Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

am i the only one that's outraged by how those kids are going to be protected by the flawed justice system. i personally feel their names and faces should be all over the place for everyone to know what they did and who they are.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

am i the only one that's outraged by how those kids are going to be protected by the flawed justice system. i personally feel their names and faces should be all over the place for everyone to know what they did and who they are.
You aint the only one champ.  Their names and faces should be all over the news, as well as their parents names and faces, and maybe just maybe their grandparents as well.  These kids should be scared to even walk out the door during the day.

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

am i the only one that's outraged by how those kids are going to be protected by the flawed justice system. i personally feel their names and faces should be all over the place for everyone to know what they did and who they are.
Professionals will make the case that they aren't fully developed cognitively or emotionally at their young age. For this they likely won't be completely culpable. I'm also guessing their home lives were nothing special, which will be a mitigating factor itself.

At the same time, you never know because Lionel Tate was originally sentenced to LIFE at the age of 12 (even though that was Florida). That was also an extreme case and involved the murder of a child.

The justice system is so inconsistent. Expect the unexpected in this case.
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