Team black Panthers???

How about a team that wants equality for all, regardless of race or culture?

What would be the purpose of a black panther party in 2009?

Things (imo) have changed drastically since the times where a group like this was necessary to help people understand the necessity of equality in America, andnot just on paper but in reality. Black people were oppressed back then, segregated and hated for absolutely no reason.

You couldn't convince me that black people are oppressed by anything other than their own minds in 2009. I mean its to the point where white people arebegging blacks to join the companies, leagues, and entities that we once fought so hard to gain access to (ie: MLB, COLLEGE)

Is a team or organization really necessary for YOU as an individual to get up off of your $#! and get something accomplished or pass off knowledge tosomeone blind to what reality really is?
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]There's a long, wide line between the KKK and the is a terrorist org[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]People believe anything they are told....they were a civil rights org, a radical one at that. Theydidn't lynch black voters, firebombs houses, burn crosses, use fear techniques, murder innocent. Most images people believe nowadays was from FBI"intelligence". Why is the KKK still around yet BPP was illegal?[/color]
Some of you need to read up on history and stop making dumb %%! post

"how about I make a team kkk" how about you shut your young %%! up and read
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Some of you need to read up on history and stop making dumb %%! post

"how about I make a team kkk" how about you shut your young %%! up and read
mods where u at?? We need some type of warning forignorant %#% comments that "some people" are making in this thread. Because not only are those comments ignorant, they are insulting too. How can youcompare the KKK/Nazis to the Black Panther Party????
Originally Posted by 80JerryRice80

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Some of you need to read up on history and stop making dumb %%! post

"how about I make a team kkk" how about you shut your young %%! up and read
mods where u at?? We need some type of warning for ignorant %#% comments that "some people" are making in this thread. Because not only are those comments ignorant, they are insulting too. How can you compare the KKK/Nazis to the Black Panther Party????
??? I'll wait
i really dont see why dudes wilding out over this

dude was respectful asked a simple question

and even came with a history for people who didnt know what they stood for
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