thanks everyone!
yes skylines are hard to find. a few years back id be searching ebay uk and other sites so frequently and never once saw a 10 for sale.

congrats to kev. reminded me that my little max shot was long overdue. he's got a bigger pair on ice for when he can actually walk lol.
if anyone spots some of the mesh infrareds (not the all leather ones out in stores now) for retail or less please let me know. i may try to find those scream greens like wei too lol.
Question for anyone....anyone know how many pairs of the AM 90 Hufquakes were actually produced?
Marcus - great urawas! still looking for a pair!

David - clean hyperfuse infras!

bside - dope pickups!

Jayson - Congrats man! :D
Awesome stuff everyone! 

MarkIX- Awesome Urawas Marcus! I should try a lace swap later.. 

Msgt16- Awesome shots and wear! 

Higuy- Congrats Jay!! And awesome pic of the neon 95! I'm assuming a son? 

Bside- Awesome pickups on those 90's and Cave 1's! Both very clean!! 
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lemon- my girl bought me a canon Rebel T4i for christmas. i mentioned something about getting a nice camera and she surprised me with it. i honestly know nothing about photography but id like to learn :lol:
aneks - dope teals!

rich - shots are nice! not bad for a first dslr user.! :smile: I suggest you abuse your kit lens first, then buy your first prime lens for that creamy "bokeh" photos. :lol:
thats a great girlfriend Rich haha, Like Msgt said, the lens is where its at. I use a 50m f1.8d for my shoe shots, super crisp lens, not to expensive either. The canon's are great for beginners and users who just want great shots with out going in to adjust setting etc, the nikons are more for advanced users. as lame as it sounds, i took one of those camera classes at my local camera store after i bought the camera and boy was that a big help. Just a suggestion, either way those shots were good!

AM$- those look very good, release info?
AM$ Nice color blocking on them 90s. You start posting AM info in here, I wont have to lurk that other site.

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Dope stuff everyone.

Markix - dope urawas

Lemon - clean hyperfuse Infra's

Bside - nice caves

Aneks - nice teals

Higuy - congrats!

Rich - dope huas

Everyone else nice wears!
Mike- solid pair of 90's, bet those are hard to get dirty haha

Sprigan- great Heineken iDs

AM$- another clean colorway

These were shipped to me priority from Cali to Seattle, but took 8 days to arrive, not to sure how that works.... Anywho, big bubbles snagged off the bay for the low of 53$. Could not say no to that haha! used but not much.

And todays footwear: HOA's
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have fun learning your new toy rich! One of the first things I did was head to the library and borrow a book (never thought I'd ever have to do that after college) on photography. I forget what it was called but it was a highly recommended intro read. Helped me understand the importance and correlation between lighting/aperture/shutter speed. I went balls out and bought all kinds of expensive lenses (really made the most of the great bing ebay cashback - so sadly my funds went to camera gear instead of sneakers) so I felt I should put in work to understand and make the most of it. I did consider taking a photography class at the university, but ended up not following through because im a cheap *** lol. Figured i could get by on reading online, youtube, real world experience, etc. sadly, i never got that far either lol. For the most part it collects dust and I use the camera phone or a tiny point and shoot lol. I only took it to friends weddings and kids birthdays lol. Using it a lot again for my baby shots though.

Lemon, not too familiar with Nikon, how much more advanced does it get? I just assumed all dslrs had the same extra settings and point and shoot cameras were basic, and the enthusiasts looked for more similar customization on their point and shoots for ease and portability. I got the 7d when it came out and really didn't know what exactly I was buying. All the articles said it would be great for sports photography and fast motion so that was one of the reasons I got it. Later on though I wished I went full frame and got the 5d.
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have fun learning your new toy rich! One of the first things I did was head to the library and borrow a book (never thought I'd ever have to do that after college) on photography. I forget what it was called but it was a highly recommended intro read. Helped me understand the importance and correlation between lighting/aperture/shutter speed.

I'm still a newb at photography but if you really want to make most of your DSLR(especially if you want more than just sneaker shots)...THAT. And just go out and play with your camera on MANUAL. When you want to know about something, google or check Youtube...almost everything is answered. It will also help to get familiar with simple editing in programs like Lightroom or Photoshop. But most of all, go out and have fun with it and don't stress about making "professional looking photos" (that's probably my downfall sometimes). Enjoy!

BTW, all this time I actually thought you had been shooting with one lol

And on another note, Canon 35mm F/2.0 lens for sale LOL (please don't kill me Tak, I'll remove if necessary haha)

Good stuff on this page btw. :smokin

Today. Recycled picture but I'll probably take a new one later. (these are allowed too right?)

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