Damn Kevin...nice pick-ups! Columbias are definitely worth doubling up on....I'd snatch another size 10 in a heartbeat.
Originally Posted by aaron1976

Don't eff up your credit when your young or it will take years get that+!$! right. As the years go on having good credit is alot more important than a pair of fresh Air Force 1's.

Out of all the bussiness classes and lessons taught to me about $$$, the best knowledge I ever got was from those Dummies books. "Investing For Dummies".

Back to Force's........ Anyone got any word if there will be a NBA All Star Air Force 1 this year? Let's hope. They usually come correct on the NBA All Star Forces. There hasn't been a Hyperstrike in forever it seems for AF1's.

What up Ali, get on your grind find out if we have some NBA All Stars comming this year. Goes for you too DK.

I'm already on it Aaron hit me up when you get a chance on my phone!
thanks for the comments guys
heres my hongkongs. sz 10 w/ everything worn once if anyone wants them. theres just some yellowing on the soles


Originally Posted by OGfiend

Ummm...people work for their stuff
Not sure what you mean by that man. I work for my stuff too...nor am I jealous of anyone. I'm just saying that after bills, car insurance (in New York
) and whatnot I don't have all that much to spend on kicks. I mean, I spend a good $500-1,000 on kicks monthly, but some people spend well more than that, and it's not clear to me how they can justify that (unless they're wealthy) since I feel that I spend way too much as it is. Simple observation...I'm not trying to condemn anyone's buying habits or whatnot, I'm just saying that if these people are infact "adults with good jobs", they should have no problem finding something else to do with the extra $1,000 or whatever monthly, maybe put it toward their home or invest. That's all I'm saying....

GumSole...nice pick-up.

I was never saying you didn't work for your stuff. Simply saying pickups don't happen overnight and people actually do work for their stuff. Ireferring to what I Love AF1 was saying. I definitely hear what you are saying and it's not easy living in nyc and I can vouch since I too live here.
As for buying stuff on credit I have to say you have to be absolutely stupid to do that. I don't see it as problem if you can pay it off but if youdon't have the money and you are doing it then it's a problem. I think I only bought shoes on credit once and that was because I was a bit short forwhole amount, but even that was on amex and amex is all I use to buy anything. If anyone gets a card I suggest you get that because everything else is justgoing to end up ruining your credit(not saying everyone but it happens) and I seen it happen to people. Only being 20-22 and so deep into debt. Jath is rightit is the root of all financial trouble.

One piece of advice, start a mutual fund (i'm starting my own soon). Or if you don't mind losing some money, trade stocks.
You act like that happens overnight. I seriously hope noone takes advice from this, and if you are interested, take advice from a professional, and not nt. This is not like jumping into shoes and start collecting,you actually have to know what you are doing. I don't see how you are going do all that at the rate of your posts on nt. Good luck though.

Obsidian snakes are
so i had to look that one up and i got:
joto carries with it an accusation of utter fecklessness, societal worthlessness, and perhaps the hinted accusation of closeted homosexuality.
although the homosexual part is wrong the rest is totallyon point.
Very nice stuff everyone, good to see most of you are getting stuff in your sizes. Very nice carmelo, never seen a size 13 before, great pickup everyoneonce again.
I have only used my Credit card when i buy something online, but i usually pay it off the next day or two..intrest will kill you

I would perfer using cash/local pickups, but some shops/people dont do that...other than that, my CC is used mainly for a credit score...I have a car loan,rent and bank loan and its tough to buy stuff, but if you dont' have the money, you can live without it....unless its something ridulously tought tofind/grail type status..

as for finacial tips...nothing is for sure, just pick something you like..I had a bank CD for awhile(still do) and its okay, but i actually like playing aroundin the stock market...

fyi..I have met guys who sold their cars to buy shoes...a met a guy who took out a loan against his house to buy shoes..some people have really messed uppriorities..

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