Check the sig...Thx Karl ! Let's all have fun and enjoy some vintage goodies !

Team Vintage Heat​

Never too old.

yo! I never EVER see penny II's (black) in my size. All they ever throw up are the atlantics, which I have :smh:

o yea, I (Bait2Master) gotta go under a new name since that douche bag y2gay got me banned. (
I would love the sig and the approval to join. Here are some of my more recent pick ups. I try and wear all my OGs. Its a dangerous job but someones gotta' do it. Its like breathing new life into the old. In some cases you can only do it once. Cheers!

Team AMFAMOurColorwaysAre Better
schaefmp, you have also my vote! AJJack, you can pm him the sig?
nice shoes you have..
lile always: detailed pics are pareciated in the future!
would like to se some closer ones of your ATC II, have also a pair, and your looks like in same condition as my pair...

actually i was wondering how do these hold? have your worn them?

i have once worn a pair of OG AM90, back in 2001, shoes were like 10 years old, and literally imploded after a few steps...

i think i have a few pair that arent that yellowed and foam looks good (ATC II lows, huaraches, ...) but i am not risking

and damn, explosive, take that picture away of your air trainers >:
Team Vintage Heat​

Never too old.​
Good lookin pepper. I'm gonna get on after sushi with the wife. Who needs the sig I should have a pm or 2 left.
Team Vintage Heat​
Never Too Old​
Sig Check?
font color=red face=times new roman size=7]
Team Vintage Heat​

Never too old.​

I am about to head out so i will post some more pics tomorrow. They held up ok for the first 2 wears. They began to crack a little and they have been semi retired. They may see some more time.

They are no where near the condition of yours. Those are amazing. Toebox has some cracking and the sole is no missing some foam. My wood raids hold up great as do most of my 98 SC 95s. I have not worn the hybrid 87/90s yet.

Thanks for the approval! Happy to be part of the team!
Team AMFAM Our Colorways Are Better
I hurried. Here you go! I included some other older pics I had as well.

Team AMFAMOurColorwaysAre Better
bait, what happened that they banned you?


don't even matter, I was simply pointing out a dude's faulty actions and he got back at me, and dirty banned us both. When dude went hard on me and I ain't even retaliate, cuz I was sleep

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