Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

Is it considered statutory rape if you put them in a maximum security prison with the real lifers and let them get at that $+*. Where's the toss salad man when we need him. They should have to toss a whole cell block of salads for this. 
Originally Posted by sreggie101

no racial, but we need to do better

This has nothing to do with Black people. This doesn't have anything to do with race. This has to do with pathetic punks whose lack of brains make them harmful to others.

Black people don't need to do better at all. Idiots like these two need to do better.
Not sure why race keeps coming up but for anyone who's speculating one of the kids is named Raymond Hernandez.
hope the woman recovers, she's a mother with a 10 yr old kid, SMH.

as punishment, the teens should be thrown off the 4 story building along with their parents.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by Enchanted1

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Reminds me of the time some kids were dropping frozen turkeys into a highway...

Death penalty.

They're 12 years old....
so they should get off with a slap on the hand? i agree with death penalty regardless if he was serious or not.
We need to start following an eye for an eye again, Code of Hammurabi style.  Throw them off that 4-story walkway or drop a cart on their skulls from that distance.  I think that would be fair.
those kids deserve to be killed.

spare them and let them become future threats and failures to society.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Lol you guys kill me with these responses.

I do feel like some of these responses are harsh, but this is the kind of event that can really polarize people and invoke strong emotion. Like, what if that was your mother/sister/daughter/etc? I can honestly say if this happened to my mom I'd not only want those kids killed, but tortured. But she's not, so I'm more inclined to see them rehabilitated in some way. That said I can easily see why people would feel otherwise
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

"Whatever happens, happens"

That doesn't mean they understand the full consequences, at that age your acting out of impulse

so we're supposed to feel sympathy for them?

them not understanding the consequences didnt make those consequences not happen

a woman is in critical condition after being possibly murdered infront of her 10 year old son.

im so sick of hearing the "intent" or "i didnt know" or "i didnt understand" defense...

that didnt stop the cart from damn near killing that woman, right?


its not like this is a common occurance for 12 year olds and they were picked out of a huge population of kids breaking the law unjustly



Kids do stupid things all the time but that doesn't mean they know the full repercussions. You think the kid is thinking that a woman would get injured? Or that the potential would lead him into court facing jail time?  Nope. At most they're thinking about laughing when they see the cart they just threw down. Not saying the kids deserve to get a pass and I hope the women gets better, but a death penalty? Are you kidding me.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Lol you guys kill me with these responses.

I do feel like some of these responses are harsh, but this is the kind of event that can really polarize people and invoke strong emotion. Like, what if that was your mother/sister/daughter/etc? I can honestly say if this happened to my mom I'd not only want those kids killed, but tortured. But she's not, so I'm more inclined to see them rehabilitated in some way. That said I can easily see why people would feel otherwise

i personally feel these kids need to be made an example of.  if not the death penalty, then charge them as adults and lock them up for life.

some family is going through unnecessary pain and suffering and a 10 year old kid is likely going to be tramatuized because some kids want to behave and act like scum. what sickens me even more is them laughing about it and having no remorse.  sad thing is due to stupid laws, their faces and names will be protected and hidden.

these kids are 12 years old, i'm pretty sure they were well aware of what they were doing and that throwing a heavy object such as a shopping cart off a 4 story building onto a street where people are walking is going to have damaging results.  if these kids get off easy it's only going to renforce the notion amongst minors that they can do stupid stuff and get off as long as their underage.
Yo, I remember 2 years ago I was pulling into the parking lot at the movies and some kids pulled the marble lid off a trash can and threw it off the 6th level.
When I turned back around from telling my boy something I hear a loud crash and I see their jaws drop turns out the lid landed on the hood of my Civic.

I was 
 I got out the car and yelled "I'm gonna kick your #%$@!+% teeth in" and a cop popped his head out the 4th level and yelled at me asking if I saw where it came from.

I was pissed, they never caught the kids and the lid !%#*!+ UP the hood of my car, so we ended up cancelling our plans and I went home and was carless for about a week. 
At 12 years old they are old enough to know that they shouldnt be throwing shopping carts down 4 stories. They even threw drinks earlier that day. They knew exactly what they were doing.

We can blame the parents, but these kids have to be held accountable. Death Penalty isn't the solution, but neither is a slap on the wrist. I think a minimum 5 yrs in prison
Originally Posted by shogun

We need to start following an eye for an eye again, Code of Hammurabi style.  Throw them off that 4-story walkway or drop a cart on their skulls from that distance.  I think that would be fair.

This is a good idea. People need an incentive to NOT do anything bad. Right now, things just aren't strict enough. All these protective laws and the ability to hire the best lawyer if you got the money... it's not about the crime itself anymore.

Give people a reason to be afraid of committing crimes, and they won't do it. Over in some other countries, they chop your hands off if you steal something. Likewise, thievery isn't a big issue because no one wants their hands cut off. Over here, you steal something, you get a trial in court (if it even escalates to that level) and a couple years in prison if you stole something expensive. Not much is going to stop me, as a minor, from walking right into my local convenience store and pocketing some candy.

Harsher punishments will reduce the amount of crimes.
These kids are certified goons. Same type of kids who punk/rob/jump/fight other kids for fun and grow up in prison. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Throwing drinks at random people as if that wasn't morally incorrect from the start, they had to throw a cart 4 stories down? At 12 years old, its common sense, throw a heavy object from a high enough distance, it will becomes a dangerous object.

I have no sympathy whatsoever for these kinds of kids, they're only a burden to the community they live in. It's so ironic that they ended putting a lady in critical condition who volunteers for a group that helps these kids' neighborhood.
I don't think they or their parents should get the death penalty or anything, but that whole not knowing the consequences arguments is buns. At 12, you have enough common sense to know a heavy object dropped from a high distance is dangerous. Hell, that was the whole reason and thrill of why they did it.
Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Dips3tRydah

That doesn't mean they understand the full consequences, at that age your acting out of impulse

so we're supposed to feel sympathy for them?

them not understanding the consequences didnt make those consequences not happen

a woman is in critical condition after being possibly murdered infront of her 10 year old son.

im so sick of hearing the "intent" or "i didnt know" or "i didnt understand" defense...

that didnt stop the cart from damn near killing that woman, right?


its not like this is a common occurance for 12 year olds and they were picked out of a huge population of kids breaking the law unjustly



Kids do stupid things all the time but that doesn't mean they know the full repercussions. You think the kid is thinking that a woman would get injured? Or that the potential would lead him into court facing jail time?  Nope. At most they're thinking about laughing when they see the cart they just threw down. Not saying the kids deserve to get a pass and I hope the women gets better, but a death penalty? Are you kidding me.

read the last page, bruh.

they certainly were trying to hit people.

they were throwing drinks at people earlier in the day.

their friend urged them to stop.

after they were taken into custody they joked about the incident.

stop it 5.
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