TAY: thread about yambs...

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I just called the chick that I got her number today and she didn't pick up. What should I do ?
I just called the chick that I got her number today and she didn't pick up. What should I do ?
crazy name to post content...

what you should do... is breathe...

hit her back 9 days from now... (she's most likely going to hit you in 4 days)

if she doesnt answer then either... delete the number.
Being that the art of conversation has been killed due to social media and texting, you should hit her up tonight and ask her out on a date or chill session. Obviously she is feeling you enough to give out her "real" digits, so stop over thinking and be about your Grown Man..
The more you think about it, the more excuses will come to mind... Yeah, she might call you thirsty, but if she is a bird brain like that, then trust those yambs are not worthy and probably wake. As consenting adults, if a woman lives by certain rules( unless she is waiting for marriage, religion) then you have to respect those decisions but if she tries to curve you just because you are showing interest or being a gentleman or plays hot/cold, move on my brethren... Stop playing mind games with yourself and going by some of these flawed logic ideals some of these girls live by... Life is too short( but sometimes life is very long, lol)..
I hit wifey up like two hours after we met, and been together ever since..Get Out Of Your Mind and Get To Cooking
rep for the #basedgod gif...
I don't want to get into another relationship right now but I want to make love to a chick so bad right now. I'm talking about some wine with some slow music playing, candles lit, the whole 9.

Tired of busting down chicks and putting em out, I wanna make love to one then put her out. These fall/winter feels
suck her toes bruh bruh
I don't want to get into another relationship right now but I want to make love to a chick so bad right now. I'm talking about some wine with some slow music playing, candles lit, the whole 9.

Tired of busting down chicks and putting em out, I wanna make love to one then put her out. These fall/winter feels
suck her toes bruh bruh

Nah, she gotta be fresh out the shower at my crib for that to happen, on top of that I'd have to be drunk out of this planet. She'd also have to have a fresh pedicure.
Am I the only one who thinks you can't make love unless you're in love? You being all sensual and extra doesn't mean you're making love IMO
this comment went under the radar but has 100% truth.
what you want jayhood is something I think only men claim they want (I have never seen anyone be able to handle that)
women would be 100% against this..
Lol me either, I don't want a girlfriend ya know somebody that thinks we HAVE to be around each other all the time and thinks we have to text/talk on the phone all day.

Just a chick that will kick it and instead of it just being a quick smash I'd rather have someone I'd want to take my time with and be more intimate than a pound it out session.

[COLOR=#red]This is actually quite possible and it happens more than people think...BUT, this is usually with older women...OR a chick that has so much going on in her life that she literally doesn't have enough time to be texting/talking all day and spending all day together. I speak from experience my dude.

COntrary to popular belief you don't have to be in a committed relationship in order to have a special woman in your life. It's actually why a lot of relationships fail, because people think they automatically have to go to another level because they truly enjoy spending time together. Listen to your boy...I've been there and done that. [/COLOR]
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Am I the only one who thinks you can't make love unless you're in love? You being all sensual and extra doesn't mean you're making love IMO

[COLOR=#red]Semantics bro, semantics. First off their is no true definition of making love. For some making love means slow, sensual, intimate sex, others feel that making love is whatever you do sexually with the woman you love and it can be fast or slow.

And let's not even get into the numerous definitions of what love is...again this can vary from person to person.

I personally believe a person can "make love" to a person they don't love, but that's using the definition of making love that I use. But I can understand how a person thinks differently.[/COLOR]
I don't want to get into another relationship right now but I want to make love to a chick so bad right now. I'm talking about some wine with some slow music playing, candles lit, the whole 9.

Tired of busting down chicks and putting em out, I wanna make love to one then put her out. These fall/winter feels

I feel you on so many levels right now, bruh. *Hugs*

Question for my fellow TAY'ers:

So no humble brag, but I pull quite often and easily (bout once a week) compared to the rest of my dudes.
But chicks have now started noticing this so my rep is a bit tarnished at my school for being that douche that pulls and doesn't really call back.

Now that it's cold ya boy wants a main to cuddle up to, but these chicks don't expect that from me. How can I show them that I am actually a genuine dude and not a womanizer?
I don't want to get into another relationship right now but I want to make love to a chick so bad right now. I'm talking about some wine with some slow music playing, candles lit, the whole 9.

Tired of busting down chicks and putting em out, I wanna make love to one then put her out. These fall/winter feels

I feel you on so many levels right now, bruh. *Hugs*

Question for my fellow TAY'ers:

So no humble brag, but I pull quite often and easily (bout once a week) compared to the rest of my dudes.
But chicks have now started noticing this so my rep is a bit tarnished at my school for being that douche that pulls and doesn't really call back.

