TAY: thread about yambs...

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elderwatsondiggs elderwatsondiggs see there's levels to this ish that I never thought about until tonight. I usually see the grey area but have you ever had somebody propose an ideal to you that you have always seen as black and white and never really broke it down in a context that leads to multiple scenarios..
Sometimes I have those aloof/blonde moments, lol
I guess i always saw it from the romantic, traditional standpoint( not thinking outside the proverbial box), but as wifey and you eluded to, the "traditional" stigma of what love,sex and unity is has transcended from that original train of thought and people are finding different ways to make friendships and relationships last longer and are going against the grain of common society...
It was just a very intriguing topic,shoutout to jayhood23 jayhood23 for providing a good convo between my lady and I tonight...

[COLOR=#red]Indeed my dude...this topic is anything but mundane...It's quite nebulous actually...and when you add the human factor to the equation it becomes unreal.

My dude I'm one of those who believe a person can romantically love more than one person...why? Because why not? :lol:

I haven't smoked weed in many years, but this is the type of convo that would be hilarious if we were high. Could you imagine the "philosophies" that would result? :rofl:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#red]Indeed my dude...this topic is anything but mundane...It's quite nebulous actually...and when you add the human factor to the equation it becomes unreal.

My dude I'm one of those who believe a person can romantically love more than one person...why? Because why not? :lol:

I haven't smoked weed in many years, but this is the type of convo that would be hilarious if we were high. Could you imagine the "philosophies" that would result? :rofl:[/COLOR]
Yeah weed definately would make this convo deeper then a black hole, lol
Posting from mobile so not about to try to quote everybody lol. But preciate that hug homie. Ya boy has been feeling down and out lately. Unyamb related

But mugen you're quite welcome for the topic but man I've learned how to distance sex from actual feelings. It all depends on the person as far as making love vs being in love to do so. I see women at work and think to myself damn I would make straight up unadulterated love to this woman, not knowing what type of person they are, but also see some that I would bang and be done with.

EWD you're a plethora of amazing insight. You know your stuff and very informative. I'll post more tomorrow.
Posting from mobile so not about to try to quote everybody lol. But preciate that hug homie. Ya boy has been feeling down and out lately. Unyamb related

But mugen you're quite welcome for the topic but man I've learned how to distance sex from actual feelings. It all depends on the person as far as making love vs being in love to do so. I see women at work and think to myself damn I would make straight up unadulterated love to this woman, not knowing what type of person they are, but also see some that I would bang and be done with.

EWD you're a plethora of amazing insight. You know your stuff and very informative. I'll post more tomorrow.

[COLOR=#red]Appreciated my dude, but real talk we all learn from each other in here. I respect the insights posted in here even when it's not something I would necessarily do. [/COLOR]
I can't win for **** man. I must have iamb repellent because nothing I do works. So close to just giving up and saying **** life.
Solid yams at the Earl Sweatshirt show tonight, talked CONFIDENTLY to two 8/10 yams, one light skinned, one dark skinned, hard to find black chicks in Seattle. they very politely declined, nice girls.

Darleen, it's 2013 and I'm feeling it.

I can't win for **** man. I must have iamb repellent because nothing I do works. So close to just giving up and saying **** life.
Please don't do that in here. I know where this goes, just be easy and figure yourself out first.

@Mugen81, you're still right to be confused. I side with you more than @EWD and your girl. Society has changed majorly. But it's never been so cut and dry as being able to make "love" without being in "love"

@jayhood, I don't know if you've been in the situation before, but I feel like I'm someone who has more than once.. I wasn't quite "in love" but had major love for the girl. (short version) Sex ends up messing with your head and pushes you over the top for what you think is "in love" and that's when reckless decisions get made. (no condoms, keys to apartments, saying you love the girl ) Thus the Mind **#$#@ begin.

Never have I seen friends with benefits (let's just call it that) work out for more than 6 months.. Not to the point where you are hanging with that person weekly plus sex. plus dinner, movies, chillin. (which sounds like what you want)

You have to have some type of emotion to make Love to these chicks, and i feel like once sex comes in to play there is a mental and emotional tie in. (For everyone with the FWB)

(I had this convo more planned out after reading all the responses, 3:30 a.m here and someone turned the heat all the way up).
Posting from mobile so not about to try to quote everybody lol. But preciate that hug homie. Ya boy has been feeling down and out lately. Unyamb related

But mugen you're quite welcome for the topic but man I've learned how to distance sex from actual feelings. It all depends on the person as far as making love vs being in love to do so. I see women at work and think to myself damn I would make straight up unadulterated love to this woman, not knowing what type of person they are, but also see some that I would bang and be done with.

