TAY: thread about yambs...

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Struggling with white yambs

Last one I ****** was like 3 years ago n I knew she was easy...before that was when I was in hs (I'm 26)

I work in the hospital n had lil small talk with this one...nothing serious but at the end of the night she had her friend give me her number...she texted me the next day and we had lil small talk convo again...I texted her tonight (around 9:30p cause I'm bored at work) she responded and I replied but she hasn't responded since :frown:

Think I'm over thinking again like always...if I don't hear from her tomorrow I might text her Tuesday...idk...I wanna see if she wanna do a movie or something next weekend ..I just don't wanna come off like I'm pressing tho

Help :smh:
is it legal for an employee to give her number to a customer (out in the open)?

over the winter, i was in the apple store and one of the girls on the floor struck up a convo. asking me about college, my future plans, etc. she was impressed and wide open by the time we got to the register. but there were 2 of her male coworkers peering over us by that point. she wasn't really communicating with them either... it seemed like they were waiting for her to do something unprofessional so they could snitch. i took the L and never saw her again.
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major Ls like this develops a man's character.

[COLOR=#red]Yes indeed bro, and once you get over something like this everything else is too easy...I'm actually glad that happened to me, it taught me how to not sweat stuff. There are so many women...good women, and before anyone says otherwise I'd advise to look in the right places. I don't call it a breakup...I call it Emancipation :rofl:[/COLOR]

Yeah as men we spend so much time trying to be strong in all things, physically, financially, socially, spiritually, etc, but rarely a focus on emotionally. Something like this forces you to be. It's really an experience you should go through.

Ya I'm going through this right now, it's def a learning experience that's needed but hey it happens, I'm a lot wiser for the next one, for now I'm enjoying myself, got this white girl and took her out tonight and she finally blessed the young gawd with that throat, swallowed and everything, had my toes curling, she def knows her role though, we didn't have that awkwardness after, she said ok you can take me back to my car I gotta go home :nthat:
is it legal for an employee to give her number to a customer (out in the open)?

over the winter, i was in the apple store and one of the girls on the floor struck up a convo. asking me about college, my future plans, etc. she was impressed and wide open by the time we got to the register. but there were 2 of her male coworkers peering over us by that point. she wasn't really communicating with them either... it seemed like they were waiting for her to do something unprofessional so they could snitch. i took the L and never saw her again. :frown:

Last summer I was in this baskin robbins at the beach that was packed. Got ice cream, hit it off with this girl that was helping us...bounced but my boy said she was definitely digging me, went back in asked for a sample of something and her number. she told me to walk down to where her manager couldn't see her and gave me the digits. ended up on the team til she went back to school :smokin
I took the advice from you guys and sat up another date. Went to the movies, kicked it after.

Drove her back to her house, walk her to her door. I kiss her and play it cool, tell her goodnight and purposely start to walk away. She looks at me and says "oh you forgot to turn the car off?" I don't think shorty realized that she indirectly told me she wanted me to come in. :lol: It was just supposed to just be me walking her to the door.

At this point I go turn my car off then walk back up to her door.

We have a deep conversation about religion and politics and within 30 minutes of that we smashed.

I kiss her and **** afterwards, then walk away to the bathroom. Shorty did not open her eyes for a good 20 minutes.

Good advice given in here, thank you NT. :pimp:
I took the advice from you guys and sat up another date. Went to the movies, kicked it after.

Drove her back to her house, walk her to her door. I kiss her and play it cool, tell her goodnight and purposely start to walk away. She looks at me and says "oh you forgot to turn the car off?" I don't think shorty realized that she indirectly told me she wanted me to come in. :lol: It was just supposed to just be me walking her to the door.

At this point I go turn my car off then walk back up to her door.

We have a deep conversation about religion and politics and within 30 minutes of that we smashed.

I kiss her and **** afterwards, then walk away to the bathroom. Shorty did not open her eyes for a good 20 minutes.

Good advice given in here, thank you NT. :pimp:

Where did you meet her at?

Where did you meet her at?

We had seen each other around through mutual friends plenty of times before, but one day I decided to hit her DM randomly. We started texting from there and met up within 3 days of all the texting and starting hanging out.

