TAY: thread about yambs...

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Dirty almost layed it out completely.. While studying and backpacking it was easy game, not just because I was black, or American which both help tremendously, but the unfamiliarity from meeting yambs was mutual.. I could learn something and be shown a different world from them and vice versa. Even before I left being educated, well-versed and now well-traveled I couldn't relate to most of the broads I encountered.. I've dated 12 different nationalities since my last truly "American" girl, 2 of those were before I left..

I'd appreciate it if you specified a little bit more such as the nationalities of the women you met and where you met them (bars, street,etc?
They speak English or you speak several foreign languages?
Was being Black a hindrance, advantage or neither in these encounters?

I'm planning on going to Europe (France) in the near future and wanted to hear some responses on the "dating game"?

I heard from one of my friends who went to Amsterdam that its mostly one night stands with beautiful women but they don't even acknowledge you in the street after

I met two separate French girls recently and its astonishing the average cultural level they were at compared to similar college girls here.
French women in general will not acknowledge you the day after or any day afterwards,, that's just how they get down, promiscuity is set deep into their culture, we look at it negatively they see it as experiences.

Irish chick- 1 night
Norweigan chick- 1 night althought we fooled around more and stayed friends
Norweigan #2- 1 night
Norweigan #3- dated 3 months
German chick- fling for a couple weeks while dating norweigan #3
French girl- smashed in a bathroom
French girl #2- smashed in the middle of a street (good friends before) hardly talked after
French girl #3 &4- smashed one outside a club then fingured her friend outside the club, they never spoke a word even tho, we lived in the same dorms lol
Hungarian woman- 1 night, told me from the get, that she was taking me home because I'm black.. Super cool lady I still keep in touch
Hungarian girl- dated 2 months, fell for her
English chick- climbed in my bed one night in a hostel, smashed and spent the next couple days chillin
Israeli chick- 1 night
Trini chick- crazy
Guyanese chick- crazy

Persian chick- literally my soul mate, Muslim, but I definitely made her question her religion
American chick- smashed in the street, 3 month fling that blew up in my face
American #2- randomly jumped my bones one night at the bars, while I was dating the Hungarian girl.. She was in a relationship a week later.

In a sense there is no "dating game" we were all students, and mostly all foreigners.. Considering most american dudes that study/go abroad are Clay F'aiken it, it's a field day for dudes with game or any kind of cool factor. I would avoid American chicks like the plague while abroad, but they still love us for the "something familiar" factor.

Being black was only a hindrance in Poland, Spain, And Italie.. No love, no love.. *drake voice* in France, people will assume that you're of African origin.. And treat you accordingly which isn't the greatest feeling. Eastern Europe is the most love tho, HUNGARY. French women are damn near impossible tho, if you don't speak the language, outside of Paris especially.

Chick from work that I've been flirting w is off tomorrow..want to chill w her but don't want to hit it up especially since I've hit her up last couple of times. Advise me.
Work yambs

Can be like H.S all over again if you don't play it right

Perfect example 1 job I was at smashing different yambs on the daily thought it was cool to share info with the fellas about smashable yambs long story short ended up fighting foaming at the mouth baby daddy in the parking lot

Lesson learned never assume co-workers are cool as you

Next job yamb city wall to wall I went in with the intention of if I smash something I'm keeping it to myself long story short She went around telling everybody (co-workers,fam,friends that also worked with us) while I denied it to her family friends and to all of them in her face the broad went haywire tears,notes,couldn't focus on her job she ended up getn fired bcuz of it

I went on to smash her best friend,her cousin,and a nice amount of other yambs

Moral of the story "silence is golden"
Your theory has one variable that cant be control and that is the mouth of the yamb. In both your cases the the yamb could not keep her mouth close, and that will be the problem with most work yamb. Then you have to add the next variable of general workplace gossip that can throw everything out of order.
Social media can cause serious problems.

Idc if I lose yambs over it but I make it clear on social media that I'm single and doing my thing. Most of the team understands it as I'm always clear from the jump.

I consider my IG posts to be PSA's for my yambs
True dat

But the fellas ratted me out in the 1st story they knew her baby daddy cuz he worked there previously and told him I was smashing her

The 2nd story yes she just couldn't resist and wanted everybody to know I belonged to her but the look on her face when I denied it

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anyone ever successfully pick u
p a girl at the gym?

Not yet but its in the works. What sucks is if u fail they will either avoid u at all cost or word will quickly spread about u trying to hollar so I'm gonna take my time. A simple hi or smile or even eye contact will work for now. If we just happen to leave together ill say hey nice tattos
^that's the best way to do it. we've talked about gym yambs u def gotta take ur time. cuz all that can happen.
but mainly the avoidance...good thong my gym is huge.

pulled the hotel front manager yesterday at a wedding I was at.. she kept claiming she knew us. told her I'd comeback for a dance with her ....went out later and was like look we obviously need to hang out (after some joking) so let me get your # and ill hit u up.

she had to be professional at work with her job at such a fancy hotel. but she had a bit of ratchetness in her ill see what its about today. she lives an hour away tho. not sure if its worth it. but 28 no kids.....why not right...
this my first post in this thread... off the hen so bear with me.

i had 3 players on the roster (azn, dominican + black) in diff states for about a year total. recently, the azn posted a pic of me on her instagram (not my face but my presence is implied) in my crib, and my two other chicks threw a fit. i'm surprised they even found her ig (she follows me but doesn't know or live near any of them). one concocted an elaborate lie about how she came across the pic and the other one refuses to acknowledge she saw it but insisted we "be friends" and they both came at me at the same exact time.

i made it clear from jump that there would be no relationship in the future, that we're young and enjoying life but nothing more, they agree but i guess the dreamer in them makes them think they can be the exception. at the same time, the azn chick comes at me about not living up to her expectations because i keep my distance. i admit this is a problem of mine but i'm honest with all girls from day one.

what is the solution?

why does every girl insist that you're smashing someone else?

