TAY: thread about yambs...

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Man I'm thinking of getting a bottle of ace for my long time homegirls bday, you buggin for some random chick who'll probably tell you herself she ain't worth all that thought space.
Pay to get with her

You'll eventually

Pay to get rid of her

Never do either

And you save a great deal of time & $
well, now that you bought it, don't ever throw away that empty Ace bottle.

Cop some cheap champagne and re-use that joint. Nobody will notice the difference
I can't seem to get over this one girl NT. How do you guys do it?

She's in my class so it's not like I can just stop seeing her all the time. She told a mutual friend in our class she knows I was trying to start something with her but she doesn't trust men due to family situations with her dad etc.

Due to her financial situation she doesn't get to enjoy much finer things in life so I bought a $400 bottle of Ace for our class barbeque knowing I won't get anything out of it. 
Red flag.  I grew up with female cousins who didn't have their father present.  I can already tell you this is the biggest red flag you will ever receive.  Walk away now.
After smashing...why does Drake's music sound like it was meant specifically for you?

I mean I feel his music 10x's more...
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Everybody wants the shy/quiet/low-key good looking chick but ive come to tell you that they arent what you want.

The chick im talking to know fits that criteria but when i tell you she is by far the most boring chick ive ever talked to im not even joking. I have to initiate EVERYTHING. She puts absolutely no effort into initiating anything. I have to start every conversation, i have to start any sexual contact, or hell any contact at all. If i dont do anything she'll literally just lay there and say or do nothing. I took her out for the first time since we started dating(we've known each other for about a year before now but we were just friends), thinking that she may act different outside of her crib but nope, still as boring as ever.

We've gotten pretty serious but im already thinking about ending things, i honestly cant see this lasting at all.
what's yall experience like with yambs claiming to be celibate or saving themselves for a serious relationship/marriage. how do yall break that down so you don't have to be on that serious tip
French women in general will not acknowledge you the day after or any day afterwards,, that's just how they get down, promiscuity is set deep into their culture, we look at it negatively they see it as experiences.

Irish chick- 1 night
Norweigan chick- 1 night althought we fooled around more and stayed friends
Norweigan #2- 1 night
Norweigan #3- dated 3 months
German chick- fling for a couple weeks while dating norweigan #3
French girl- smashed in a bathroom
French girl #2- smashed in the middle of a street (good friends before) hardly talked after
French girl #3 &4- smashed one outside a club then fingured her friend outside the club, they never spoke a word even tho, we lived in the same dorms lol
Hungarian woman- 1 night, told me from the get, that she was taking me home because I'm black.. Super cool lady I still keep in touch
Hungarian girl- dated 2 months, fell for her
English chick- climbed in my bed one night in a hostel, smashed and spent the next couple days chillin
Israeli chick- 1 night
Trini chick- crazy
Guyanese chick- crazy
Persian chick- literally my soul mate, Muslim, but I definitely made her question her religion
American chick- smashed in the street, 3 month fling that blew up in my face
American #2- randomly jumped my bones one night at the bars, while I was dating the Hungarian girl.. She was in a relationship a week later.

In a sense there is no "dating game" we were all students, and mostly all foreigners.. Considering most american dudes that study/go abroad are Clay F'aiken it, it's a field day for dudes with game or any kind of cool factor. I would avoid American chicks like the plague while abroad, but they still love us for the "something familiar" factor.

Being black was only a hindrance in Poland, Spain, And Italie.. No love, no love.. *drake voice* in France, people will assume that you're of African origin.. And treat you accordingly which isn't the greatest feeling. Eastern Europe is the most love tho, HUNGARY. French women are damn near impossible tho, if you don't speak the language, outside of Paris especially.
Damn, seems like girls are for the taking over there.  How'd you manage to game these chicks/ keep a relationship if you didn't speak any other languages well?

Part of me doesn't even want to believe its that easy to get girls over there considering what a pain it is in a major metropolitan cities. Its so hard to fathom, American or not.
French women in general will not acknowledge you the day after or any day afterwards,, that's just how they get down, promiscuity is set deep into their culture, we look at it negatively they see it as experiences.

Irish chick- 1 night
Norweigan chick- 1 night althought we fooled around more and stayed friends
Norweigan #2- 1 night
Norweigan #3- dated 3 months
German chick- fling for a couple weeks while dating norweigan #3
French girl- smashed in a bathroom
French girl #2- smashed in the middle of a street (good friends before) hardly talked after
French girl #3 &4- smashed one outside a club then fingured her friend outside the club, they never spoke a word even tho, we lived in the same dorms lol
Hungarian woman- 1 night, told me from the get, that she was taking me home because I'm black.. Super cool lady I still keep in touch
Hungarian girl- dated 2 months, fell for her
English chick- climbed in my bed one night in a hostel, smashed and spent the next couple days chillin
Israeli chick- 1 night
Trini chick- crazy
Guyanese chick- crazy
Persian chick- literally my soul mate, Muslim, but I definitely made her question her religion
American chick- smashed in the street, 3 month fling that blew up in my face
American #2- randomly jumped my bones one night at the bars, while I was dating the Hungarian girl.. She was in a relationship a week later.