And to think this chick had me second guessing the game. :lol: NT with the clutch advice :pimp:
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Mane I been slackin on the out of town/ trip yambs this year fellas :smh: ..busy workin and also lazy on the weekends so I aint been nowhere, i need to make some time to go to the beach or another city or something, have some quick fun with some different yambs
NT bruhs chime in if you're not a high schooler :lol: (btw I'm not USAbball just same avy)

Lately I've been having a problem where I've divided up girls I'd smash into 3 categories

1. The ratchet. 0 commitment, serves her purpose and u don't give a **** bout her

2. Wifey material. No explanation needed, but they're a rare breed and you can actually see yourself being in a relationship with them and clicking on an intellectual level.

3. And then the one I've been having trouble with. The above average looking, kinda cool, decent girl who's on her ****, but isn't exactly what you're looking for in a partner. My problem is that I can bag them, but don't want to because of the commitment that would come with it. I feel that I can't just pull the smash and dash with these girls. I can't see a realistic scenario of me hitting it and no feelings being caught by the both of us. Yes I would smash, but it's the summer and we would both just start seeing each other on the regular cuz of the free time we have, going out on dates, and texting back and forth. I'm not trying to have that ish with a girl I know I'm not going to want to stay with. This scenario happened twice to me this past weekend where I was drunken Romeo and copped digits. Also these girls are friends of friends so less smash-and-dashability.
NT bruhs chime in if you're not a high schooler :lol: (btw I'm not USAbball just same avy)

Lately I've been having a problem where I've divided up girls I'd smash into 3 categories

1. The ratchet. 0 commitment, serves her purpose and u don't give a **** bout her

2. Wifey material. No explanation needed, but they're a rare breed and you can actually see yourself being in a relationship with them and clicking on an intellectual level.

3. And then the one I've been having trouble with. The above average looking, kinda cool, decent girl who's on her ****, but isn't exactly what you're looking for in a partner. My problem is that I can bag them, but don't want to because of the commitment that would come with it. I feel that I can't just pull the smash and dash with these girls. I can't see a realistic scenario of me hitting it and no feelings being caught by the both of us. Yes I would smash, but it's the summer and we would both just start seeing each other on the regular cuz of the free time we have, going out on dates, and texting back and forth. I'm not trying to have that ish with a girl I know I'm not going to want to stay with. This scenario happened twice to me this past weekend where I was drunken Romeo and copped digits. Also these girls are friends of friends so less smash-and-dashability.
This seems pretty simple, sounds like its all on you...you dont have to respond to texts, take em out or anything...just smash when you want and keep doing you...kinda sounds like you want to make the chicks from category 3 in to category 2
I got a 21 year old, 2 kids, did the bi thing for 4 years.. pure ratchetness as you gents call it.. Her cheeks are nice, but her belly is just as big.. She's a friend of my dad's gf (who is 19 btw).. I don't think my dad is going to let me leave town without smashing, he likes to live vicariously through my D, but he's a man of no standards hence the 19 yr old, butt-fugly gf.. 

Safe to say i'm trying to escape town without smashing even tho she already threw it at me and the peer-pressure from pops.. 
I can't seem to get over this one girl NT. How do you guys do it?

She's in my class so it's not like I can just stop seeing her all the time. She told a mutual friend in our class she knows I was trying to start something with her but she doesn't trust men due to family situations with her dad etc.

Due to her financial situation she doesn't get to enjoy much finer things in life so I bought a $400 bottle of Ace for our class barbeque knowing I won't get anything out of it. 
400 bottle of ace? 
I got a 21 year old, 2 kids, did the bi thing for 4 years.. pure ratchetness as you gents call it.. Her cheeks are nice, but her belly is just as big.. She's a friend of my dad's gf (who is 19 btw).. I don't think my dad is going to let me leave town without smashing, he likes to live vicariously through my D, but he's a man of no standards hence the 19 yr old, butt-fugly gf.. 

Safe to say i'm trying to escape town without smashing even tho she already threw it at me and the peer-pressure from pops.. 
Tell her to get 1 of her girls to join in

Might make it more interesting for you

I love lezzies and I'm a proud supporter
I support lezzies, but unlike juicy j I detest ratchet, hood-boogers.. I would be lowering my standards and believe me, I've had my fare share of rats, bbw's and trailer trash.. I've escaped with no children and std's from my younger years no need to risk it at 27.
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