TAY: thread about yambs...

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Not going to front, never had closure for my first love, was a wound that Took a long time to heal( the girl I was engaged to).... I think in those situations were you lived with somebody,etc... And you are actually watching it fall apart and have no control and you actually loved that female and gave a ish about her thoughts and future and to just let it burn is kinda hard and you wonder "What the Hell could we have done different", in that circumstance I can see wanting closure, but since then I haven't been in love so I could careless what those girls are doing...
But if me and my current dont work, I can for see wanting closure( 2nd time I have ever been in love)...

[COLOR=#red]I feel you bro...I've been hurt really really really bad one time in my life by a woman...Had I stayed in the same place/city as her it would have taken awhile to get over it...fortunate for me I moved to California shortly after and she quickly became an afterthought.

From how it seems you and yours will be a great couple...for one you are mature enough to be the type of man you need to be to make things work. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Yamb'ers. Your boy has not been smashing as of lately...I have just been entertaining various females over at my apartment...BUT I'm satisfied with that for some odd reason. Has anybody else in here been on that? I mean it's sorta like I've just been enjoying the conversation and the company of women in my presence. Hate to say it, but sometimes smashing brings on too many expectations and actually ruin things.

I can't be the only simp guy that's been going through this stage lately can I?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]I feel you bro...I've been hurt really really really bad one time in my life by a woman...Had I stayed in the same place/city as her it would have taken awhile to get over it...fortunate for me I moved to California shortly after and she quickly became an afterthought.

From how it seems you and yours will be a great couple...for one you are mature enough to be the type of man you need to be to make things work. [/COLOR]
Thanks @Elder...
Man it took me a looooooong time to get to this place... My first was back home in The Bay and it was the best move for me to move back to Houston, I know I would have done something stupid if I stayed,smh...
But my chick now is just, man, I can't describe it...
We are on some Voltron ish, like when we come together, it's a team and that's beautiful, she even met my lab partner and was like,"Man if I was a dude I would hit that with the hammer", lol...
But the missteps I took to get here, I just smh because I know damn well I don't deserve her sometimes but that's apart of growing up...
Like I said if we don't work, then I will be good just being a bachelor because I honestly don't think any girl will ever top her...
Thanks @Elder...
Man it took me a looooooong time to get to this place... My first was back home in The Bay and it was the best move for me to move back to Houston, I know I would have done something stupid if I stayed,smh...
But my chick now is just, man, I can't describe it...
We are on some Voltron ish, like when we come together, it's a team and that's beautiful, she even met my lab partner and was like,"Man if I was a dude I would hit that with the hammer", lol...
But the missteps I took to get here, I just smh because I know damn well I don't deserve her sometimes but that's apart of growing up...
Like I said if we don't work, then I will be good just being a bachelor because I honestly don't think any girl will ever top her...

[COLOR=#red]Indeed brother. You and she will be fine...put that energy out in the air with no doubts or worries.[/COLOR]
But the missteps I took to get here, I just smh because I know damn well I don't deserve her sometimes but that's apart of growing up...
Like I said if we don't work, then I will be good just being a bachelor because I honestly don't think any girl will ever top her...

Damn that's deep, I hurt my ex so much. I told myself I would never bring the same bs into the next relationship. I've come to realize me and my ex were not compatiable emotionally or affectionally. Which lead me to stray outside of the house.

I need someone to kiss me on the next and tell me she loves me. Tell me she appreciate me sometimes. And also be sexual aggressive. It gets old chasing your GF for the buns. Well not chasing but always makin the first move. Don't get me wrong she was a great girl in every other area far as a relationship but those things would've ruined us. Later down the line.
[COLOR=#red]Yamb'ers. Your boy has not been smashing as of lately...I have just been entertaining various females over at my apartment...BUT I'm satisfied with that for some odd reason. Has anybody else in here been on that? I mean it's sorta like I've just been enjoying the conversation and the company of women in my presence. Hate to say it, but sometimes smashing brings on too many expectations and actually ruin things.

I can't be the only simp guy that's been going through this stage lately can I?[/COLOR]

Cuffin season in full effect :lol:

Naw I understand what you mean. I'm not at thst place bc I don't have any chicks I'm interested in like that.

There's one potentially but we haven't even kicked it yet. I'm not gonna try to smash quickly, definitely complicates things.
[COLOR=#red]Yamb'ers. Your boy has not been smashing as of lately...I have just been entertaining various females over at my apartment...BUT I'm satisfied with that for some odd reason. Has anybody else in here been on that? I mean it's sorta like I've just been enjoying the conversation and the company of women in my presence. Hate to say it, but sometimes smashing brings on too many expectations and actually ruin things.

