TAY: thread about yambs...

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I was you I woulda told them to make moves homie and /or kept it real and left them with the **** look....
I need a way in while being subtle.. I asked when she's off. I suggested a movie but need an excuse for copping feels.maybe foot rub?

if yall are walking together. u should casually bump into to see if she reaches for your arm or hand.
Ok i finally have a dilemna
I was dealing with chick, for about 3 months. got head the first night we hung out (wasnt the first time we talked we work together).
we messed around and talked for about a month.. dated for about a month.
she said she wasnt ready for a commitment blah blah so we are not offical
but she we still smashed hung out..
we have a few blow ups over the past 2 weeks. and havent hung out but still talk on text everyday.
she told me she wanted to be emotionally unattached to me but its hard (cuz im a good dude)
in the last 2 weeks, ive come to the realization that I wont be with her long term or we're not going to last, and the only reason we really still talk is cuz we work together, but we are pretty cool tho when we're together laughing and joking.

I'm starting to assemble the bench warmers back up. and i know she feels that now she is talking to me more. telling me she wants me to hit it... only problem is, there was some emotions. plus with me being a good guy, she was kinda having her cake and eat it too (the guys role) with having sex from me, us still going out and me paying for majority.
like i said though the past 2 weeks we haven't hung out or really even seen eachother.
she inivted me out to Dinner on saturday just.
and I'm sure yambs will be had if we do go out, cuz we still have sex talks, and she still tells me im the best she had (I know shes playing in my ear with that but whatever)

but on the real, I feel like she holds me back from my other benchwarmers, cuz she demands a lot of time and attention. which im not trying to give her anymore
so the dilemna is give her time and attention achieve yambs once a week.

or build up on the bench warmers, and find yambs elsewhere

now i know majority of the answers will be both.. but quick note, I'm 27 and all my bench warmers are the same age or older. so easy access yambs aren't too attainable.

and if shes taking up my time with her. hard to go out and get new yambs..

so what do I do get the yambs have her becoming more attached (which kinda messes me up)
keep the bench warmers built up. and look for new yambs.
she got a man, offered to kiss you on the cam, and on top of that is letting you cup that mass? :lol: the P has been put on a platter for you. what you waiting for? :stoneface: You have to be more aggressive or she will lose interest quick. Gotta man up! I suggest you find a way to get back to her or your crib and escalate from the booty grabbing.

Yea, I mean she kept hugging me like every 5 minutes and thanking me (we met at a playoff games, would have been able to "hang out" before but the NBA screwed me scheduling us 830pm on a Sunday night so we had to meet there since we live in opposite directions from OKC) and I did my Junior High **** with the hand on the booty when I hug chics and she never said anything, fact every time we stood up I did it because she was extra in front of me, then she's like, "me and you are going to be the greatest friends, I'm glad we met," and telling me her boyfriend just texted her he's at the game too but not as good of tickets and telling me bout her Nana, I'm like yea friendzone, then she's like oh you gotta kiss me if we can get on kiss cam and jumping around trying to get attention during that segment. First time I met her at a game I sold her tickets to online, she was all over me, jumped in my arms and had her friends take a pic of us together with a camera camera. I was like wtf. I'm not really a type A personality though. I need a ***** who is to just stick her hand in my pants then I'm like alright cool.
:stoneface: she said if you get on kiss cam, you gotta kiss her and you didn't do anything...

stop calling it friendzone. stop blaming girls for hitting you up after they have 3 kids. stop saying youre laid back. youre scared son. scared of being rejected. thats cool but dont make excuses. make a damn move. not just touching her, go for the kiss and see where that leads. make a move instead of sneaking your hand on her butt and seeing if she says anything. make a move instead of giving it 2 more expensive dates before you throw a hail mary.

if you dont want to be just friends, make a move and see how she responds. if you like her as a friend, then keep playing it super slow cause youre fine either way. :smh:
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What's up with some dudes who still flirt with girls like crazy, even if they're already spoken for? **** is annoying. I feel like a jerk for wanting to ignore him, but dude is getting out of hand. Should I just proceed and ignore or tell him AGAIN that I'm not interested?
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Lmao chicks be frontin sometimes, you'd think its a natural next step, that's how you learn not to. I enjoy it though.

And am I the only one that doesn't do much dates on fri-sat if not in a relationship? For the most part I don't even hit up known yambs on those days.

