here 6 days, wouldn't even be exaggerated to say I got 25-30 hours of head. Day 5 joint was tender like she had sucked all the skin off and just left nerve endings, had to tell her we should skip a day. :lol: AND, I didn't even do her back. And I worked that week. ***** would suck me off through a whole NBA double header, only pausing when something happens and she comes up like, "what happened! Did Kobe dunk?" and I'm like, "Nah, he got called for a tech," "Oh," then she got right back to it. I was like damn what sticktoitiveness.

I've bought drinks for females not infrequently.

The key thing is to buy them after you established something and not as opener.

I've smashed almost all of the girls I've bought a drink for

you should only buy drinks to keep the current convo going imo

I've never bought drinks for females i've just met. Females I chill with get treated just like my dudes though, drinks urrwhurr.


Ain't got money to spend on strangers

I'm very loose with money when I'm drunk

All of this.

So I had a class with this one chick and I had decided to be more sociable and try to hangout more with my classmates. I talked to her a couple of times and out of the blue asked her to gimme a call so we could hangout before classes.

I guess she thought I was into her so we start spending alone time together and I somehow end up on a date with her.

So I end up at her place and she cooks me dinner and we start watching a movie.

In my head I kept thinking, if I'm at her place alone its pretty much a lock. So I put the moves on her even though she's really resistant at first.

By the end I got her fully naked and on top with me ready to go on when she told me she was a virgin. Everything just halts for me and all the signs become clear to me. Then I decide against trying to get her go all the way.

It becomes kinda awkward and she tells me how she's never gone this far with anyone before and how bad she feels. I guess she felt dirty bc I got her to do everything but sex all on the first date. Apparently she never had so much as a kiss until like three months into her first relationship!

So after some more talk I leave.

Next couple of days she's convinced herself that we were dating and I feel relieved that I didn't go all the way with her bc I can just imagine what she would've done if that happened.

So now I am gonna try letting her down easy and try to power through the last couple of days left with her in class. Its gonna be awkward.

Let me get this straight
A fresh data plan brand new memory never been touched never been used or chewed absolutely free of charge equipped with Drebeats laptop

You don't want

But a yellowing pair of old beat up worn til they can't even be restored sneakers that depreciated the 1st time they were touched

You spend your life savings for

Lead a horse to water you can't drink it for him but that sound deadassbackwards to me
Don't get me wrong
I know yambs lie about being virgins all the time
but if you find a real 1
I always thought (long as she's over 18)
You discovered the Holy Grail
You got lames like Ray J bragging bout hitting it 1st and he wasn't even 1st to crack her open So I think its still a honor ya dig
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