TAY: thread about yambs...

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@krazy88s I can kinda relate to that I'm 23 now and I had to go out and learn stuff on my own some told me but it went right over my head..I finally realized before you can do anything in life you have tio b a man...so I was running around being a fool till recently in the last few yrs realized Wtf I was doin wrong..when it boils down to it its all about being a man...im not talking about bein some macho tough guy but how you carry yourself,your principles, and the things you do..I feel every move you make should be for the better not just for your life but for your future children or loved ones.like my grandpops said before "its in you not on you"

Can't be a sucka ya whole life..your legacy is on the line
my damn landlord in l.a. was on model mayhem  , smashed her when i put my new orleans accent on full blast lol. But excuse me for this rant but i  hate going to a chicks house that talk big isn ( im use to this , im living like that , e.t.c.) than seeing how they really living. I went to this chicks house that i met at lennox that worked at the ferragmo store, they have some fly stuff and i know thy're discount is right . So when i met her she was suited and booted shoes running 850, outfit a cool 300, so forth, a day later went to her crib :wow: . IT was like going to a 700 dollar a month homeless shelter, beenie weeines, goldfish crackers, no kitchen table , tv on a ragged stand, air matress for sofa, bed, and the bed room was just clothes every where. The only decent place in there was the bathroom . dude i set the alarm up on my phone to a ringer and bounced was utterlly disgusted she hit me up the next few days and asked what was up told her striaght up i cant smash in a fisher price apt . any body else feel this sort of way when going to a chicks crib , i only take them to mind to see some big boy isn and not say anything to get them to drop the drawers 
alotta chicks be frontin, then got the nerve to say they only mess with dudes thats ballin n ****....had this one joint that would post **** online of her taking trips, clubbin n buying bottles, fancy clothes etc...went to go see shorty and her spot was in an alley, she basically lived in one of them vacants if yall seen the wire :smh:

Got some Jersey yambs last night tho, shorty was twerkin all night :pimp:

Bruh I know these chicks, barely work, on tanf/welfare, live in vacants but got pictures of bottles poppin in the club and miami trips. I work, make decent money and can't do none of that **** with the regularity they do.
@krazy88s I can kinda relate to that I'm 23 now and I had to go out and learn stuff on my own some told me but it went right over my head..I finally realized before you can do anything in life you have tio b a man...so I was running around being a fool till recently in the last few yrs realized Wtf I was doin wrong..when it boils down to it its all about being a man...im not talking about bein some macho tough guy but how you carry yourself,your principles, and the things you do..I feel every move you make should be for the better not just for your life but for your future children or loved ones.like my grandpops said before "its in you not on you"

Can't be a sucka ya whole life..your legacy is on the line
Great post. 

It's good you can realize this at 23. 

Joey it's not like I'm giving fake names its all names I've been called my whole life David, Cory, poncho , and dee.i got nothing to hide with them it's just these small towns everybody knows everybody and Walmart is the center focus of town .

I wasn't speaking about you particularly, The first part about being careful, was directed at you also but it was more like a generalization or thinking out loud. My bad poncho! I like that name best lol
Naw I know what you saying just saying its not like I'm giving them names like mike Lowry or bill bixby. These small town women are looking at me like a million dollar cause I come from cities . So I could tell them ohes my name is m.bison and they will still let me give them the psycho crusher or head stomp
Alright fellas I got somewhat of a dilemma. So last night I went out with this girl who's a friend of my ex ex. She called me and wanted to watch a movie but we went and ate and drank first. While we were talking she mentioned if I thought my ex ex would be mad we hung out, I told her I don't care what she thinks. I asked what she thinks and she said that they hardly talk anymore and that they're pretty much not friends anymore. Then she brought up the topic of how she wants to have fun, because she's recently single like me, and just have a fwb but she didn't say she was asking me. The topic of a booty call came up and she just said I hate getting called after 12 because I'm either tired or I'm set, she said if I get called between 9-12 then I'm usually available. Then she said she wants to go to Vegas and she's down to go to sd for a football game, I brought it up that I was going. Is she trying to tell me she wants to do the fwb deal, because she brought up sex a lot and what she likes or am I just thinking too much?

