TAY: thread about yambs...

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Yooo, my n****. You came through with the realness!! Yeah why do these broads think that their husbands or soon to be will not come after a dude?
Yeah man for real like you and others in here have stated I need to wake the f*** up and know that stuff like this almost NEVER ends well. Just ain't worth it...not trying to get ambushed in College Station my dude, would be a terrible way to go over some dam trim that ain't mines to begin with.

And even if it's not a point about him finding out, it's just bad business in the first place.i need to tell her straight up what the deal is because the silent treatment will not work, she'll just text me late at night (my dudes latest text I got from her was like around 12:30 am and ain't no pure thoughts happening around that time) and I'll be weak and respond back.

She lonely in that apartment by herself, that fat p**** be throbbing I bet, and I'm the closest male in her life proximity wise...Mugen bro you are right with the animal reference. Can't do it, can't do it...we'll eventually get sloppy and he'll either show up at her place while I'm balls deep, or somehow find out where I live when she's over here. I mean y'all know me, I created the NT gun thread, and I got my mini AK and my Glock with me at school, but why even go there over some P that ain't mine.

Reality check my dudes, freakin reality check. P has been the cause for too man ypromising lives to be cut short or altered tragically. But dam they don't call it temptation for nothing.
Yo Elder, back when I was younger I done piped my fair share of married broads and snapped pics of them and all type of **** and Ima admit it was an extra rush type **** for me.  I also had that attitude of I done handled mad street ****** I ain't afraid of no broads husband I stay with my mp7 and sig he can come test me if he want but it ain't even about that.  This ain't bout yambs no more or nothing it's bout making the smartest decision for #1 which is urself.  

I've read the gun threads so I know u can handle yaself but you gotta ask yourself if this woman is worth it to potentially catch a case etc.  Ain't no yambs alone in this world is worth it Ima tell u that.  Unless you think this woman can somehow be beneficial to u in ways that'll be worth this type of risk you know what you gotta do bruh.  I know this type of **** is exciting believe me I used to love it, I even smashed a DA's wife in North Carolina and I'm lucky that didn't get me into the type of trouble it coulda got.  

I always said it's easily like 85% of cats in prison is somehow linked to a woman, whether it was tryin to get money to impress a woman, fighting over a woman, fighting for a woman etc.  Don't become a statistic bruh, at least not over 1 with no benefits outside of yambs
[COLOR=#red] want to post a pic of her fine a** but there's way too many Houston cats on NT...might be Peeps cousin or something :lol: Then again with these specific references I've been making somebody that knew her and her husband could probably figure out who it was anyway. [/COLOR]
Yeah please don't do that... It's some snake *** ****** on this forum that will probably air you out on twitter or Facebook...
On some" Man I saw your girl mass in this thread about yambs son, you need to check that" lol
And to lurkers or just young cats that don't have much experience...
If you about that life with getting with chicks with a dude, smash and dash, DO NOT ENTERTAIN these chicks when they say" My Dude is Soft As A Teddy Bear", they are setting your *** up... You think a scorned women is bad, Wait until you see a love blind ***** that gives no dambs....
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[COLOR=#red]The big homies YoungHollywood and Mugen speak the truth! Word is bond it's definitely a rush YH, but like you said it's just not worth it.

Even when you already know the answer it's always good to have it reinforced by one of your homies or mentors.

I'm gonna have to agree with not trusting when a woman says not to worry about her dude...the nicest dudes can lose it, and the dudes who are about that life it's just business as usual.

The big homies YoungHollywood and Mugen speak the truth! Word is bond it's definitely a rush YH, but like you said it's just not worth it.

Even when you already know the answer it's always good to have it reinforced by one of your homies or mentors.

I'm gonna have to agree with not trusting when a woman says not to worry about her dude...the nicest dudes can lose it, and the dudes who are about that life it's just business as usual.

Just think bout what u got to lose too when u feel like u gettin tempted.  Like I said I def done did this heavy before but I also had less to lose back then.  I have 2 kids, businesses etc. now.  I know u got kids and u building towards a career.  Yambs ain't a reward worth risking all that for.  Not saying we can't have fun or even do crazy **** no more but we just gotta be more calculated and smart with what we do.  
Elder, if you decide to go through with this, I hope that you're about that life and are prepared for anything.

