TAY: thread about yambs...

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so.... what's your point? :nerd:

:lol: I guess my point is..

Why do these ****** feel like they have to spend money on a chick?

He honestly could have smashed too without dropping any cash. I don't want to tell him I smashed too, without taking her out or anything.
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so.... what's your point? :nerd:

Why do these ****** feel like they have to spend money on a chick?

because some guys just don't know another way of doing it, or they just think they HAVE to do it.

I only spend money on a girl when I like her a lot and when I know it's serious.

If I'd only want to smash, I might take you out once but I'm not dropping anything near 100$ on your ***.
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Some of yall that are close to each other need to meet up and tag team some friends, sisters and so on.

Youngdoc and I have the best of both worlds. It literally is Stockton to Malone when we go out. The white guy and the black guy are 4/4 when we go out together.

West and Baylor!
:lol: I guess my point is..

Why do these ****** feel like they have to spend money on a chick?

He honestly could have smashed too without dropping any cash. I don't want to tell him I smashed too, without taking her out or anything.

Why dont u ask the dude lol. I dont think any of the regulars in here are dropping $$ on girls like that. I spend more $$ on my homies going out and buying rounds for the boys than I do girls BY FAR lol.
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I guess my point is..

Why do these ****** feel like they have to spend money on a chick?

He honestly could have smashed too without dropping any cash. I don't want to tell him I smashed too, without taking her out or anything.
Come on bruh...

Forget about her and the dude.
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I guess sucka's will be sucka's. He's a good dude but he's making himself look like a fool dropping hundreds on this ***.

Dude even offered to buy me a bottle of Henny on my b-day. Don't even talk to the guy like that. :lol:

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I guess sucka's will be sucka's. He's a good dude but he's making himself look like a fool dropping hundreds on this ***.

Dude even offered to buy me a bottle of Henny on my b-day. Don't even talk to the guy like that.
Maybe he used her to get close to your yambz 
I guess sucka's will be sucka's. He's a good dude but he's making himself look like a fool dropping hundreds on this ***.

Dude even offered to buy me a bottle of Henny on my b-day. Don't even talk to the guy like that. :lol:
maybe he got it like that and doesn't mind spending his money on people? whocurrs

Speaking of pay for play


And this is a chick who takes loads on camera for a living :lol:

but I'm out here working and hustling for a living :smh:

oh well, get that paper boo boo
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Speaking of pay for play


And this is a chick who takes loads on camera for a living :lol:

Mane I swear I could never do it bruh!!! I don't eemm understand the ish honestly..
My homegirls hip me to dudes doing this type of ish for them on the reg and Im like where the real dudes at cuz these dudes out here messing up the game.. My homegirl had a dude buying her groceries, hitting her wit bill money and dude hadn't eemmm smashed.. Aint no way homie..
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Your homegirls are equally lame for accepting that $ though, so both parties should be embarrassed
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So I met this older chick the other day- I'm 21, she's in her 40's. Ended up hanging out with her the next evening/night, grabbed a few drinks at the bar and learned a lesson I figured I should share with my NT folk:

These broads dont change, they just get older. 

Turns out she's married with kids and just runs around getting at almost any guy she finds attractive who comes at her. 

Got the top in the bar parking lot...keeping her on the team for sure too
drought broken...

aaaaaand... I'm thinking I may have stumbled across a top 3 yamb in my life looking for a jump off...

:smh: x :pimp:
drought broken...

aaaaaand... I'm thinking I may have stumbled across a top 3 yamb in my life looking for a jump off...

:smh: x :pimp:

Careful down that route, she play her cards right she might move into wifey position, keep your eyes open
Where are said pictures of your yambs?

It's a thread just for that you know

I'll post but them, I have plenty of them. Dudes are just gonna hate like I'm bragging, but if you want I'll post.

But I don't wanna hear people hatin because I'm "bragging" or giving me ****...

I would love to see that in here, dudes actually post photos instead of just talking...

I posted some photos a few weeks ago.

Joey kinda brash wit' it, but I agree.... lately it ain't people really needing real advice, just dudes scared over "problems" that ain't even real "problems". I lurk the thread from time to time and I just shake my head at its current state :smh:

As posted as cold as I may be about it, that's generally the issue with half the posts or "problems" in here... Just makes me like

"really dude?"

But I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees this ****.

I'm not trying to he a ****... I'm giving you some of my advice which happens to be harsh- my bad.

Sometimes you just need a big smack to put things in perspective and this is probably a good place to get it even if it is on the internet :lol:

Thank you

somebody get this ***** a drink...


it started with JoeyD12 coming in saying he pulls yambs that will make people in here stutter...