I just need some confirmation of what I'm thinking is right because this almost was to easy because I've literally done no work to even set this up so it's one of those, is this really happening moments.

She wants to hang again Friday and hit up some
Alright fellas I got somewhat of a dilemma. So last night I went out with this girl who's a friend of my ex ex. She called me and wanted to watch a movie but we went and ate and drank first. While we were talking she mentioned if I thought my ex ex would be mad we hung out, I told her I don't care what she thinks. I asked what she thinks and she said that they hardly talk anymore and that they're pretty much not friends anymore. Then she brought up the topic of how she wants to have fun, because she's recently single like me, and just have a fwb but she didn't say she was asking me. The topic of a booty call came up and she just said I hate getting called after 12 because I'm either tired or I'm set, she said if I get called between 9-12 then I'm usually available. Then she said she wants to go to Vegas and she's down to go to sd for a football game, I brought it up that I was going. Is she trying to tell me she wants to do the fwb deal, because she brought up sex a lot and what she likes or am I just thinking too much?

I just need some confirmation of what I'm thinking is right because this almost was to easy because I've literally done no work to even set this up so it's one of those, is this really happening moments.

She wants to hang again Friday and hit up some

She wants the D

Alright fellas I got somewhat of a dilemma. So last night I went out with this girl who's a friend of my ex ex. She called me and wanted to watch a movie but we went and ate and drank first. While we were talking she mentioned if I thought my ex ex would be mad we hung out, I told her I don't care what she thinks. I asked what she thinks and she said that they hardly talk anymore and that they're pretty much not friends anymore. Then she brought up the topic of how she wants to have fun, because she's recently single like me, and just have a fwb but she didn't say she was asking me. The topic of a booty call came up and she just said I hate getting called after 12 because I'm either tired or I'm set, she said if I get called between 9-12 then I'm usually available. Then she said she wants to go to Vegas and she's down to go to sd for a football game, I brought it up that I was going. Is she trying to tell me she wants to do the fwb deal, because she brought up sex a lot and what she likes or am I just thinking too much?

I just need some confirmation of what I'm thinking is right because this almost was to easy because I've literally done no work to even set this up so it's one of those, is this really happening moments.

She wants to hang again Friday and hit up some

she wants the D but this will end bad
she wants the D but this will end bad
Why do you say it will end bad, all parties are adults.  Him and his ex obviously aren't cordial, the new girl is obviously not talking to his ex either.  Everybody basically went there own way, as long as you don't do anything stupid you good.  Will the ex be mad you knockin down her old homegirl, YEAH.  But she will get over it he didn't cheat on her with her friend.  Only way it is going to end bad for is the friend, women already think men are dogs but her homegirl will really disappoint her.
My girls performance has fallen off big time. I've tried a few things to fix it but it doesn't look like it's going back to how it used to be.
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she wants the D but this will end bad

Why do you say it will end bad, all parties are adults.  Him and his ex obviously aren't cordial, the new girl is obviously not talking to his ex either.  Everybody basically went there own way, as long as you don't do anything stupid you good.  Will the ex be mad you knockin down her old homegirl, YEAH.  But she will get over it he didn't cheat on her with her friend.  Only way it is going to end bad for is the friend, women already think men are dogs but her homegirl will really disappoint her.

My ex and I haven't talked in over a year and her and my ex haven't talked in well over 3 months and they're definitely not as tight as they used to be

My girls performance has fallen off big time. I've tried a few things to fix it but it doesn't look like it's going back to how it used to be.

You probably just have to have a straight up talk with her and let her know she's slippin and if you don't want to go that route you'll have to pull out the indirect suggestions saying "baby remember when you used to do this" or "baby we should get back to this"
You probably just have to have a straight up talk with her and let her know she's slippin and if you don't want to go that route you'll have to pull out the indirect suggestions saying "baby remember when you used to do this" or "baby we should get back to this"
I've done both of those things.