I can't be the only simp guy that's been going through this stage lately can I?[/COLOR]

My first love and I ended mutually.

but I was hurt bad by 1 ex, and kinda hurt by another. took about a year + to get over first ex because it was just like, bam... no rhyme or reason.
the 2nd one, just got me to open up when i was not trying to. false promises blah blah and it just sucked more.

but ive met 4 girls in the past 3 months that have honestly knocked my socks off
I've been finding myself.
my confidence is up. i'm good.
Ain't eem got a rotation :smh:

Right there with yah

Got the crib for a week (I never get open crib) and I'm not even friends talking to any chicks like that
I got back from Minneapolis MN while visiting my friend up there a few weeks ago and I can't believe how receptive the white women were out there! I managed to bag two cuties with hella ***!!

Then I get back home and start school and can't manage to pull for ****! Looks like I'm in for one of my infamous droughts.
Anyone else hate talking to their girl on the phone?

We mesh perfectly in person, convo is amazing. But once she calls....meeehhhhh... Lol
[COLOR=#red]Me and the girl who has a husband ( I thought it was just her man, but her girlfriend told me during the football game against Rice that she's actually married) have a very interesting relationship. We are slowly starting to spend more time together and not a day goes by without us texting each other to see how our day went. We have been showing up to public events together...we now break bread together (eat), I've been past her apt with her having nothing but a t-shirt and super short shorts with nothing on under them. All this time I'm keeping it platonic and she is too but there's something a brewing underneath it all.

We can't stay away from each other my dudes, yet we are true friends. We have a connection but she's married and check this...she has never ever ever ever not once mentioned her being married or said anything about her husband to me. I respect marriage and I don't want to be a part of that triangle but I can't help but to feel the energy she puts out to me.

This is an advanced TAY situation that I don't even have the answer too. It's weird because she's married but her hubby lives in HOU, but her and I spend more time together than they do. I'm sure he wouldn't be too cool with how things are between us...platonic or not.

I've been talking to my frat about it and he's like "you treading in dangerous waters Bro...you know like I know that this pretend game y'all playing will eventually break down, and mofos get killed over stuff like this". His words are true...yet I can't break away and neither can she it seems.

What would Fontaine,Ecook, youngdoc, young Hollywood, RR, Mark Anthony, Peep, Mugen, Tdogg, Keel, and the other regs do?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]I type stuff like this because even though I have answers and advice, I don't have all the answers and all the advice. I get caught up and take L's just like the next man, just that I try as much as possible to minimize it.[/COLOR]
My advice would be stay away. It's not worth it.

Plenty of other yambs in the world and chick is being dishonest/shady with her actions.
What was some of the issues you went through?
my first gf..

she made me miserable, after fights she would walk to my home at night to try and talk to me (we lived three miles away), i could never shake her off and always took her back since i couldn't escape. Called the cops a few times because she wouldn't leave my car after fights(got physical, and i was the one that called every time..), i had to take her in after she got kicked out twice, we fought constantly, she was the type that'll do anything to keep me around, once she tried to swallow a bunch of diet pills in front of me since i tried to leave her.

Her family drama was extra weight that fell on my shoulders, i let it all effect me during school. I'm a crazy dumbass too since i kept taking her back when i couldn't escape her, i also felt really bad for her, i was the most legit captain save a... i helped her get back in school. She saw that i kept taking her back so it was the same crap over and over again, that was where i messed up. Eventually i just ditched her and started dating, she followed me to work, threatened my new girl, but didn't scare her away.. 

there's so much more to this.. too much to type (more cops and fighting involved), but some of the stuff i deserved, but most of it was her going extremely crazy.
@ElderWatsonDiggs you know damn well that she's open to (at the very least) attention from you in a non-platonic way. And you know what the right thing to do in this situation would be. Furthermore, I feel as if you know what you'd like to do. So you're trying to gain support for that desire although you've had a counter stance brought to you by your friend, but it's the support you're looking for. Personally if I was the husband, I'd want you to smash my wife and then tell me about it. We can laugh it up and talk about how much of a roller she is while I thank you for allowing me to cut my losses early. Most men don't think like that unfortunately and if the husband finds out, he'll look at you like you're to blame as opposed to a hero for bringing out what his "wife" is...
[COLOR=#red]youngdoc and gotJz, of course I know the right thing to do my dudes...but the hard part is breaking away. Her and I both are getting something out of this...just as much as she could just come out and say she's married, I could let her know that I know she's married. So in that sense we're both playing this dangerous game.