In a sense there is no "dating game" we were all students, and mostly all foreigners.. Considering most american dudes that study/go abroad are Clay F'aiken it, it's a field day for dudes with game or any kind of cool factor. I would avoid American chicks like the plague while abroad, but they still love us for the "something familiar" factor.

Being black was only a hindrance in Poland, Spain, And Italie.. No love, no love.. *drake voice* in France, people will assume that you're of African origin.. And treat you accordingly which isn't the greatest feeling. Eastern Europe is the most love tho, HUNGARY. French women are damn near impossible tho, if you don't speak the language, outside of Paris especially.
Damn, seems like girls are for the taking over there.  How'd you manage to game these chicks/ keep a relationship if you didn't speak any other languages well?

Part of me doesn't even want to believe its that easy to get girls over there considering what a pain it is in a major metropolitan cities. Its so hard to fathom, American or not.
Seeing other countries and cultures opens up the mind.  Go and you'll see women aren't so tough and hard headed in most other places.  There are no games involved.  They like sex just as much as you do and there is no stigma (within reason) about it.
what's yall experience like with yambs claiming to be celibate or saving themselves for a serious relationship/marriage. how do yall break that down so you don't have to be on that serious tip

Why would you mess w chicks like that. If they want that life let them rock. Mess around and she'll either be super clingy afterwards or she'll hate you (which you may not mind but meh, kinda messed up)
what's yall experience like with yambs claiming to be celibate or saving themselves for a serious relationship/marriage. how do yall break that down so you don't have to be on that serious tip

Why would you mess w chicks like that. If they want that life let them rock. Mess around and she'll either be super clingy afterwards or she'll hate you (which you may not mind but meh, kinda messed up)

That's the thing I never have messed with a chick like that, but she seemed like all of that was bs. I have no intentions to lead her on though and told her that I wasn't looking for anything serious.
dude spent $400 to impress a girl he barely even knows....


need to stop watching ye/2 chainz music videos, because that's just not reality for most of us
Seriously. For the most part chicks will take a liking to you if your responsbible, keep yourself clean and CONFIDENT. WDH did you really go and buy a 400 dollar bottle? Its foolish regardless if its a chick. Shame on you bruh.
..... why you ain't answerin' her calls.....
I didn't answer her calls because she flaked on a date this past Friday. She claimed she didn't hear her phone when I called her. So after a hour of waiting I just chilled with someone else for the night. While I was chillin she blew my phone up all night and I didn't pick up. So Saturday afternoon she just pops up at my parents crib 
 as if we're married. I just graduated college in May, so I already know her motive and it's a scary thought.
2nd part was a flashback I had...came from the simp that spent 400 on a bottle of ace...wasn't directed at you :lol:
well, now that you bought it, don't ever throw away that empty Ace bottle.

Cop some cheap champagne and re-use that joint. Nobody will notice the difference
except that its unpackaged lol this is easier to do with vodka 
:lol: How she gon know that? Tell her to wait/find a movie in the living room & then u go into the kitchen & fix the drinks. Come back with the bottle & 2 filled glasses.

not an ounce of real Ace she oeno it bruh
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Been talking to a chick for 3 weeks.

Came through her spot last night while 3 of her friends were there. We talked and cuddled up outside on the porch for hours. I said some smooth **** and my hands started going places. Chick was wet as can be. She then drops that...

"You're smooth but I know you're trouble, I want to chill but you're making that hard for me."

I said some BS after that and proceeded to get her draws off. (She let me do that.) Her eyes were closed and she was in another world or something. As soon as I was about to go in she stopped me again and said "No let's wait, it's too soon." I said just do what feels right. She said, "it's bound to happen eventually, it's too soon."

I stop at that point. We go in the house, sit on the couch and the same **** starts happening again. Kissing, touching, all of that.

Another hour passes and we eventually walk outside. I kiss her goodbye, just once (purposely) and she sticks her lips out after I let go as if she expected me to keep kissing her. She looks confused, I smile at her, she smiles back, touches her lips and then I walk away.

I text her the next day and tell her I respect her more as a person for having the will power to not let it happen. She responds and says yeah she believes in being in a relationship first before doing that, and she also said she'll catch even more feelings for me if we were to ****. I said I understand, I respect that.

We kept texting for awhile, and the convo ended with her not responding to me saying "Alright."

This was about 10 hours ago, haven't talked to her since. Don't know how to go about this one.
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^ only one of two things can happen homie. She stops talking to you or you eventually **** her. You're thinking too hard about the game bruh. Don't pay attention to anything that she said about not ******g before a relationship and catching more feelings. You guys were on the porch the stars were shining your game was tight and she got a little moist from some words. Reality will sink in with each passing day and your chances of hitting it will dwindle. You gotta strike now or you will have to commit before hitting. If you want to commit disregard everything I said but seeing that this thread is about drilling *** cheeks I assume you want to smash without relationship hassles.
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