TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Hold up! Navy Blue or Obsidian shirts always been available. I remember when I ordered mine the only colors were grey and black. Thanx alotMayhem

GS- I didn't know you could take the numbers off either.
Mayhem, thanks, I'm definitely considering it, but it's also gonna cost me $530 in total to fix my car so returning them might be the best way to gofor now, I'm still not sure. I'll give it some time and see how I feel. and cosign on everything you said to dude, we don't want any drama ordisrespect in here, just keep it humble and respectful and everything will be good.

UKbased - sick kenya tailwinds!

zager - cool comparison pics, and it looks like you got some comet 95s there too, or at least the box. nice!
Justin - I will be honest, I laughed at that teddy bear pic. this AM87 iD craze has brought many new SNs to thisthread, and mostly for the betterment of us all. but it's easy to forget how different (most of) the rest of NT is and sometimes that creeps in. and nicetees btw!
zageretokintaman - nice 03 infras there sir. such a difference from HOAs and 08s. I love my pair! those new infraish90s remind me of the iDs I am wearing today (recycled)...

I did take your advise Justin and switch to the black laces but no pic of that...
Originally Posted by crisone

^ Cool info.....even though the Bacon Currents are more appealing.

Thanks T......

You haven't picked them up yet???

Get on it, you wont be dissapointed, one of the best of 09 if you ask me. Wore them up to Sydney just before xmas, bigsneaker game up there, some dude from way back said he got back into sneaks because of them, and i know why, they rock.

WMCJ Hyperize today, Billy Hoyle.
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

phonix/pronto/protege/whatever - please chill out with the mindless chatter or go back to lurking in here. yea, i know you've been a target on NT from jump ...(even i've had my share in it with the wolf shirt pic) but nonetheless....u love to say you do you and that's all the matters to you. utmost respect for that, however....the arrogance is not welcome here.

also... quoting ur own pics jus to add new pics to ask a simple question? c'monnnn man! not everyone is on a computer, some of us check in from mobile phones at times(some have no internet access sometimes and have no other option but to use a mobile phone). so while it will take a while to load a page full of dope pics that are contributed on a daily basis, it's beyond frustrating loading a page full of unnecessary pics that were posted already. there's no rule against pic quoting in here but it's definitely not appreciated when it's done so constantly(if anyone needs to see what ur referring to the post you made, or send them a pm...or tell them to take their lazy arses back a page or two)

everyone appreciates this thread because of the love, banter, pics, and all around quality conversation that is shared. so if you're gonna contribute and partake in the love for AM's in here...then please do so with some humility and no one will come at you sideways in here.

sorry for the wall o text Fam....just needed to get it off my chest.

1. you know my name, it's there in plain english, don't come out the gate disrespectful and expect respect in return (the wolf shirt was hilarious btw,i took no offense to that)...

2. i have no idea how i was being "arrogant" in this thread in any way... nor how i was shooting off any "mindless chatter"... everythingi've posted about has been about air maxes and air maxes alone (i haven't even engaged in any of the side chat about graf, or weed, women, oranything)...

3. duly noted about the quoting pix thing... i was trying to make sure it was easy to compare, but i did not take into consideration people loading this threadon a phone or something like that...

4. i've tried to be nothing but be helpful and drama free in this thread since i first started posting in it. in fact, i came out the gate saying iappreciate this thread's helpful vibe and it's lack of drama and people constantly looking to down the next man, like the rest of this forum can be...i did nothing in this thread to warrant any rude comments, or be spoken to and lectured about "humility" and "arrogance", so i apologizefor nothing.

now, back to the air max love, indeed...

anyone got more info on these?


i think they're kinda smooth, but would like to see more pix....
Modzz'. I see you o.o

Zag' Nice 90's. I had a chance to snag for under $100 and passed. Let me know when they go on sale lol
what up Fam? Just got these in. As a baseball fan I'm lovin the look and quality of them.

I don't really know much about cars. I think it's some kind of ignition problem. the guys who are gonna fix it did me right on a clutch about 8 monthsago so I feel like they're not going to rip me off. although I'm sure if I knew how to do it myself I could do it way cheaper. that's just notsomething I ever learned.
^ denver, sorry to hear about the car troubles fam. been there many times. I had to send some iDs back too due to a living situation change. but like corgisays, they're just shoes. and having a mechanic you can trust is a biiiiiig plus cus there are some shady ones out there. hope it all works out smoothboss!
Bacon currents could be picked up if the price was right. So much going on man, I wanna splurge but the better half will be all up in my ear about money. Ishot myself in the foot complaining about how she spends and now all the id's are popping up & now I gotta negotiate. Double standard.