Seriously, anything. Don't underestimate what some men will do to protect (or avenge) yambs, especially "married" yambs.
Bruhs never mess with anybody that has nothing too lose. And ewd you know that situation is gonna end with homie finding out either by her guilt or her sloppiness and its gonna end 3 ways he gonna come looking , he's gonna bounce and she's gonna be looking for you and you don't want that since you know her track record , 3 she could save face and pull the rape card and you get hit with a sex charge which is no good. It's no way I'm willing messing with the next man girl once I find out she's spoken for , i dont got time for no static or anamosity. Young had it right about the jail stat I'm willing to say 90% are in there behind some bisch one way or another and with all the chicks out here in Texas it's too many to risk your livelihood or freedom. And don't fret I got the panamera coming in December so yambs will be gotten. Already on my p90x and hip hop abs
I ain't snitchin but...

Did EWD just admit to bringing guns to school. I know y'all in the south and all, but they allow that???
I ain't snitchin but...

Did EWD just admit to bringing guns to school. I know y'all in the south and all, but they allow that???

Dude it's Texas and he's in grad at a Texas university I'm pretty sure the dean has gat in his cowboy boots. Everybody has guns down here
EWD- Everyone said what needed to be said before I could respond...Been hooping all night. On a good note, the jumper was phenomenal and good from 30+ tonight. :smokin

I need a new team. Don't have time during the day anymore smh. Have one starter (the colombian) who still wants to meet up after she bailed on Friday :/
Yeah man closure...Could care less.

On another note, my crazy ex left a note on my windshield the other morning smh.
Crazy ex's ahhh a topic I am familiar with.  What did the note say and how far out of her way did she have to go to leave the note on your car?
I got back from Minneapolis MN while visiting my friend up there a few weeks ago and I can't believe how receptive the white women were out there! I managed to bag two cuties with hella ***!!
Really?  Haven't been up to MN since Duke won final four YEARS ago.  It was cold as hell and I was young as hell tryin to pull chicks, only saw a couple 3/4's at the Mall of America.
What would Fontaine,Ecook, youngdoc, young Hollywood, RR, Mark Anthony, Peep, Mugen, Tdogg, Keel, and the other regs do?
Your are playing a very dangerous game as you already know.  Where do you think this can go?  Do you think she will leave him for you?  Do you want her to?  Many times we have heard in the news husbands catching there wives in the act of cheating and it not ending badly.  From the stories we hear from you, your not hurting for yambs.  Leave it alone bruh, no matter how good she is looking in those boy shorts don't do.  Kick it with the African chick you were telling us about.  You don't need that headache.
Bruhs never mess with anybody that has nothing too lose. And ewd you know that situation is gonna end with homie finding out either by her guilt or her sloppiness and its gonna end 3 ways he gonna come looking , he's gonna bounce and she's gonna be looking for you and you don't want that since you know her track record , 3 she could save face and pull the rape card and you get hit with a sex charge which is no good. It's no way I'm willing messing with the next man girl once I find out she's spoken for , i dont got time for no static or anamosity. Young had it right about the jail stat I'm willing to say 90% are in there behind some bisch one way or another and with all the chicks out here in Texas it's too many to risk your livelihood or freedom. And don't fret I got the panamera coming in December so yambs will be gotten. Already on my p90x and hip hop abs

YESSIR...Porsche, there is no substitute.

I also have experience in the married woman situation..
Mine ended the way RRLegend's 2nd situation said.
she ended up temporary leaving home boy, and was literally stalking me. I was home sick one day, i mean puking, sneezing, snot running down my nose like Roscoe from Martin.
she was at work, faked sick, left work and came to my house unannounced, demanded I take her out. she got drunk. home girl tried to jump out the car because I told her im not trying to bun her up. #True Story. I had to catch her by the arm, pull her in, try to breake and pull over slowly at the same time.

Scorned women are insane.

Either way after i did that, she started sexin another home boy at work. did same stuff to him when he said he didn't want to bun it up, then she went back to her husband.

from then on out, i NEVER trusted any chick that had a man and still decided to go off and talk to other dudes. its a very dangerous game.