My problems/what I've done:

-she never initiates/I'll get some lotion and give her a really good back massage first (hasn't failed me but I'm not trying to give a massage every time I have sex)

-no dome anymore/eat her out more (which I enjoy anyway) but this hasn't helped me get dome unless I go into 69

-she just lays there, rarely gets on top/I move her around different positions and stuff but she still doesn't wanna do any work

I've told her that I miss how we used to be and her response was, "I never felt like a bigger ***** in my life back then and felt like you would only hang out with me when you wanted sex." This was true because I had a girl when I started seeing her. She'd give me dome anytime and would ride me like crazy. Straight freak. Now she's saying she's "too grown up for head" (straight nonsense she just turned 23) and I don't even know how to explain the rest.

This girl is still emotionally caught up on my ex (who she's never even met) and it has made her so insecure. Creates a lot of problems for our relationship when I don't even think about my ex anymore.
You probably just have to have a straight up talk with her and let her know she's slippin and if you don't want to go that route you'll have to pull out the indirect suggestions saying "baby remember when you used to do this" or "baby we should get back to this"
I've done both of those things.

My problems/what I've done:
-she never initiates/I'll get some lotion and give her a really good back massage first (hasn't failed me but I'm not trying to give a massage every time I have sex)
-no dome anymore/eat her out more (which I enjoy anyway) but this hasn't helped me get dome unless I go into 69
-she just lays there, rarely gets on top/I move her around different positions and stuff but she still doesn't wanna do any work

I've told her that I miss how we used to be and her response was, "I never felt like a bigger ***** in my life back then and felt like you would only hang out with me when you wanted sex." This was true because I had a girl when I started seeing her. She'd give me dome anytime and would ride me like crazy. Straight freak. Now she's saying she's "too grown up for head" (straight nonsense she just turned 23) and I don't even know how to explain the rest.

This girl is still emotionally caught up on my ex (who she's never even met) and it has made her so insecure. Creates a lot of problems for our relationship when I don't even think about my ex anymore.

How long have you been together?

This sounds like a tough spot man, you might have to show her that you want her around for more then sex and unfortunately that means just not bringing up the topic as tough as it may be. You just gotta do a nice date here and there to remind her why she got with you cause us as guys sometimes forget all the work we initially did to get these women. I'm not excusing her that she doesn't need to put in work anymore but for now just let her slide and she'll start doing her part. If after, I say a month, you don't see an improvement then ask her if she really wants to be in the relationship. The last thing you should be doing is putting in all this effort and she's not doing her part. A relationship isn't 50/50 it's 100/100
How long have you been together?

