Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Physicx

j1, more bands like black breath please

just yt links will suffice cause my laptop is a pos. @(*&@# piece of...
try Mammoth Grinder -  Extinction of Humanity or Blind to Faith - The Seven Fat Years Are Over. also ive mentioned them earlier in this thread, dont sleep on Nails their album Unsilent Death +@$*%#$ amazing.

yo Rust Emmure?
bro cmon. get that new Rot In Hell and cleanse those ears. j/k its cool man if you like it thats all that matters. i can get down with most music but not deathcore.

for those of you that slept on the last Integrity album.
J1 ^ I havent listened to their stuff up until their newest album that came out this week. I dig it though. Definitely grindcore/deathcore stuff which im normally not into but its been fitting my mood lately haha. I came in fully expecting to catch flames from most guys lol.

Physicx -- Yea I love metal but I like all forms of music and when I clean the house and hit shuffle on that ipod it amazes me what comes up that I forgot I put on there. You would be hard pressed to suggest a genre where I think everything is garbage.

This morning while hiking in the foggy mountains of Western North Carolina. (I felt like I was in a scene from Lord Of The Rings haha)

Abandon All Ships
Van Halen
Mercyful Fate
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

J1 ^ I havent listened to their stuff up until their newest album that came out this week. I dig it though. Definitely grindcore/deathcore stuff which im normally not into but its been fitting my mood lately haha. I came in fully expecting to catch flames from most guys lol.

Physicx -- Yea I love metal but I like all forms of music and when I clean the house and hit shuffle on that ipod it amazes me what comes up that I forgot I put on there. You would be hard pressed to suggest a genre where I think everything is garbage.

This morning while hiking in the foggy mountains of Western North Carolina. (I felt like I was in a scene from Lord Of The Rings haha)

Abandon All Ships
Van Halen
Mercyful Fate
Now that is a list I can listen to anytime.
^^I can dig it BCF, plus... I more than respect your tunes.

Guys, can I make a resolution and say TEAM METALHEADS gets to page 200 before July 4th? That means each of us post three times a day. BCF, Physicx, J1, ErickM, Mario, Anton, and Ninja? If that happens we make 2160 posts in 90 days span. I will do it yall will. Keep it on page one or two!!!

Speaking of Ninja, W T F happened to him? I need someone to teach me how to embed youtube vids.

By the way, facebook for those that dont have it. Post it up boys!!/profile.php?id=536068658

Flame Suit Activated!!!
ninja got banned cause he called method man a @+*$$ (among PLENTY of other things) in the one of the college football bowl game threads

he then had his backup sn mustakrakish banned as well

i still talk to him on facebook and he's waiting for the beginning of march before he gets his new sn approved. ill add you on fb tonight cause its blocked here at work tho

and im down for hitting 200 pages by july, most def
Sounds good dude. Im feeling good about keeping it on page one cause we have picked a couple people up from just having it there in plain view. I know more people on NT listen to or at least like a couple metal bands.

That sucks about ninja lol. But I can totally see him pulling that on Meth hahahaha.
Down for the 200

This won the Grammy for best metal performance by the way 2 weeks ago
i kinda wished that megadave won

just for him to shut the hell up about not winning one already
plus i guess it means something to him

steve harris was humble about winning and graciously received the award but admitted that they dont really care
Hey guys what did yall think of Maidens Final Frontier. Maybe I'm just a fanboy but I loved it. I'm even going to Florida to go check out the tour. By the way its nice seeing you post on here again Rust!
^^ Yeah no one in metal would truly care for a Grammy, I think it started when they introduced the best metal Grammy in 1990 and Jethro Tull beat Metallica

only MegaDave would care since he's trying to one up Metallica in everything who eventually got a Grammy
Originally Posted by BCF06

Hey guys what did yall think of Maidens Final Frontier. Maybe I'm just a fanboy but I loved it. I'm even going to Florida to go check out the tour. By the way its nice seeing you post on here again Rust!

I loved Final Frontier, it kinda surprised more than Endgame did.
Maiden came back, and they came back tough
I had really low expectations for Final Frontier because of their recent efforts just not doing it for me. I still appreciate the musicianship and hell, its Maiden. But I really liked Final Frontier.

By the way,

Happy Birthday to me! Turning 23 makes me feel old as dirt.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

I had really low expectations for Final Frontier because of their recent efforts just not doing it for me. I still appreciate the musicianship and hell, its Maiden. But I really liked Final Frontier.

By the way,

Happy Birthday to me! Turning 23 makes me feel old as dirt.
I loved it man.  The Talisman is an amazing song and the emotion and energy Bruce puts in that chorus is amazing.  I loved it.  Happy Birthday Rust!! Man you think your old.  I turn 24 in July
.  I feel old!
Didn't know Grammys even honored metal category..most genres are filled w/oversaturated 'artists' who make millions through mediocrity..

Edited for NT..
they do honor them, but they dont televise the metal award

theyre pretty inconsisent too. metallica will be nominated for the hard rock award one year then metal the next


early graves
mammoth grinder

thanks j1

Yeah they have a televised show and a day before a non-televised show with like only 50 people in the audience. from metal to techno to best Native American Music Album

Happy birthday Rust, if it makes you feel older I turn 20 this august

I keed, I keed
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