**** outta here with that dumb **** bro...

acting like everybody should be on your perceived level when it comes to chicks.

hate when cats try to shine on others lack of knowledge...

if it was that damn simple and easy, there wouldn't eem be a need for the thread, now would it?

That's not how it started if you read back.

That's not how it started at all. And I wasn't trying to "shine" on anyone and I certainly don't have expectations of anyone to be on any level. Idk how you can infer that from one sentence about myself in all that I posted.

The only reason I even said that was to point out that I'm not just some dude running his mouth about something I know nothing about.

I've been doing it my whole life. I'll tell you how I got started and offer my two cents.

I had an older cousin, was like an older brother who dropped diamonds of knowledge in my ears when I was crazy young. I was running game on girls at 13 when dudes where writing "do you like me please circle yes or no" notes in class.

He basically schooled me up my entire life. He would promote and DJ local parties at bars/clubs and take me with. We also did Teen nights with a $20 entry and $3 cups of soda. Thousands kids would come and would in my area and have me promote/DJ, and we would profit a few thousand off one night, I would get payed to DJ.

Same cousin ended up owning a nightclub and had me start as his grand opening DJ when I was 15. I worked on Thurs, Friday and Saturday nights. I was a big kid and very mature for my age and looked much older than I was at the time. I was actually the same height and weight I am now, same shoe size. (Still can rock my OG's lol) Everyone thought I was 18-19.

To say the least I was gettin it at a young age. Making around $1,000 week and $600-$800 spinning at sweet 16's, birthdays, grad parties or weddings. And since I was in high school still and my name could be heard on the popular local radio station commercials for the nightclub, the entire high school wanted me to DJ their parties. I'm sure that also played a hype part in the amount of vagina thrown at me.

When I was 16 I dated and lived with a 21 year old wanna be actress/model, she was one of my first GF's. She was a shot girl at a club I was djing at... Dated her for a year, realized I didn't wanna be with only one chic, broke up with her and went HAM.

By the time I got to college I was a wrap. Got whatever I wanted.

Say I'm bragging, whatever else blah blah.... Not the point.

You can say it was about the money I was making or the exposure but that's not the case because I didn't spend money on girls like that and I pulled girls I met out in the city that didn't even know my background.

The point is I was thrown into the game when I was really young. I had a older mentor that taught me everything I needed to know and I gained self confidence and learned the game at a young age. Plus with the whole DJ nightlife background, I knew how to have fun.

There are many different approaches to many dofferent situations, and it untimely depends on what your trying to do and the situation your in, so that's a circumstance that would require specific advice, but...

As far as any situation is concerned:

If your confident and FUN TO BE AROUND. That's half the battle. Girls wanna have fun, specially young girls. If you show them a blast, make them laugh and at the same time play it cool, confident and mysterious... Gaurentee they attack you at the end of the night and you'll never have to make the first move because they always will.

I can't stress confidence enough either... I'm not saying be COCKY, because that's a huge turn off for women. But you need to be confident in yourself and not some limp little sob story afraid to talk to a girl or have a conversation.

You shouldn't be afraid to approach a girl ever. If your comin at her like it's win or lose in the first 30 seconds, you already lost. It's just a girl, she's not gonna kill you- no reason to be afraid. And if you don't approach her you def lose, then your just beating your self.

And lastly play it cool and mysterious, chicks eat that **** up. Talk about yourself if she asks, but don't blabber on about yourself like your trying to tell her your life story, and don't ask unnecessary questions about her either. Don't make it seem like your "trying to get to know her". Treat her like someone you've known your entire life, like you would treat one of your friends (just with a vagina). And then when she opens up and you see the signs, start casual flirting and SMALL COMPLIMENTS- don't sit there all night blabbering about how hot she is and "OMG".

The majority of the time I don't even try or put effort into "kicking game" I just hang out and she always ends up coming to me. You let them know your interested by making eye contact with them, smiling casually a certain way, maybe getting closer than you normally would, or even just paying more attention to her out of the other girls in the group and if you end up taking it to the dance floor, it's a wrap... If you can dance lol.

And for all the guys that are too afraid to make the move.

The signs I was talking anout - You should be able to tell when a girl is into you, You can read their body language and eyes. It's very easy to tell and even more easier to see from as an outsider, like you can always tell when a chic is digging your friend, even if he can't.

They will make eye contact with you, smile and laugh a certain way. They'll sit there and try to act cute and ****. It's pretty obvious to tell... Most guys are oblivious to this and sit there wondering when to make a move when the girl is clearly feelin them.

Football team I play for has a playoff game tomorow morning so I stayed in tonight and ended up writing this book, lol. Not everyone needs this advice, I clearly see that. But for the guys that do, Best of luck.

You can say I'm bragging, I don't care, flame on all you want. I decided to offer more advice than "MAN UP" for the guys that actually need real advice.
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