I have never knowingly smashed a married woman. But real talk...they don't call it "caught up" for nothing. It's like you know better but it's so hard to do better in certain situations. I guess I'm curious to know if there are any of y'all in here that would just say eff it and smash if presented the opportunity. [/COLOR]
Okay @Elder, Big Homie walk away from this as fast as possible and never turn back...
Back in undergrad(and when I moved back to Houston) I worked at Target(this was the time I was hard as a rock and I wasnt paying chicks no mind but hard **** and bubble gum)...But one day a doppelgänger for Rihanna starts working there and I told my immediate supervisor"Thats going to be mines", so I kept in g, layed in the cut while ****** went straight nuclear thirsty on her... I played my position, never paid attention to her, gave her cold shoulders, blah,blah, all the things you do to make a chick start to question"Why is this one dude not talking to me",...So she starts working with my team that puts out new merchandise and whatever and that's when I made my play, we found out we both go to UH and just making small talk, getting to know each other... Found out her "fiancé" worked at another Target and was a supervisor, okay cool I back off a little until one night we stayed on the phone until like 5am, I was straight lacing her with the nasty talk and metaphors of what I would do to her... She texts me later"you got me wet,hehe"(Word), later she explains how her mans father pays her phone bill and we might get in trouble with a smirk,(now a ***** knows he should walk away but this was a bad red bone on catastrophic proportions and she got me hook)...Took her to a porn store(but we are supposed to be platonic), took her out to eat, etc... All the things her man wasnt doing(shout out to Joe)... Anyway (this is when I had to live with ma dukes for a while until I got on my feet), she comes over to the crib at 1am(also forgot we got into a huge argument at work, ignored her, so she comes and puts her ******* on a ***** arm talmbout I am sorry, blah,blah), now you know when a girl comes over a 1am(it's ******g season), but I fumble...smh, the following week I bring her flowers to her new job and we cool again and ask her to come to my partners wedding(her fiancé finds the text and he wants to ask me questions,blah,blah...also I was over his crib one night while he had to pull a overnight shift)...anyway "I am like naw we can't be doing this, and she is like, it's cool he just playin, he is not about that life", "Just to make sure I call into work the next day because I am not trying to lose my life over this ***** and she truly doesn't know what a man would do in that situation...So everything is cool and I proceed to go to the wedding, call her so I can pick her up, no response, called her like 5 times, no response so I say FDB( Young Dro) and turn my phone off, she leaves this crazy *** voicemail and I proceed to call her back and go HAM... Find out a couple months later she pregnant with dude kid,smh...
I know that was a long *** story but what I am trying to convey is this chick is enjoying the attention her man is not giving her because they apart(but college station and houston is tooooooooooo damn close to be playing this game broham), walk away, this will not end good... All I am saying is a woman who is attractive, smart,funny, etc is not in the business of being "platonic friends", she is loving the attention and the closeness of a man she thinks could potentially lead her out the darkness of her marriage or you could become her revenge **** because what he might have done in the pass...I strictly live by the rule of not being friends with women and my girl has the same policy for men, because as you have stated "We are animals, eventually animals do things", its only a matter of time when you go over her place and she is Bucky Naked and you will find yourself in a predicament you don't want to be in.....
Keep it 100 with her and say what you feel, don't be out there like that because a hurt man or a man that knows his girl is ******g or is even close to another man is a problem you don't want to have.... Toooo Many ****** have died over these females or get locked up only to see the female with another ***** enjoying her life and completely forgot about the damage she has done...
Sorry for the long post but these are one of many dumb *** decisions I did in my life, lol
[COLOR=#red]youngdoc and gotJz, of course I know the right thing to do my dudes...but the hard part is breaking away. Her and I both are getting something out of this...just as much as she could just come out and say she's married, I could let her know that I know she's married. So in that sense we're both playing this dangerous game.

