Teen wins lottery>Spends Money on Expensive stuff x coke > Ends up being broke.

Damn... if I was 16, which is mad young .. I'd def bought a crazy car.. I woulda been crazy fresh every remaining day of high school. I wouldn't tellNO ONE. I would be on some redman $%@. All my money in the bank, just straight random with it.
I don't feel sorry for her, but I do wanna see what that boob job looking like. However, if it was a terrible job I wouldn't be surprised consideringthe rest of the failures.
With 3 million, I'd be set.

Buy a couple chains of Mcdonalds, Jack in the Box and/or Starbucks.

Respectable house. Happy.
Let me win the lottery SMH! I'll get my house in Colorado, grow my six plants, have a nice golden lab or something, get my masters, pick up an Audi. Damn,too much imagining right now.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

$3 million?? That is absolutely ridiculous.

Now im sure we all would have done something stupid with $3 million dollars at the age of 16, dont even stunt................But what she did, i couldnt even imagine.
Nope. I'm 16, I'd know what to do with it.
if i won the lottery, i would've known dam well to not do things like that.

mo money mo problems
Originally Posted by Jabawokee

I'd still hit it...

She can get the business.
On the real though...if you have $300 and cant save money, you'd be the same with $3 mill because your expenses are higher.
This happens to the majority of people that win the lottery. They spend all their money on luxury items not realizing that they have to pay major taxes on thisstuff. Smart thing would have been letting most of it sit in the bank and make interest off of it. I read a survery saying that 60-70% of people that win thelottery go bankrupt in less than 5 years.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Give me 3 million right now....I'd make her story look like a Babar tale.


Honestly, at the age of 19 I would know what to do with that kind of money.

Not only is she to blame, but her parents are idiots for not teaching her how to manage the money
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