EWD you're a plethora of amazing insight. You know your stuff and very informative. I'll post more tomorrow.
 It's weird I try to put emotions in there when I have sex.

It's like I can turn the passion on and off.

I like to give it like I've never loved anyone more in my life and after treat it like it was nothing.
Thanks for the input guys is it too soon to call now since I got number earlier or should I call tomorrow?
Being that the art of conversation has been killed due to social media and texting, you should hit her up tonight and ask her out on a date or chill session. Obviously she is feeling you enough to give out her "real" digits, so stop over thinking and be about your Grown Man..
The more you think about it, the more excuses will come to mind... Yeah, she might call you thirsty, but if she is a bird brain like that, then trust those yambs are not worthy and probably wake. As consenting adults, if a woman lives by certain rules( unless she is waiting for marriage, religion) then you have to respect those decisions but if she tries to curve you just because you are showing interest or being a gentleman or plays hot/cold, move on my brethren... Stop playing mind games with yourself and going by some of these flawed logic ideals some of these girls live by... Life is too short( but sometimes life is very long, lol)..
I hit wifey up like two hours after we met, and been together ever since..Get Out Of Your Mind and Get To Cooking
GFE, QFA (A = Appreciation)
[COLOR=#red]Answer is simple my dude...I'm sure from ALL the women you have pulled recently you could start back contact with at least one of them and just treat them better this time around. Chicks LOVE the ole redemption story, the "I don't want to be a playa no mo" story, the rehabilitated Mack. [/COLOR]

Solid point.

Here's the thing tho, if I'm gonna wife/cuff one of these chicks I always want it to be the very hottest past smash(ie; trophy wife)

As shallow as it may sound, I don't like taking chicks out unless they look at least 8/9 range. Some chicks are just more meant for behind closed doors type ****

But Ice, I know what you mean by appearing to be a dog. Give a couple chicks just simple greetings hugs in the bar and they get to gossipin like "hey, you're not dating her right?" or "I knew you were a player" :lol: swerve
the p is so addictive 

good yambs has had me making some terrible decisions.... :smh:

Glad none were the type I couldn't recover from...

Ya man great yams having you be reckless sometimes but it's something that you learn from.

I can't win for **** man. I must have iamb repellent because nothing I do works. So close to just giving up and saying **** life.

What I suggest is changing your mind set first. You have to stop looking because usually when you look you'll find something that you don't want, which can either be the girl from hell or in your case constant rejection. Like others have mentioned just work on improving yourself first. It's weird but when you start working on yourself for yourself girls sense that and they just magically come out of nowhere. Now, see I mentioned improving yourself for yourself because when you do it for someone else your heart and mind isn't really into to and the effort you do put in is not 100. This is something you have to do daily though not just once or twice a week. Once you start doing that even the ones that rejected you will pop up on some "hey maybe we should hang out sometime" and at that point you'll probably won't even want them anymore because something better came along. It's weird how things like that work out but they do. Soon you'll find yourself like the dudes in here and you'll come in with your stories.

But good luck man and don't let those rejections get you down, everyone in this thread has been where you've been but everyone hasn't let that hold them down.
TimidTebow, instead of looking at those rejections as failures, learn something from them. See what you can correct for the next time.

Everybody gets rejected at some point. You know how many women are out here? :lol:
Thanks for the advice fellas I'm already in a better space right now. Good looking out.
^ Everyone gets rejected. Notice very few post their unsuccessful approaches. Don't the success stories in here or elsewhere fool ya.
Any of ya'll successfully got at a chick while she was working? Specifically in a service based job?

So, there is this realllllly cute Barista that works at a Peet's coffee close to where I live. I get that vibe everytime I come in for a cup of coffee, you know, the eye contact, the smile, etc etc. I realize she is a Barista, and it is her JOB to be nice to customers, but the stare, it's pretty intent. 

Here's my predicament:

1) I'm coming in during the hustle and bustle hours. You know, the work rush where there is a huge line to get coffee. So I'm working with a time constraint in that if I stopped her to talk I would be holding up a huge line of impatient people waiting for their coffee.....

