TAY: thread about yambs...

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Ok the date for tmr is for a movie at 9. I told the girl i was going to pick her up at 7:30 and she's asking me why we can't hang out earlier. The movies a set thing she just wants to meet up earlier and then go to the movies. What does she want? I don't want to just "hang out" my intent is to smash.

Movies is good to get the foreplay/touching going unless it's a movie that will make her cry like a chick flick or rom com.

Also what's wrong with meeting up earlier?  She clearly likes you, don't blow this because you just want the yambs.

Use the earlier time to perhaps eat and converse, walk around, w.e.

Hopefully you get to smash tmr night.
lol i ****** up and said "what do you suggest then"

that's how badly i'm NOT interested in her company just that vagoo.

it's cuz her personality is so :x she blatantly lies about everything and so on and so forth.
go for drinks and a bite.. once drunk who cares what she says...
lol i ****** up and said "what do you suggest then"

that's how badly i'm NOT interested in her company just that vagoo.

it's cuz her personality is so :x she blatantly lies about everything and so on and so forth.

Is she that good looking?

I can't imagine putting any effort into a girl I hate

I love yambs but I love my free time even more
lol i ****** up and said "what do you suggest then"

that's how badly i'm NOT interested in her company just that vagoo.

it's cuz her personality is so :x she blatantly lies about everything and so on and so forth.

Is she that good looking?

I can't imagine putting any effort into a girl I hate

I love yambs but I love my free time even more


this seems like a waste of time.

fap and think about it after.
Ya if she's no fun at all to be around then it's better to just not hang with her and go do something else man. Yambs are good but not all yambs are good.
Ok the date for tmr is for a movie at 9. I told the girl i was going to pick her up at 7:30 and she's asking me why we can't hang out earlier. The movies a set thing she just wants to meet up earlier and then go to the movies. What does she want? I don't want to just "hang out" my intent is to smash.


This doesn't even make sense...

U generally have to "hang out" with girls before you "smash". Listening to her nonsense for and hour isn't gonna kill you. I'm sure you'll forget all about it when your balls deep about to hit your vinegar strokes...

This isn't even a "real" problem, nonsense. At least your getting yambs unlike the majority of whiny little boys in this thread. You have nothing to complain about... Carry on, lol.

Unrelated to this quote cus at least he gets girls to hang out with him:

Half the time people post in this thread I feel like it's for their ego's or to try and look cool.

I wonder how many of these stories are ********... Probably at least 1/3.

It's one thing to joke around, post pics, tell funny stories, or ask short legit questions (I guess- although your in trouble if you rely on an internet thread to help you get girls) but most of you are post these soppy ***, unconfident, whining, insecure sob stories or just straight up pointless **** and you expect some type of legit results like it's gonna step up your game, lol.

Mostly I just see a bunch of people patting each other on the back, stroking each other's egos or people trying to act like they know wtf their talking about...

I didn't need any internet thread to get vagina when I was younger, like I assume most of you are. You shouldn't either...

MOST of you, not all, but most need to MAN the **** up.

For those that don't get the vinegar strokes reference
 joeyd12 seem upset...u could have just kept everything in. But outburst like that happens like every 3 months in this thread 
 its nothing new.
 joeyd12 seem upset...u could have just kept everything in. But outburst like that happens like every 3 months in this thread 

 its nothing new.

I'm goodie.

I read this thread from time to time and just SMH at some of these sob stories and pity parties.

Some of you have to seriously man up.

Talking about "I'm scared" "I'm nervous" "I don't wanna be rejected" and ****.

There is a fare share of funny stories or posts too so it's worth it to check in.

But some of you just love to make a problem out of nothing or just post some random pointless ****.

If you spent half the time texting or talking to a female as you did posting or reading posts on here your problems would be solved.

"Be confident, be yourself, have fun and have some balls and go talk to her..."

That advice just solved 80% of the "problems" posted in here.

happy hunting...
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Got denied a # at work today. Shorty always comes to my section flirting and tells me about her day and how shes bored outside of work. So I asked if she wanted to get a bite to eat and she said she has a dude lol eff it

But I went out for drinks tonight and the big booty customer service chick from my job was at the bar with friends, shes like 2-3 years older. I said waddup so she could see I'm fresh outside of work. Gotta secure that *** on my next shift

To be continued...
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Was just boutta post some tips for dude asking, but damn it feels weird typing it out knowing that it ain't a girl reading it.
Took me a gotdamn minute to find but she was posted in the asian appreciation thread several times.


She's on this page so i guess listening to her talk shouldn't be that bad

I'll let you guys know which one once the deed is done.


How i handled it.


First off you posted a link but didnt eem point her out
Second, I don't know what planet some of you cats are living on, but this girl is clearly into you and she talmbout" I miss you"
***** she asking you to come over early because maybe just maybe she wants the D before the movies...
Yamb Nation you got to think in these situations, girls are not hard to understand( now once you get into a relationship things do change), I guarantee you missed out on a golden opportunity to either already be in them draws or pregame to get the panties moist... I still hope you hit but you talmbout " in cuts into your bball time"..
Where the hell they do that at???
on your free time do you guys finger your own a holes?
First off you posted a link but didnt eem point her out
Second, I don't know what planet some of you cats are living on, but this girl is clearly into you and she talmbout" I miss you"
***** she asking you to come over early because maybe just maybe she wants the D before the movies...
Yamb Nation you got to think in these situations, girls are not hard to understand( now once you get into a relationship things do change), I guarantee you missed out on a golden opportunity to either already be in them draws or pregame to get the panties moist... I still hope you hit but you talmbout " in cuts into your bball time"..
Where the hell they do that at???
Yes it does look like he might have missed out on an opportunity, but lets see how things play out.  What happened later on that night?  If she wants the D before dinner, unless he says something STUPID they are still available after dinner.  Especially if drinks are flowing that P is going to be moist and ready.
she was def throwing it at you.. you could have picked her up early, went out to eat and smashed instead of the movie...
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