TAY: thread about yambs...

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The point is I was thrown into the game when I was really young. I had a older mentor that taught me everything I needed to know and I gained self confidence and learned the game at a young age. Plus with the whole DJ nightlife background, I knew how to have fun.

There are many different approaches to many dofferent situations, and it untimely depends on what your trying to do and the situation your in, so that's a circumstance that would require specific advice, but...

As far as any situation is concerned:

If your confident and FUN TO BE AROUND. That's half the battle. Girls wanna have fun, specially young girls. If you show them a blast, make them laugh and at the same time play it cool, confident and mysterious... Gaurentee they attack you at the end of the night and you'll never have to make the first move because they always will.

I can't stress confidence enough either... I'm not saying be COCKY, because that's a huge turn off for women. But you need to be confident in yourself and not some limp little sob story afraid to talk to a girl or have a conversation.

You shouldn't be afraid to approach a girl ever. If your comin at her like it's win or lose in the first 30 seconds, you already lost. It's just a girl, she's not gonna kill you- no reason to be afraid. And if you don't approach her you def lose, then your just beating your self.

And lastly play it cool and mysterious, chicks eat that **** up. Talk about yourself if she asks, but don't blabber on about yourself like your trying to tell her your life story, and don't ask uneasicary questions about her either. Don't make it seem like your "trying to get to know her". Treat her like someone you've known your entire life, like you would treat one of your friends (just with a vagina). And then when she opens up and you see the signs, start casual flirting and SMALL COMPLIMENTS- don't sit there all night blabbering about how hot she is and "OMG".

The majority of the time I don't even try or put effort into "kicking game" I just hang out and she always ends up coming to me. You let them know your interested by making eye contact with them, smiling casually a certain way, maybe getting closer than you normally would, or even just paying more attention to her out of the other girls in the group and if you end up taking it to the dance floor, it's a wrap... If you can dance lol.

And for all the guys that are too afraid to make the move.

The signs I was talking anout - You should be able to tell when a girl is into you, You can read their body language and eyes. It's very easy to tell and even more easier to see from as an outsider, like you can always tell when a chic is digging your friend, even if he can't.

They will make eye contact with you, smile and laugh a certain way. They'll sit there and try to act cute and ****. It's pretty obvious to tell... Most guys are oblivious to this and sit there wondering when to make a move when the girl is clearly feelin them.

Football team I play for has a playoff game tomorow morning so I stayed in tonight and ended up writing this book, lol. Not everyone needs this advice, I clearly see that. But for the guys that do, Best of luck.

You can say I'm bragging, I don't care, flame on all you want. I decided to offer more advice than "MAN UP" for the guys that actually need real advice.
Something about that just clicked for me...made sense.  All the advice in this thread wrapped up into one sentence about approaching girls.

I have experienced the revelation.

Thank you JoeyD12, thank you BasedGod (you always thank the BG).

That's how I got my first yamb...didn't even realize that was what I was doing.

my frans I just can't stop smiling, I think I may have just had the wettest yambs of my life tonight, the entire bottom half of the bed was soaked after we finished :x :pimp:
it's 4 am and that kitty got me restless :lol:
Speaking of pay for play

And this is a chick who takes loads on camera for a living
From chicks posting thirst PM's to stuff like this...

From chicks posting thirst PM's to stuff like this...


Dude got the yambs. She has sex on video for money, you don't think she's gonna have sex with some random dude for more money? of course she screwed him, that's how it works with gold diggers, lol.

Btw if u google her name there is a couple interesting videos of her lol she's not even that hot... she's like a short plump lil Kim.

Dirt Chicken
lmao the thought of that hurts my soul @ peep

It's true though. Her (and others) get banged on camera, but in real life attempt to have some dignity (LOL).

And on the flipside, you have dudes in perfect situations with a good wife and kids, but they pay variant Samone Taylor chicks to get on all fours and slowly drink milk out of a bowl like a kitten.
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Those lawyers types, doctors do this **** all the time.

It was a case in my hometown years back about a dentist who was murdered by a chick and another dude, but the dentist had been sleeping with the young chick for a few months, paying her this and that. 

She got greedy I guess, prb on drugs, but she conspires with her friend to kill the dentist, and they did. 
Too long to quote but Joey dropped some knowledge.

Being the guy who's relaxed, confident, and fun to be around goes a long way.

Me and my boy met up with this chick he's getting at and two of her friends at this spot in SM last night. I play it cool with both chicks - chill convo but not too deep or long, minimal dancing, no drink buying.

After the spit closes we hit up a taco truck and I figure out which one is more down. After this beta buys all the girls food, the 5th wheel finds her one in about 10 minutes (these LA girls don't play) and all 6 of us roll back to their spot.

Once we get alone chick is all over me. Never spit "game". Half Asian half Latina :evil: :smokin
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I guess sucka's will be sucka's. He's a good dude but he's making himself look like a fool dropping hundreds on this ***.

Dude even offered to buy me a bottle of Henny on my b-day. Don't even talk to the guy like that. :lol:


But who is he looking like a fool to? it's only you going around telling his business out there like that
But who is he looking like a fool to? it's only you going around telling his business out there like that

The entire workplace. It's not like he was trying to keep it a secret..he's told the other guys/girls we work with too.

A casual... "yeah me and _______ went shopping this weekend I bought her this (insert item here)"

I wouldn't call him a friend but an associate.