Now that it's cold ya boy wants a main to cuddle up to, but these chicks don't expect that from me. How can I show them that I am actually a genuine dude and not a womanizer?
Could use some advice too.

Man I don't even got it like THAT but I get told I LOOK like a dog. 
I feel you on so many levels right now, bruh. *Hugs*

Now that it's cold ya boy wants a main to cuddle up to, but these chicks don't expect that from me. How can I show them that I am actually a genuine dude and not a womanizer?

[COLOR=#red]Answer is simple my dude...I'm sure from ALL the women you have pulled recently you could start back contact with at least one of them and just treat them better this time around. Chicks LOVE the ole redemption story, the "I don't want to be a playa no mo" story, the rehabilitated Mack. [/COLOR]
Answer is simple my dude...I'm sure from ALL the women you have pulled recently you could start back contact with at least one of them and just treat them better this time around. Chicks LOVE the ole redemption story, the "I don't want to be a playa no mo" story, the rehabilitated Mack.
did this with every girl i did wrong, only to realize why i didn't respect them in the first place.
it's worth a try though, especially for your rep. it doesn't take much to be kind.
[COLOR=#red]^^^Back in my slightly younger days sometimes I would start off acting a little a-holeish, then I would switch up and throw the charm on them...that s*** worked like a charm, but as I got a little older and the women I went after was a little older that silly game wasn't as effective.

Trust and believe your approach or game or whatever you want to call it will evolve an you'll become better. If anything you'll become more efficient and strike out less because you'll have a better idea of who, how, and when to approach.[/COLOR]
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I was waiting for EWD to tackle that Jayhoods theory...
Had a very entertaining dinner conversation about this with wifey and she gets it but I am still struggling on how that works but as she pointed out " love and sex are very abstract, and there isn't one definition to what we perceive what's right and what's wrong", literally everything my man EWD said..
But for me I just can't make "love" to a chick I have no feelings for or even half way respect. Thinking back on my past, if I "loved" a chick, that meant face to face sexing, cuddling, the whole nine... Now if it was just casual, yamb fest, then I am smashing from the back and tossing her clothes to her as soon as we are done and escorting her off the premises immedigetly, lol...
I was waiting for EWD to tackle that Jayhoods theory...
Had a very entertaining dinner conversation about this with wifey and she gets it but I am still struggling on how that works but as she pointed out " love and sex are very abstract, and there isn't one definition to what we perceive what's right and what's wrong", literally everything my man EWD said..
But for me I just can't make "love" to a chick I have no feelings for or even half way respect. Thinking back on my past, if I "loved" a chick, that meant face to face sexing, cuddling, the whole nine... Now if it was just casual, yamb fest, then I am smashing from the back and tossing her clothes to her as soon as we are done and escorting her off the premises immedigetly, lol...

[COLOR=#red]Understood my brother, I understand what you are saying about not being able to make love to a woman you have no feelings for and don't really respect.

Question is do you think that it would be love making if it was a chick you REALLY was feeling and highly respected BUT you aren't quite in love or don't love her. Cause there is a level in between the extremes of loving a chick, and not giving a dam about a chick. As you can probably tell I'm a grey area guy :lol I thrive off of the in betweens, almosts, and possiblies :rollin[/COLOR]
Man there's this chick in my psychology class that I'm really feeling :{
I saw her in the hall in between classes today and I was gonna talk to her but I chickened out :{
The reason I'm writing this is cause I feel if I was more accountable then if man up more and holla at more yambs.
So I promise to everyone in this thread that in next time I see her I'm gonna holla
I might take a L but it's better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it

I feel like such a rookie in this game. Some of y'all are pulling multiple yambs a week and I'm scared to talk to one girl :{
I just need to man up
elderwatsondiggs elderwatsondiggs see there's levels to this ish that I never thought about until tonight. I usually see the grey area but have you ever had somebody propose an ideal to you that you have always seen as black and white and never really broke it down in a context that leads to multiple scenarios..
Sometimes I have those aloof/blonde moments, lol
I guess i always saw it from the romantic, traditional standpoint( not thinking outside the proverbial box), but as wifey and you eluded to, the "traditional" stigma of what love,sex and unity is has transcended from that original train of thought and people are finding different ways to make friendships and relationships last longer and are going against the grain of common society...
It was just a very intriguing topic,shoutout to jayhood23 jayhood23 for providing a good convo between my lady and I tonight...
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