**** got me 2 minutes away from copping dat fleshlight bruh. :smh:

bachelor game scressful.

Mode i'm in right now I'd say **** it and scrap the whole team. Don't listen to me though.
After I get this abortion bros, I'm going gay. Never having sex again. Or I'm getting snipped. Never again. Maybe just bp chicks. :smh:
Mode i'm in right now I'd say **** it and scrap the whole team. Don't listen to me though.
that's what it's lookin like. spring cleaning
2 nights ago the NBA finals are on and my friend invites me over for a BBQ. I hit the gym hard and instead of showering I say "screw it" and head over straight from the gym.

I was expecting a sausage fest, but there were some girls there. We all were drinking, and one thing led to another and I'm in my friends room alone with this azn girl.

We start making out, and she goes in for the neck (I got a full sweat goin at the gym, lmao). After licking, she gave me the thizz face and let me know that was the saltiest thing she had ever tasted. She champed it and went in for more eventually, but had to share.
French women in general will not acknowledge you the day after or any day afterwards,, that's just how they get down, promiscuity is set deep into their culture, we look at it negatively they see it as experiences.

Irish chick- 1 night
Norweigan chick- 1 night althought we fooled around more and stayed friends
Norweigan #2- 1 night
Norweigan #3- dated 3 months
German chick- fling for a couple weeks while dating norweigan #3
French girl- smashed in a bathroom
French girl #2- smashed in the middle of a street (good friends before) hardly talked after
French girl #3 &4- smashed one outside a club then fingured her friend outside the club, they never spoke a word even tho, we lived in the same dorms lol
Hungarian woman- 1 night, told me from the get, that she was taking me home because I'm black.. Super cool lady I still keep in touch
Hungarian girl- dated 2 months, fell for her
English chick- climbed in my bed one night in a hostel, smashed and spent the next couple days chillin
Israeli chick- 1 night
Trini chick- crazy
Guyanese chick- crazy
Persian chick- literally my soul mate, Muslim, but I definitely made her question her religion
American chick- smashed in the street, 3 month fling that blew up in my face
American #2- randomly jumped my bones one night at the bars, while I was dating the Hungarian girl.. She was in a relationship a week later.

In a sense there is no "dating game" we were all students, and mostly all foreigners.. Considering most american dudes that study/go abroad are Clay F'aiken it, it's a field day for dudes with game or any kind of cool factor. I would avoid American chicks like the plague while abroad, but they still love us for the "something familiar" factor.

Being black was only a hindrance in Poland, Spain, And Italie.. No love, no love.. *drake voice* in France, people will assume that you're of African origin.. And treat you accordingly which isn't the greatest feeling. Eastern Europe is the most love tho, HUNGARY. French women are damn near impossible tho, if you don't speak the language, outside of Paris especially.

... maybe cuz I'm a chick but me AND my homegirl both got crazy attention when we went to Spain... dudes honking hanging out of their cars; dudes with chicks blatantly staring....idk though.

I agree about being an American abroad... it's like the rules don't apply. Most people will act out of their norm because you are an "exotic other." Relationships may be a little more tricky but if you just looking to smash all the time then abroad is definitely a good look. First time I got hollered at by a non-black dude was on my semester abroad :pimp: :pimp: :lol: Tall german dude... we coulda had little boris kodjoes :smh: :lol:
Girls are girls regardless. There'll always be thirst from males, whether they're American or Hungarian.

This thing about Americans, refers more towards regular interaction, like asking for direction or help.
I can't seem to get over this one girl NT. How do you guys do it?

She's in my class so it's not like I can just stop seeing her all the time. She told a mutual friend in our class she knows I was trying to start something with her but she doesn't trust men due to family situations with her dad etc.

Due to her financial situation she doesn't get to enjoy much finer things in life so I bought a $400 bottle of Ace for our class barbeque knowing I won't get anything out of it. 
Gf just came to my momma house to check on me because I wasn't answering her calls. That's a major violation 
I can't seem to get over this one girl NT. How do you guys do it?
She's in my class so it's not like I can just stop seeing her all the time. She told a mutual friend in our class she knows I was trying to start something with her but she doesn't trust men due to family situations with her dad etc.
Due to her financial situation she doesn't get to enjoy much finer things in life so I bought a $400 bottle of Ace for our class barbeque knowing I won't get anything out of it. 

You tripping bruh. Hope the bbq didn't happen yet and you can save that Ace
You tripping bruh. Hope the bbq didn't happen yet and you can save that Ace

dude spent $400 to impress a girl he barely even knows....:lol: :x :smh:

simps :lol:

need to stop watching ye/2 chainz music videos, because that's just not reality for most of us :lol:
You tripping bruh. Hope the bbq didn't happen yet and you can save that Ace
Bbq is monday. I would've bought it anyway since we're celebrating the end of the year and I want to see what it tastes like but the fact the thought of letting her enjoy some finer things in life crossed my mind is too far.
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