It's almost like an attempt to brag to the other guys when he brings it up. :lol:
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Update on my co worker

I come to find out she has a man, this guy that transferred to my department confirmed. She didn't tell me herself but I suspected that she did cause when we talk she's dropped hints. Apparently she's dating a guy who I know, he happens to be the one who orders all the products for our department :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

No wonder dude barely talks to me and he's been muggin' me for a while now. He probably thinks I'm trying take his girl, I never knew they were even together. She's the one that always initiates convo with me and checks me out. Honestly I would just smash cause she's not that good looking and her body is eehh.
So I met this older chick the other day- I'm 21, she's in her 40's. Ended up hanging out with her the next evening/night, grabbed a few drinks at the bar and learned a lesson I figured I should share with my NT folk:
These broads dont change, they just get older. 

Turns out she's married with kids and just runs around getting at almost any guy she finds attractive who comes at her. 

Got the top in the bar parking lot...keeping her on the team for sure too

:smh: at both of y'all
Bruh I don't choke , I love when girls me rough . One used to bite on me while riding and she also used to slap me in the face and punch me in the chest to make me hit it harder. So craziest thing I did was in my trapping days use to take coke and put it on my cawk and let the go to town . Word to the departed and madflavor . Also I had a story similar to peep game but Instead of a step team or que dawgs cane it was the barrel of a 9mm empty of course . Damn I wish social media was more prevalent and all phone had cameras that were decent because the amount of women I could put on blast would break up homes. Still have a lot of Polaroids and camcorder videos thou
 Am I the only one who saw this. My dude is wild.
Update on my co worker

I come to find out she has a man, this guy that transferred to my department confirmed. She didn't tell me herself but I suspected that she did cause when we talk she's dropped hints. Apparently she's dating a guy who I know, he happens to be the one who orders all the products for our department

No wonder dude barely talks to me and he's been muggin' me for a while now. He probably thinks I'm trying take his girl, I never knew they were even together. She's the one that always initiates convo with me and checks me out. Honestly I would just smash cause she's not that good looking and her body is eehh.
hopefully you did the noble thing and stepped of
Bruh I don't choke , I love when girls me rough . One used to bite on me while riding and she also used to slap me in the face and punch me in the chest to make me hit it harder. So craziest thing I did was in my trapping days use to take coke and put it on my cawk and let the go to town . Word to the departed and madflavor . Also I had a story similar to peep game but Instead of a step team or que dawgs cane it was the barrel of a 9mm empty of course . Damn I wish social media was more prevalent and all phone had cameras that were decent because the amount of women I could put on blast would break up homes. Still have a lot of Polaroids and camcorder videos thou
 Am I the only one who saw this. My dude is wild.
Nah man. I peeped as well.  
Update on my co worker

I come to find out she has a man, this guy that transferred to my department confirmed. She didn't tell me herself but I suspected that she did cause when we talk she's dropped hints. Apparently she's dating a guy who I know, he happens to be the one who orders all the products for our department :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

No wonder dude barely talks to me and he's been muggin' me for a while now. He probably thinks I'm trying take his girl, I never knew they were even together. She's the one that always initiates convo with me and checks me out. Honestly I would just smash cause she's not that good looking and her body is eehh.
hopefully you did the noble thing and stepped of
of course, I'm not that type of guy. She's a real cool friend anyways. I never gave her any signs that I wanted to get at her. Of course if she gave me the green light and didn't have a man, I would be in them guts without hesitation.
Didn't he say it was 10+ years ago. Anyways, there's freaky then there's that. He sure messed with some messed up in the head broads

That had to been some time ago if he talking about Polaroids. You got to be mess up in the head to put a gun in your butt hole like how does that even happens. She sees the gun and is like **** baby jam that barrel in my ***.
[COLOR=red ]Public Service Yamb-nouncement...please be careful or just plain don't smash these married broads.

Here's why...a lot of times married chicks start effing around to get back at their husband who's ****ing everybody and her sister :lol: And sometimes they'll throw that the fact that she is cheating too back in his face...OR a chick will feel guilty and tell her husband she was smashing. Mad husbands are different from mad boyfriends. Mad boyfriends can just leave, mad husbands have to go through a long drawn out divorce. Don't risk being that guy the husband comes after it just aint worth it with all these single broads running around. I'm not saying to be scared of dude, just saying try to avoid the situation period.

With that being said those married yambs be soooo good. They so aggressive and horny after so many years of being up under a dude they don't love no mo :rofl:

NVW I know that you didn't know beforehand that she was married bro [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=red ]Public Service Yamb-nouncement...please be careful or just plain don't smash these married broads.

Here's why...a lot of times married chicks start effing around to get back at their husband who's ****ing everybody and her sister :lol: And sometimes they'll throw that the fact that she is cheating too back in his face...OR a chick will feel guilty and tell her husband she was smashing. Mad husbands are different from mad boyfriends. Mad boyfriends can just leave, mad husbands have to go through a long drawn out divorce. Don't risk being that guy the husband comes after it just aint worth it with all these single broads running around. I'm not saying to be scared of dude, just saying try to avoid the situation period.

With that being said those married yambs be soooo good. They so aggressive and horny after so many years of being up under a dude they don't love no mo :rofl:

NVW I know that you didn't know beforehand that she was married bro [/COLOR]

yo i just found out that you can be sued if your caught cheating with a married women. The husband can seriously sue you for everything here in NC. Thats most insane thing ive heard in a while. If the wife is not happy at home and she steps out for drinks one night and i run into her spark a covo get the buns. She can go on a guilt trip tell her husband and they both can plot to sue me. how crazy is that?
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what would you guys classify as a clingy s/o? :nerd: does it still count if the guy initiates the conversations everyday?

i know i shouldn't be self-conscious about this, but i don't wanna seem like some clingy obsessed little girl... i do miss him alot when we're not talking :wow: we have our individual space and i respect the times when he's working or doing other things.
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