This sounds like a tough spot man, you might have to show her that you want her around for more then sex and unfortunately that means just not bringing up the topic as tough as it may be. You just gotta do a nice date here and there to remind her why she got with you cause us as guys sometimes forget all the work we initially did to get these women. I'm not excusing her that she doesn't need to put in work anymore but for now just let her slide and she'll start doing her part. If after, I say a month, you don't see an improvement then ask her if she really wants to be in the relationship. The last thing you should be doing is putting in all this effort and she's not doing her part. A relationship isn't 50/50 it's 100/100
Two years in October. Thanks for the advice. I like the last part. "A relationship isn't 50/50 it's 100/100." She already knows she is slipping and she is dealing with a lot of other stuff right now so I'm giving her a break. But I did tell her she needs to get herself right if she still wants to be with me and honestly if I wasn't living with her right now (my place is under construction) then I think I probably would have ended it by now. She was literally crying begging for me to not break up with her about a week ago (I had more important reasons than the sex) and she said she wanted another chance. I want to give her another chance. She knows she needs to improve right now. She just isn't doing anything to improve the relationship so far. It's only been about a week since we really sat down and discussed this stuff and she's on her period now so bad timing but still.
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No problem my man and ya if she's dealing with stuff this is the best time to prove to her that you're not with her just for sex but for something serious. If she can recognize you putting in effort on that end, she'll appreciate it and you'll reap your rewards for it and if she doesn't recognize that then you should bounce.
Not to rewind the thread but pages back when we hit the freaky yambs section... Please tell me it wouldn't be the first time you smash that particular yamb and they immediately wanted freakniess. Like Kevin Hart said you gotta ease me into your freaky self. Because if its the first time and she's asking for choking and more, I can imagine 5 sessions later she'll show you her dungeon
Alright fellas I got somewhat of a dilemma. So last night I went out with this girl who's a friend of my ex ex. She called me and wanted to watch a movie but we went and ate and drank first. While we were talking she mentioned if I thought my ex ex would be mad we hung out, I told her I don't care what she thinks. I asked what she thinks and she said that they hardly talk anymore and that they're pretty much not friends anymore. Then she brought up the topic of how she wants to have fun, because she's recently single like me, and just have a fwb but she didn't say she was asking me. The topic of a booty call came up and she just said I hate getting called after 12 because I'm either tired or I'm set, she said if I get called between 9-12 then I'm usually available. Then she said she wants to go to Vegas and she's down to go to sd for a football game, I brought it up that I was going. Is she trying to tell me she wants to do the fwb deal, because she brought up sex a lot and what she likes or am I just thinking too much?

I just need some confirmation of what I'm thinking is right because this almost was to easy because I've literally done no work to even set this up so it's one of those, is this really happening moments.

She wants to hang again Friday and hit up some

I just posted about this earlier like a page back. Trying to scoop the friend. You're beyond the advice I posted tho.

If your alone with a girl and your talking about sex, 9 times out of 10 she wants the D, specially if she's brining it up. She probably wanted to **** right then. If you jumped on her u probably could have smashed in the car.
She literally told you the times she's available for you to enter her vagina lol

You already know what it is bro, U gotta think less. I'm not sure why you would second guess yourself or the situation, but she was throwing some obvious signs you should have picked up right away. Get your confidence up my dude, your underestimating yourself.

When I was younger, if I wasn't sure if a girl liked me I would step back and ask myself "would I be saying and doing these things right now if I wasn't into her" If you didn't like her or wanna have sex with her, would you be there alone with her, talking about sex and fwb in detail, making plans for the future to chill, etc.... Of course not, so what makes her different? unless your in the mega deep friend zone, which you clearly aren't.

Confidence... Now you know.

I've done both of those things.

My problems/what I've done:
-she never initiates/I'll get some lotion and give her a really good back massage first (hasn't failed me but I'm not trying to give a massage every time I have sex)
-no dome anymore/eat her out more (which I enjoy anyway) but this hasn't helped me get dome unless I go into 69
-she just lays there, rarely gets on top/I move her around different positions and stuff but she still doesn't wanna do any work

I've told her that I miss how we used to be and her response was, "I never felt like a bigger ***** in my life back then and felt like you would only hang out with me when you wanted sex." This was true because I had a girl when I started seeing her. She'd give me dome anytime and would ride me like crazy. Straight freak. Now she's saying she's "too grown up for head" (straight nonsense she just turned 23) and I don't even know how to explain the rest.

This girl is still emotionally caught up on my ex (who she's never even met) and it has made her so insecure. Creates a lot of problems for our relationship when I don't even think about my ex anymore.

Sounds like you've got bigger problems than sex bro.

No offense, but your girl sounds like she has some issues. Nothing out of the norm, most women do at her age, some worse than others.

From my experience, a troubled sex life is a sign of underlying problems within the relationship. No offense, if things were good between you two, at her age and only after two years together this girl should be all over your ****, blowing you daily if she thought u wanted that. "Too old for head" that's ridiculous. You already admitted that you've been having some type of issues, so your aware there is already other problems. Issues in a relationship can greatly affect your sex life and her emotional output towards you, I mean specially for women. Sex and emotions go hand in hand. If she's feeling guilty about something or upset about her actions, or even yours, it's gonna make her a lump in the sack.