I have never knowingly smashed a married woman. But real talk...they don't call it "caught up" for nothing. It's like you know better but it's so hard to do better in certain situations. I guess I'm curious to know if there are any of y'all in here that would just say eff it and smash if presented the opportunity. [/COLOR]
Ahhhh I have another year out here in before starting grad school. Depending on the married chick I would smash if the opportunity is right. Like that older chick I posted months ago looking like halle berry(46 looking like she 28). I would have to but that's just me.
Okay @Elder, Big Homie walk away from this as fast as possible and never turn back...
Back in undergrad(and when I moved back to Houston) I worked at Target(this was the time I was hard as a rock and I wasnt paying chicks no mind but hard **** and bubble gum)...But one day a doppelgänger for Rihanna starts working there and I told my immediate supervisor"Thats going to be mines", so I kept in g, layed in the cut while ****** went straight nuclear thirsty on her... I played my position, never paid attention to her, gave her cold shoulders, blah,blah, all the things you do to make a chick start to question"Why is this one dude not talking to me",...So she starts working with my team that puts out new merchandise and whatever and that's when I made my play, we found out we both go to UH and just making small talk, getting to know each other... Found out her "fiancé" worked at another Target and was a supervisor, okay cool I back off a little until one night we stayed on the phone until like 5am, I was straight lacing her with the nasty talk and metaphors of what I would do to her... She texts me later"you got me wet,hehe"(Word), later she explains how her mans father pays her phone bill and we might get in trouble with a smirk,(now a ***** knows he should walk away but this was a bad red bone on catastrophic proportions and she got me hook)...Took her to a porn store(but we are supposed to be platonic), took her out to eat, etc... All the things her man wasnt doing(shout out to Joe)... Anyway (this is when I had to live with ma dukes for a while until I got on my feet), she comes over to the crib at 1am(also forgot we got into a huge argument at work, ignored her, so she comes and puts her ******* on a ***** arm talmbout I am sorry, blah,blah), now you know when a girl comes over a 1am(it's ******g season), but I fumble...smh, the following week I bring her flowers to her new job and we cool again and ask her to come to my partners wedding(her fiancé finds the text and he wants to ask me questions,blah,blah...also I was over his crib one night while he had to pull a overnight shift)...anyway "I am like naw we can't be doing this, and she is like, it's cool he just playin, he is not about that life", "Just to make sure I call into work the next day because I am not trying to lose my life over this ***** and she truly doesn't know what a man would do in that situation...So everything is cool and I proceed to go to the wedding, call her so I can pick her up, no response, called her like 5 times, no response so I say FDB( Young Dro) and turn my phone off, she leaves this crazy *** voicemail and I proceed to call her back and go HAM... Find out a couple months later she pregnant with dude kid,smh...
I know that was a long *** story but what I am trying to convey is this chick is enjoying the attention her man is not giving her because they apart(but college station and houston is tooooooooooo damn close to be playing this game broham), walk away, this will not end good... All I am saying is a woman who is attractive, smart,funny, etc is not in the business of being "platonic friends", she is loving the attention and the closeness of a man she thinks could potentially lead her out the darkness of her marriage or you could become her revenge **** because what he might have done in the pass...I strictly live by the rule of not being friends with women and my girl has the same policy for men, because as you have stated "We are animals, eventually animals do things", its only a matter of time when you go over her place and she is Bucky Naked and you will find yourself in a predicament you don't want to be in.....
Keep it 100 with her and say what you feel, don't be out there like that because a hurt man or a man that knows his girl is ******g or is even close to another man is a problem you don't want to have.... Toooo Many ****** have died over these females or get locked up only to see the female with another ***** enjoying her life and completely forgot about the damage she has done...
Sorry for the long post but these are one of many dumb *** decisions I did in my life, lol

[COLOR=#red]Yooo, my n****. You came through with the realness!! Yeah why do these broads think that their husbands or soon to be will not come after a dude?
Yeah man for real like you and others in here have stated I need to wake the f*** up and know that stuff like this almost NEVER ends well. Just ain't worth it...not trying to get ambushed in College Station my dude, would be a terrible way to go over some dam trim that ain't mines to begin with.

And even if it's not a point about him finding out, it's just bad business in the first place.i need to tell her straight up what the deal is because the silent treatment will not work, she'll just text me late at night (my dudes latest text I got from her was like around 12:30 am and ain't no pure thoughts happening around that time) and I'll be weak and respond back.

She lonely in that apartment by herself, that fat p**** be throbbing I bet, and I'm the closest male in her life proximity wise...Mugen bro you are right with the animal reference. Can't do it, can't do it...we'll eventually get sloppy and he'll either show up at her place while I'm balls deep, or somehow find out where I live when she's over here. I mean y'all know me, I created the NT gun thread, and I got my mini AK and my Glock with me at school, but why even go there over some P that ain't mine.

Reality check my dudes, freakin reality check. P has been the cause for too man ypromising lives to be cut short or altered tragically. But dam they don't call it temptation for nothing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red] want to post a pic of her fine a** but there's way too many Houston cats on NT...might be Peeps cousin or something :lol: Then again with these specific references I've been making somebody that knew her and her husband could probably figure out who it was anyway. [/COLOR]
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