Team Metal Heads thread : Keep metal alive join the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The concert was beyond amazing seriously the best concert I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of concerts. They played everyone of my favorite maidensongs they played with so much emotion it was overwhelming I got some ok cellphone pics ill post asap.

And they played iron maiden easily my favorite maiden riff ever I didn't expect that.

Anyone going or go to summer slaughter yeah I'm going this wensday.
Hey guys my uncle told me about a group he used to jam out to back in the day. I don't know if yall know anything about them but they are calledWatchtower. I been jamming out to them lately. They are awesome. The albums they have are Energetic Disassembly, Control and Resistance and Demonstration inChaos. They were mainly big down here in Texas but I think some of yall will dig them.
Originally Posted by Johnstaysfresh

The concert was beyond amazing seriously the best concert I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of concerts. They played everyone of my favorite maiden songs they played with so much emotion it was overwhelming I got some ok cellphone pics ill post asap.

And they played iron maiden easily my favorite maiden riff ever I didn't expect that.

Anyone going or go to summer slaughter yeah I'm going this wensday.

Yea when they played Iron Maiden I almost pooped my dundies. I just wish they played Phantom Of The Opera.
Can anyone with any Burzum tracks toss me a PM? It would be greatlyapprecieated. Thanks.
I can't find any tracks on them but I been checking some of them out on youtube and I heard samples of them on Amazon. Right now i'm trying to find analbum to purchase but they are a bit hard to find cause they werent that big. Here is a link to a song I saw on youtube. . Here is one of them live . They are not that greatlive but I still get off to them.
Today listening to

Celtic frost-jewel throne
Incubus- sadistic sinner
Saytricon- mother north
Master(very underrated death metal band)

Anyone have the new origin cd I've heard a few tracks all sound awesome I need to still pick it up.
Gahhhhh where is everyoneeeeeeeeeeee

Went to summer slaughter it was ok
Way too long and way too many deathcore bands lol.
Originally Posted by Johnstaysfresh

Gahhhhh where is everyoneeeeeeeeeeee

Went to summer slaughter it was ok
Way too long and way too many deathcore bands lol.

I was going to go to the one in Philly but i went to the beach instead.

Equilibrium - Sagas
Eluveitie - Slania

awesome stuff.

Eluveitie - Bloodstained Ground
anyone ever think about going to that one wacken festival thing in europe,
i seen vids looks like a way better version of ozzfest
Damn, so ive been driving across the country from San Diego, CA to Charlotte, North Carolina. I dont think anyone should ever be subjected to 117 degreeweather in a vehicle without air conditioner. But I digress,

The only things that have gotten me through:

August Burns Red
Iron Maiden
At The Gates
I've been there before and Maiden does the trick. It sucks their north american tour is over.

Today's rotation
Pantera- Cowboys From Hell
Metal Church- Metal Church
Mercyful Fate- Don't Break the Oath
Iron Maiden- A Matter of Life and Death (Can't wait till their next album) Bruce mentioned it will be worked on after the tour)
Originally Posted by BCF06

I've been there before and Maiden does the trick. It sucks their north american tour is over.

Today's rotation
Pantera- Cowboys From Hell
Metal Church- Metal Church
Mercyful Fate- Don't Break the Oath
Iron Maiden- A Matter of Life and Death (Can't wait till their next album) Bruce mentioned it will be worked on after the tour)

i was just listening to Mercyful fate as well- Black Funeral, Egypt, Melissa, into the coven, and satans fall

wow sorry for the neglect but i havent really been on here in a long time. Whats up with everyone??
Mercyful Fate is awesome. I like how they sound on vinyl especially black funeral. I'm still waiting for King Diamond to heal from his back injury. He was supposed to make out here in San Antonio but he had to cancel. I think he will be back though. I also havent had a chance to keep up with this forum. School is killing me right now. Thank God its done in a week.

Today's rotation
Queensryche- Empire
Rush- 2112
Accept- Balls to the Wall
sorry for the absence but im here full time again ill be bumping this thread everyday in hopes of more team members.

Listening to

Kreator- Pleasure to kill

D.R.I- Five year plan

Municipal waste- A.D.D
Municipal waste is awesome. The only beef I have with them is that their songs are short.
The length of MW's songs are a good and bad thing I mean like the speed but sometimes you want it to be longer but then sometimes when your in the mood forshort fast songs their a good go to band. That's why I usually like to balance out listening to them with bands that have longer and slower songs if thatmakes any sense lol.

Lately I've been on a huge crossover and thrash kick so its been mostly

Exodus, D.R.I, S.O.D, Kreator,Sodom, Ghoul and few other bands.

Hey BFC I don't know if you have comcast but in the music section under concerts they have the full live after death video I watched it yesterday.
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