Denver- Glad to hear you have reliable mechanics.
raises arms up in frustration for being so broke right now and wanting these!...

i really need to find a job.....bleh....or sell off all my other shoes....OR consider constantly asking my wife for money....whichever works lol
What's up guys? Does anyone have pictures of the current moires on their feet? I'm considering finally copping both the grey and black's. I knowthey are very lightweight, but how is the quality for you guys that have them? They comfy? Thanks.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz
don't get it twisted, i have absolutely no need for your respect nor asked for it to be directed towards me. i just ask that you respect this thread and it's content or get out. i couldn't care less what your name is, i'm sure it will only change in the future with this attitude of yours going the way it is. you know i was talking to you and that's all that matters.

arrogance has many forms and coming out your face like you only respected(or looked for) the opinion of one person when u clearly posted for a groups overall opinion on ur lace swaps.....that's arrogant, ignorant, and complete mindless chatter IMO so just know your role in here.

if u feel the overwhelming urge to respond, hit the pm button...write it out...and send it to yourself.

Denver - my bad bro, i completely let the "car issue" slip my mind. maybe u can return 'em...get ur moneyback....then cop for 1/2 price

Jibby - thanks, and i think i may have to make a "black infrared" version of those ID's u got. those newones with that stiff mesh just won't cut it. i'd rather have creased ripstop

Blakperl - no doubt, i came across those shirts pretty late so i never knew what the options were before i saw 'em.glad they put the blue tho.
Mitchell - no need to ask fam, and the tee's took 2 weeks to arrive. i ordered them on xmas eve.
Zager - dope 03 Infras!
i needto stop passing on the ones i see in my size. i've already let 3 pairs pass me by this year

Dave - dope UTT's

Viet - u could ID those exact ones, probably be better with the ripstop since that stiff stuff creases just as bad.remember team cheap ***?

these damn fools at nike...just got a shipping email that completely lifted me out the frustrated mood i'm in(due to a certain shoes lack of appearance inthe states
)..only to open it and see that it was for one of the IDshirts.
(they almost as bad as with that one)

thinking about these for my next order.....i really just need a good $10k to spend on ID's so i can clean out my locker in one large swoosh
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

Viet - u could ID those exact ones, probably be better with the ripstop since that stiff stuff creases just as bad. remember team cheap ***?

you aleady know what my dilemma with team cheap $%$ is ...

i don't know why, but i'm really not impressed with the am90 ids that are avail now...

and i want a pair of miami/neon/huf bootlegs now...that's another 375....awwww shhhh....
....PLUS TAX....
briannnnn those are dope have the smae idea in my locker
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

thinking about these for my next order.....i really just need a good $10k to spend on ID's so i can clean out my locker in one large swoosh

Originally Posted by daaznfella

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

Viet - u could ID those exact ones, probably be better with the ripstop since that stiff stuff creases just as bad. remember team cheap ***?

you aleady know what my dilemma with team cheap $%$ is ...

i don't know why, but i'm really not impressed with the am90 ids that are avail now...
you already know what one solution to your dilemna is...just say the word and i got your back again. i promise i won't hold it hostage

dude...the new 90's are serious...don't sleep! i don't even have a pair yet but i will and what i saw in the id studio....i loved! but like isaid...u can make the almost exact ones(or the exact ones if ur willing to paint the mudguard black once u get 'em

Sauces - thanks
Bahunt - nice pickup on the pattas, got them in store or online?
Airon -

Brian - nice....if only the air unit could be colored right?
smh at Nike still holding out on us

We can't use electric green or orange as a lining color or as a suede

for not allowing us to color the air units. It's one of those little things that can really add a bit of flair to a shoe.

Will we ever get the 2005 options back?

all you NYC fammos....I am hittin' the city this weekend, flying in friday night and leaving sunday...will be spending all saturday in manhattan, holler atme

justin: absolutely sick IDs....I may order those! jake just subsidized my next pair of IDs...thanks bruddah!
I will be buying you a drink on saturday...bring danlove along forthe pregame

let's keep it moving y'all...last thing we want is a lock and thats for damn sure! pages are flying these days....

I was outbid on some vios this AM....ah well
if I was to unDS a pair, it would be these....recycled from my last pair

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