I do know however, it seems like the bunned up ones portray themselves as the best ones. but they can't be if they're doing what they're doing bro.
to many single women out there still looking for a good man, and are good chicks to bother with those broads.
Short and simple Watson. Leave that situation along, nothing good will come of it. Shorty fiening to get that itch scratched. I always put myself in the husband or bf place and I find myself disgusted by the actions of chick.
my first gf..
she made me miserable, after fights she would walk to my home at night to try and talk to me (we lived three miles away), i could never shake her off and always took her back since i couldn't escape. Called the cops a few times because she wouldn't leave my car after fights(got physical, and i was the one that called every time..), i had to take her in after she got kicked out twice, we fought constantly, she was the type that'll do anything to keep me around, once she tried to swallow a bunch of diet pills in front of me since i tried to leave her.

Her family drama was extra weight that fell on my shoulders, i let it all effect me during school. I'm a crazy dumbass too since i kept taking her back when i couldn't escape her, i also felt really bad for her, i was the most legit captain save a... i helped her get back in school. She saw that i kept taking her back so it was the same crap over and over again, that was where i messed up. Eventually i just ditched her and started dating, she followed me to work, threatened my new girl, but didn't scare her away.. 

there's so much more to this.. too much to type (more cops and fighting involved), but some of the stuff i deserved, but most of it was her going extremely crazy.

Damn homie I feel for you man. That's serious issues there. My ex is crazy too but I brought 95% of it out of her. I completely cut all ties from her Sunday, now she wants to meet up for closure. We will see how this goes.
Damn homie I feel for you man. That's serious issues there. My ex is crazy too but I brought 95% of it out of her. I completely cut all ties from her Sunday, now she wants to meet up for closure. We will see how this goes.

Tell her your watching the panthers game lol no good can come from that you already said she crazy so what's stopping her from taking it to another level she has nothing to lose now that y'all are done
Tell her your watching the panthers game lol no good can come from that you already said she crazy so what's stopping her from taking it to another level she has nothing to lose now that y'all are done

:lol: trust that's why I canceled the meetup Sunday bc my boys were playing.

She's a good girl tho loyal to the core to me. Hell we've been together off/on for 11yrs. So we broke up 4mnths ago. Tried being friends and continue to smash for the first 2 months then she recently said she didnt feel comfortable having sex with me. Knowning I out here freely having sex with others so she cut me off. I found out 2wks ago she is now entertaining somebody else. Not gonna lie i cant be her friend knowning shes talking to somebody else. So I've realize now just bc you love somebody, it doesn't mean y'all have to the together. So I told her Sunday I'm cutting all ties. So I'm dropping her from my Med coverage through my job.
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:lol: trust that's why I canceled the meetup Sunday bc my boys were playing.

She's a good girl tho loyal to the core to me. Hell we've been together off/on for 11yrs. So we broke up 4mnths ago. Tried being friends and continue to smash for the first 2 months then she recently said she didnt feel comfortable having sex with me. Knowning I out here freely having sex with others so she cut me off. I found out 2wks ago she is now entertaining somebody else. So I've realize now just bc you love somebody, it doesn't mean y'all have to the together. So I told her Sunday I'm cutting all ties. So I'm dropping her from my Med coverage through my job.

Damb u had her on your medical ? She might try to hit u with common law marriage if she's going for the gusto. Does she know your dropping her from the med ?
speak up in class enough for them to notice your presence but don't overdo it.

i just spoke in class twice, and a girl was responding to my points but i didn't think much of it. after class ended, was talking to a kid sitting next to me about the topic and the girl entered the convo on her own. didn't bag but the door is now open.
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Yeah only after ******g with ya'll I had to think and reconsider messing with married chicks. Like coming to the understanding that i'm quite content single, it would have to be some serious business for me to marry. I could see anyone breaking that point pushing me to violence thinking back on what I gave up. So nah, I know it's just the 80/20 rule, but nah.
[COLOR=#red]My dudes appreciate the input and keeping it real. It's a dangerous game and I have too much to lose.

About the firearm reference...everything I do firearm related is legal. I have a concealed carry permit and A&M allows you to have your legal firearms in your car while on campus...you just can't bring them into any buildings...with that being said There has been a push to make carrying into buildings legal with a Concealed carry permit. But like RR said our School President probably got a Derringer hidden in his boots :lol:

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