TEAM AM FAM aka AIR MAX FAMILY THREAD (New Application Process)

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Sup FAM!!

Sling - ....beautiful 95's and 87's...dope pics of 'em both as well!
Gooey - dude....u and Cris are killing it with those AMS'. thanks for theoffer on the doubles, just wanna get that other stuff we discussed outta the way first

once i googled Banksy the other was all downhill, between all his random pieces around the world and then hitting the UK & NYC museums, theDisneyland stunt, and the HMV's in the UK....he's doing damage out there....and it's my kind of mayhem!

took a personal day from work today, gotta get my wisdom toof pulled

rocking these for now...
denverair - thanks man, i appreciate it, i'll def keep you in mind

larrivee - thanks also dude!!
and thanks gooey! and whoever else

justin you gonna look like, and no

Originally Posted by neukicks

^^ you gonna look like:

looks like i'll be
a whole lot this weekend...eff what the doctorsays

....i hope he doesn't say that though....seriously.....labor has to be full of
yeah smoking after wisdom tooth removal is not the best idea. sooooo cook up a batch of clarified herb butter and bake yourself some cookies or somethin'.
oh yeah plus you'll probably get some vicodin or hydrocodone orsomething, maybe that'll help...
.....good looks guys. if it wasn't so painful already i'd be rescheduling for tuesday
.......but i gotta get this done today, baked herbals definitely sounds like themove for now. first i'll see if the vicodins do some damage
devil.gif comes that slippery road full of popping pills all weekend

seriously tho, i gotta tell this next dude to numb that area and get to work ASAP!.....the first dentist had me sitting in pain while he was all leisurelywalking around the office making small talk with people then casually coming in and looking like:

now i remember vividly why i hate going there....
jwdanklefs - loving the 180s. glad you found them in your size
sling - WOW! that's all I'm going to say...
mayhem - hope you have a speedy recovery. when I had mine pulled I was laid out on vics for a week or so. and yea, like others have said go easy on the smokey.
what up denver! I feel you on that PM. dude thinks he's king in there. king of the ******s maybe...
thanks Jib....dreading this but it has to be done. *sigh*

anyways, im out to make a quick trip to the city....catch yall later when i'm all hopped up on whatever they give pardon whatever iwrite/post later off the influence
^ dude I just remember, tell them that vics make you feel crummy and they should give you percocet. it's much better and doesn't make you as nauseous
Chris - not traded those TR2s yet then??

I changed my mind about getting rid of them. They are too nice

neukicks - those 87's are on my radar
now I have to deal with you,Cris, Steve and Oli posting to hurt my feelings

Jake - Very nice pick up! I remember a few people being pissed coz there were no size 13's available

Steve -
Box and all

Justin - Vaporizer is the way to go
congrats Steve, an amazing pickup. those Royals are too
one of a fewon my impossible wants list.
denver - thanks for that Banksy link, great pics & read. here's a bit more info on the exhibition
Cris - thanks again. PM'd.
Chris - thought not after seeing those Spiris AND your wdywt pic LOL
let me know if you ever need a backup.
Justin - sounds like an interesting weekend of recovery for you

for me today
good luck mayhem, cosign the percocet idea, probably a much better choice!

lol jib, no doubt. dudes are funny style over in those parts. i try to hold back and not get into it with any of them. it's just not worth it.

and gooey, thanks for that link as well, always interesting to see what a guy like Banksy is up to! he's so creative and bugged out with how he does stuff,i dig it.
Originally Posted by crisone

Today is a GOOD day, to the Fam who knows about my situations I went through, I can FINALLY end it today...........

My newest:

My size, DS with everything, sooooooooo stoked!!!! And they found me when I gave up looking...........



........CONGRATS CRIS!!! It's always great to get a grail. KRs next!

Congratulation Cris!!!! Finally
That's almost as satisfiying when Mic got his Storms (did he ever get them?
sup C!! hope all is well....Mike did get them, then he sold them after ALL that whining!!!
see ya soon Mike!

SUP FAM....hope everyone is well and I hope everyone has a FUN and SAFE Labor day weekend!!!
G...that exhibit looks pretty dope.

Justin...not sure if you know what it is, or even if they make em anymore, but when I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled (in the same day) I used somethingcalled "the bedside smoker" its made for cigs, but I used it for something else
. It puffs for you...I'm sure there's better stuff out nowto help.

Have a great long weekend Fam!
thanks for the wishes and tips everyone! this is why we are the best...

so this is what happened: went to the surgeon....took some xrays....then they sat me down with the nitrous and shot me up full oflidocaine/novacaine/whatevercaine, in total i got 7 shots so u would think i'd be damn near unconscious...much less able to feel anything near the tooth.NOPE! soon as the dude starts, the pain is there like i didn't have any shots. so he says the tooth is "hot" and i have to be put under(probably with horse tranquilizer or something
) to have the proceduredone.

next week sometime it's going down so i'm good to
for laborday weekend (yea i priorities are really intact

Chris - regret....that's what i'm feeling right now reading ur suggestion of the vaporizer, i gave mine away toa friend a while back. figured i wasn't gonna get much use out of it, HA! gonna go cop a new one this weekend for next weeks coma.

Shaun - thanks dude, and damn....all 4 at once? that's a scary thought haha

getting my mr. rogers on....switched to these, gonna meet up wit Dan later for some more

PS: heads up will be sent tomorrow, i'm sure u guy's understand....
^^yeah it wasn't too bad. I took a few valuum beofore I went to the dentist and I pretty much slept through it all
sucked after though when the medswore off and pain set in...
[h3]TEAM AM FAM application[/h3]supp yall, i have been checkin this site out for long, and obsess with nike runners. So now i think i wouldwant to share with u guys all my am collection , actually they are mainly am 1
. I have been collecting around 2 years ago and i m basing in Sydney, Australia ( shxt place to get sneakers
) lol anyway, the collection keeps growing. so hope i cancontribute to this thread and to be a member of TEAM AM FAM honorably... Peace

Without further ado, Enjoy folks,




sdubl- let me guess what's next........back to page 1?

still trying to figure it out it must be a antisneakaphine thing? lol
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