Team black Panthers???

if this flies i'm rollin with either of these




sarcasm, be ez
^ Ive seen that pic for years now and just realized who that was in it. I never watch the NFL.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

To turn it into an E-Team when the majority of the members probably don't even know the full history of the Black Panthers in a sense trivializes their message IMO.

Huey P would approve IMO.
Strength in #'s that could likely become educated > Lack of #'s with a non ignorant core group.

at you guys for saying that the Black Panthers are some archaic group that had no impact on today's society.
They did a lot of things for the fight for minority rights, and they also did things to take clean up the hood, feed starving children, and educate people. Iam simply one who shares their goal of total, complete and unhindered equality, liberty and justice.
Unfortunately their organization was infiltrated by COINTELPRO, and it basically imploded after that.
J Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI, was a racist bastard who single-handedly took apart just about every strong social movement during the 60's/70's.
And now I want to do my small part in reviving their positive message...
Originally Posted by Fade On You

I can only imagine if someone made a thread "Team KKK" anyone wanna join?


You fools are pathetic.

You're an idiot.
To turn it into an E-Team when the majority of the members probably don't even know the full history of the Black Panthers in a sense trivializes their message IMO.

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'd join, and I'm not even Black!

neither am I, but the BPP inspired/worked with a number of similar groups of different racial backgrounds.
for example
red guards of chinatown
brown berets (latino power movement)
Pink Panthers (homosexual power movement)
grey pantehrs (senior power movement)
To turn it into an E-Team when the majority of the members probably don't even know the full history of the Black Panthers in a sense trivializes their message IMO.
I do NOT agree. maybe it does nothing for 400 dudes but
Maybe it might spark one or two members (maybe more) to actually read about the black panthers and their works, maybe even make them take a leadership role orpossibly take action in their community. maybe make them take pride in themselves and their community and maybe insight change.

the crazy part is, the OP is not african american and he seems to have more zeel for something than WE should

Props JerryRice.

Im down with ya [forest gump]Panther Party [/forest gump]
@+%+%* quick to put down some #@@$ that has meaning but are down for some #@@$ like team gucci man or team joker ...
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Fade On You

I can only imagine if someone made a thread "Team KKK" anyone wanna join?


You fools are pathetic.

You're an idiot.
Co-sign. This dude is like one of the most racist cats on NT. I'd join but I can't use my sig.
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'd join, and I'm not even Black!

neither am I, but the BPP inspired/worked with a number of similar groups of different racial backgrounds.
for example
red guards of chinatown
brown berets (latino power movement)
Pink Panthers (homosexual power movement)
grey pantehrs (senior power movement)

Cool,never heard of them.
I'm gonna read into this.
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

I'd join, and I'm not even Black!

neither am I, but the BPP inspired/worked with a number of similar groups of different racial backgrounds.
for example
red guards of chinatown
brown berets (latino power movement)
Pink Panthers (homosexual power movement)
grey pantehrs (senior power movement)
I was trying to sound ignorant by giving the impression that I assumed only Black people could be a partof the movement.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

the crazy part is, the OP is not african american and he seems to have more zeel for something than WE should

@+%+%* quick to put down some #@@$ that has meaning but are down for some #@@$ like team gucci man or team joker ...

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

the crazy part is, the OP is not african american and he seems to have more zeel for something than WE should

@+%+%* quick to put down some #@@$ that has meaning but are down for some #@@$ like team gucci man or team joker ...

I mean, if you know the history. You can't deny them boys was bad, from feeding kids in the morning so that they could concentrate in schooland everything.
Originally Posted by UnCalled4Boy

Fred Hampton Was That Dude

Damn Shame What Happened To Em Tho...

The Motha %@$*@@ FBI did him wrong.
Did you know that an FBI sting operation was made b4 he died in attempts to bust Hampton for something and get him in jail and off of the streets, and the onlycharge they could charge him with was
In June 1968, a young white Good Humor man was attacked and beaten by a
group of black youths, who made off with $71 worth of ice cream. Hampton was
identified as one of the attackers and arrested. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]He was convicted and given a two- to[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]five-year sentence.31[/color]
Even if this is true, which I doubt it is, does stealing $ 71 justify a 2 year prison sentence???
[size=+1]What cost $71 in 1968 would cost $434.75 in 2008.[/size]
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

I'd join...

modern day black panthers ain't really on it tho---but back in the day? Life as a black person in America would probably be A MILLION TIMES DIFFERENT if they were allowed to flourish and do what they intended on doing.

Yeah, Reagan made sure that wasn't happening.

My Aunt was a black panther for a minute though.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

I can only imagine if someone made a thread "Team KKK" anyone wanna join?


You fools are pathetic.


Educate yourself ignorant fool.

Never compare a terrorist organization to a group of ACTIVISTS again.

Naw, I'm good.
Your good? Nobody asked you.

The ignorance in this thread is nauseating, alot of you need to read the Eldridge Cleaver.
I'll give you credit for actually making a legitimate citation for once, but Eldridge Cleaver doesn't summarize the black power movement.

I don't think Team Black Panthers is what it should be, making something new while taking influence from the black panthers and other black leaders withinthe culture would be a good idea.
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