2) Again, like i said above, she is in a service based job. Meaning, it is her job to be nice to customers. If I were to holler at her, it would be awkward because she is paid to be nice, and it would be like me taking advantage of that situation. 

How have you guys successfully got at a chick working as a Barista/Waitress etc? 
^^^"I know we can't have a conversation right now,but here's my business card, give me a call sometimes"
If you don't have business cards, I highly suggest you acquire some( vista print is cheap), its always a 50/50 game with those but are perfect for situations like this.
Any of ya'll successfully got at a chick while she was working? Specifically in a service based job?

So, there is this realllllly cute Barista that works at a Peet's coffee close to where I live. I get that vibe everytime I come in for a cup of coffee, you know, the eye contact, the smile, etc etc. I realize she is a Barista, and it is her JOB to be nice to customers, but the stare, it's pretty intent. 

Here's my predicament:

1) I'm coming in during the hustle and bustle hours. You know, the work rush where there is a huge line to get coffee. So I'm working with a time constraint in that if I stopped her to talk I would be holding up a huge line of impatient people waiting for their coffee.....

2) Again, like i said above, she is in a service based job. Meaning, it is her job to be nice to customers. If I were to holler at her, it would be awkward because she is paid to be nice, and it would be like me taking advantage of that situation. 

How have you guys successfully got at a chick working as a Barista/Waitress etc? 

[COLOR=#red]You're complicating things a little and slightly overthinking it. I see where you are coming from as far as her being in a service based/oriented job, but at the end of the day she is a woman.

To be honest the fact that she is in the service industry actually works in your favor. I say this because you already have contact with her since she's serving you. This is where you use probing witty comments. By probing I mean you can make a witty or charming remark to her and then you see how she responds. From her response you can formulate your next comment to her. You can be direct, or you can be subtle depending on how you do things.

I've been successful with this more than a few times and it's funny because what they'll do a lot of the times is push the button on the register to make the receipt paper come out more, rip it off the register and write their number on it :lol: Please tell me I'm not the only one who this has happened to.

But to sum it up bro, concentrate less on what she is doing and make small talk with her. You don't have to go for the gold instantly, if it's a place you go to often you can start of small then build...women seem to be more responsive when they are familiar.

Then look at this video...

Yeah make small talk the next 2 times your in there. Watch how she responds and her body language. On the 3rd time leave a card with your number or pre write it down so u can slip it to her without holding up the line
[COLOR=#red]BTW go to the 3:34 mark in that video. You never know my dude she may be thinking the same thing about you. Only way to know is to go for it. You miss %100 of the shots that you do not take. [/COLOR]
Bruh... That Alicia keys video...

Brings so much emotion out of me...

I have and will forever keep a place in my heart for any chick that resembles Alicia keys in the song...


Also... Now, I'm officially calling it...

I'm no longer on the "giving my number" to the yambs so they can call me...

Grabbing numbers has so much more completion rate than giving out numbers...

I'm officially on the "let me get that number" team...

My last 7 yambs were acquired by acquiring numbers...

My last 7 turn downs weren't turn downs... They were just me giving out the number and them never hitting me up...
Bruh... That Alicia keys video...

Brings so much emotion out of me...

I have and will forever keep a place in my heart for any chick that resembles Alicia keys in the song...


Also... Now, I'm officially calling it...

I'm no longer on the "giving my number" to the yambs so they can call me...

Grabbing numbers has so much more completion rate than giving out numbers...

I'm officially on the "let me get that number" team...

My last 7 yambs were acquired by acquiring numbers...

My last 7 turn downs weren't turn downs... They were just me giving out the number and them never hitting me up...

BTW I'm moving Tuesday of next week. So I'll hit you once I'm settled yo.

[COLOR=#red]:lol: The give your number routine isn't for most situations. There are a few distinct situations where it works best...plus it usually doesn't have the quickest turnaround. BUT when they do call it's on and poppin. Plus I never write my number down I give them a card. It's been relatively successful for me even during this year.

I don't even really ask for chicks numbers that much anymore...asking gives them the power to refuse. I just give them my phone with the dialpad on the screen and TELL them to put their number in...works like a dam charm.

BTW I'm moving Tuesday of next week. So I'll hit you once I'm settled yo.[/COLOR]
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