I do Wednesday nights (or try to). If I'm just trying to put her on the team I take her to this bar near my house, few beers and the bartenders always talk me up. Back to my pad for a lil hookah and :wink:

Fri and Sat are my nights out with my boys. Might do a meet up with a group of girls type thing, but that's it.
Yup if i feel like taking a chick out its usually during the week or on Sundays...its less busier and those days i rarely have too much planned except work....the weekends is time to get new joints and try to hit the ones you aint smash yet
Hurtin a little bit right now fellas, spark notes
- had the girl of my dreams, future wife type
-we're both in college, I have 1 semester left, she's a junior
-I'm getting drafted for baseball this weekend
-she says there's no point in "us" anymore because I'll be gone basically for 2 years straight
-she left today on vacation and I'll be gone before she gets back.
-no idea what my next move is gonna be

Opinions/suggestions/ criticism is welcome. And would leaving her a card and flower on her door be cheesy/weak?
She's already said it dog, let it go man. You have a beautiful world ahead of you. She feels she doesn't belong, let her ride into the sunset.
Hurtin a little bit right now fellas, spark notes
- had the girl of my dreams, future wife type
-we're both in college, I have 1 semester left, she's a junior
-I'm getting drafted for baseball this weekend
-she says there's no point in "us" anymore because I'll be gone basically for 2 years straight
-she left today on vacation and I'll be gone before she gets back.
-no idea what my next move is gonna be

Opinions/suggestions/ criticism is welcome. And would leaving her a card and flower on her door be cheesy/weak?

If she's not willing to stick out long distance, it's better to accept it man. Don't do flowers or anything like that - even if it works, her heart isn't in to staying with you. You DON'T want to deal with long distance for two years man. It's going to hurt but move on and meet new people. Have fun. You're young.

If she was wife potential, she wouldn't hesitate to keep long distance going. Trust me man, your next move is going out with your buddies and havin fun.
Hurtin a little bit right now fellas, spark notes
- had the girl of my dreams, future wife type
-we're both in college, I have 1 semester left, she's a junior
-I'm getting drafted for baseball this weekend
-she says there's no point in "us" anymore because I'll be gone basically for 2 years straight
-she left today on vacation and I'll be gone before she gets back.
-no idea what my next move is gonna be

Opinions/suggestions/ criticism is welcome. And would leaving her a card and flower on her door be cheesy/weak?
Find her replacement. Not now, but right now.
Hurtin a little bit right now fellas, spark notes
- had the girl of my dreams, future wife type
-we're both in college, I have 1 semester left, she's a junior
-I'm getting drafted for baseball this weekend
-she says there's no point in "us" anymore because I'll be gone basically for 2 years straight
-she left today on vacation and I'll be gone before she gets back.
-no idea what my next move is gonna be

Opinions/suggestions/ criticism is welcome. And would leaving her a card and flower on her door be cheesy/weak?

Honestly you'll be so busy playing ball you won't have time for anything consistent, my buddy plays on the padres and he says it's literally ball 24/7, ya you have time for fun but if you're serious you don't have time for much else, just concentrate on ball and when you hit the show you can look her up then
Man this girl is on it but she has a bf, I told her I don't mess with chicks that have bfs and she said she's dropping him this weekend, she keeps inviting me over to her place asking me to come watch her wash her car, so damn tempting cause she's a nice thick white girl but naw gotta stay true to my word no chicks with bfs
Man this girl is on it but she has a bf, I told her I don't mess with chicks that have bfs and she said she's dropping him this weekend, she keeps inviting me over to her place asking me to come watch her wash her car, so damn tempting cause she's a nice thick white girl but naw gotta stay true to my word no chicks with bfs
:lol: no dambs given
Ignore her (no dates; less texting; no texting on weekends) for a month and build up your bench. She'll miss you and you can hit it whenever you want after that month is up, whether you find new yambs or not. Plus you'll gain some perspective whether you really need her or not after that month, and she will get perspective too.

I appreciate that knowledge man tha k you. you're right. just that sex temptation when its on a platter is hard.

to play devils advocate she sees it as you're about to do big things and she can't compare. or she thinks all sports guys got groupies.. so honestly if she really does want you. u gotta let her know that's not going to be a problem. reinsure her.
Chicks biggest ace in the hole is them yambs. Sometimes it's good to turn them down even if they're guaranteed. Messes with a chicks psyche AND puts the ball back in your court.
New discovery about myself:

When "How Do You Want It?" By Tupac comes on my self confidence goes through the roof. :lol: I have headphones on my ears at all times, so I think I'll just put that on loop whenever I'm out :lol:
Chicks biggest ace in the hole is them yambs. Sometimes it's good to turn them down even if they're guaranteed. Messes with a chicks psyche AND puts the ball back in your court.
What! you never lying....chick be like why he doesnt want my yambs???
Chicks biggest ace in the hole is them yambs. Sometimes it's good to turn them down even if they're guaranteed. Messes with a chicks psyche AND puts the ball back in your court.

yea had to turn down the girl to the situation I posted. she looked hurt
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