You said she doesn't trust you and bugs about your ex... I'm telling you from experience, she's probably always gonna be like that because of how your relationship started. She won't get better any time soon. If she's jealous and bitter and her trust has been broken, she's not getting over that, she's way to young and not mature enough to let those feelings go yet. I mean if you love her then fight and see. But situations like that, are generally doomed from the start. I've tried to sustain in relationships with broken trust, they never work, they never get better. Specially when your young and don't have kids together.

No trust = No peace of mind = No happiness = No love.
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Good stuff JoeyD12. You're right on the money. It's tough because I love this girl. But every time we take a step forward we seem to take two steps back. I feel like this relationship may be a lost cause now. We have a lot planned for August. If she doesn't turn things around within a month I'm going to end it. We've talked about things a lot and she knows what she needs to do (for herself and for me) to make the relationship work again. I've given the relationship all I got and she has acknowledged this. I guess we'll see what happens after a month.

I appreciate the outside perspective though. You guys have reaffirmed what I've been thinking. Thanks.
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Alright fellas I got somewhat of a dilemma. So last night I went out with this girl who's a friend of my ex ex. She called me and wanted to watch a movie but we went and ate and drank first. While we were talking she mentioned if I thought my ex ex would be mad we hung out, I told her I don't care what she thinks. I asked what she thinks and she said that they hardly talk anymore and that they're pretty much not friends anymore. Then she brought up the topic of how she wants to have fun, because she's recently single like me, and just have a fwb but she didn't say she was asking me. The topic of a booty call came up and she just said I hate getting called after 12 because I'm either tired or I'm set, she said if I get called between 9-12 then I'm usually available. Then she said she wants to go to Vegas and she's down to go to sd for a football game, I brought it up that I was going. Is she trying to tell me she wants to do the fwb deal, because she brought up sex a lot and what she likes or am I just thinking too much?

I just need some confirmation of what I'm thinking is right because this almost was to easy because I've literally done no work to even set this up so it's one of those, is this really happening moments.

She wants to hang again Friday and hit up some

I just posted about this earlier like a page back. Trying to scoop the friend. You're beyond the advice I posted tho.

If your alone with a girl and your talking about sex, 9 times out of 10 she wants the D, specially if she's brining it up. She probably wanted to **** right then. If you jumped on her u probably could have smashed in the car.
She literally told you the times she's available for you to enter her vagina lol

You already know what it is bro, U gotta think less. I'm not sure why you would second guess yourself or the situation, but she was throwing some obvious signs you should have picked up right away. Get your confidence up my dude, your underestimating yourself.

When I was younger, if I wasn't sure if a girl liked me I would step back and ask myself "would I be saying and doing these things right now if I wasn't into her" If you didn't like her or wanna have sex with her, would you be there alone with her, talking about sex and fwb in detail, making plans for the future to chill, etc.... Of course not, so what makes her different? unless your in the mega deep friend zone, which you clearly aren't.

Confidence... Now you know.

Ya I just was thinking too much. We're meeting up friday but I know I should close before then. Shouldn't be hard as long as I don't do anything stupid.

LP- Ur better than that :smh:

I know bro I know :smh: Just have to dust off the rust and get back on my game
Ya I just was thinking too much. We're meeting up friday but I know I should close before then. Shouldn't be hard as long as I don't do anything stupid.
I know bro I know :smh: Just have to dust off the rust and get back on my game

Just keep doing whatever your doing and you'll be fine. U didn't get this far by doing anything wrong, clearly the rust is knocked off you just needed a little kick in the *** for readjustment. The yambs are as good smashed.
Ya I just was thinking too much. We're meeting up friday but I know I should close before then. Shouldn't be hard as long as I don't do anything stupid.
I know bro I know :smh: Just have to dust off the rust and get back on my game

We need to do a happy hr. soon brah brah. Hit me on twitter.
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