Teens toss shopping cart four stories, Woman in Critical Condition

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by omgitswes

The couldn't stop and look to see if someone was coming or not?

Me thinks they did it to purposely hit somebody

i dont even think they purposely hit someone.

but they did it and it hit someone.

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Se73n0

Are you kidding me? These are 12 year old kids, not even teenagers yet. They did not intend to hurt the woman with the shopping cart. Was it stupid and idiotic to throw the cart? Of course. But to call for the death penalty is ridiculous. We all did stupid !!@% when we were 12. Most of us were fortunate enough not to mortally wound someone though. These kids deserve to be punished, not killed.
son, read

one of their friends was trying to stop them

and they overpowered him and did it anyway.

you think they were doing it under some ridiculous train of thought that it was safe?


they were being vandals. i did the same at that age.....had i murdered someone doing something stupid, yes, i think i should have been punished

thing is

i never hurt one person doing my stupid teenage games...

they did.

So what are you saying? They deserve to die? I also said they deserve to be punished but not killed. You think their intent was to drop a shopping cart and have it land on somebody's head?  If they had a friend waiting at the bottom to give them the signal when someone was about to walk under then drop it, then yea I understand why people may be calling for their death.
Instead of the death penalty, why don't we let fate decide?
Have them stand exactly where the lady stood and drop a cart on them, let her 10 year old son do it if he wants.
If they die, it wasn't meant to be; whatever happens, happens.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Instead of the death penalty, why don't we let fate decide?
Have them stand exactly where the lady stood and drop a cart on them, let her 10 year old son do it if he wants.
If they die, it wasn't meant to be; whatever happens, happens.
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

is this considered murder or manslaughter cause im pretty sure if you get manslaughter theirs no way you can get death penalty
Wait...do you honestly think the death penalty applies to a 12 year old?
god damn idiots

i mean cmon i do some really dumb shtt, but really u gon throw a shoppin cart 4 stories into a crowd $+#
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

is this considered murder or manslaughter cause im pretty sure if you get manslaughter theirs no way you can get death penalty
Wait...do you honestly think the death penalty applies to a 12 year old?

if that 12 year old has a beard, tatted up, and his snap back banged to the side, then yea, it should
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Death penalty get out of here death penalty? when i was a kid we would throw bolders off of roofs you get hit with a pumpkin sized rock from 20 storys up your dead. If you didnt mean to kill how is death penalty even in discussion they stay doing some dumb %%!# to set an example

Oh yeah, you're the dude that can't spell or make coherent sentences...
should've stayed in school instead of throwing bolders from 20 storys up, your dead

finish your degree before you try lecturing people.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

is this considered murder or manslaughter cause im pretty sure if you get manslaughter theirs no way you can get death penalty
Wait...do you honestly think the death penalty applies to a 12 year old?
no im asking what does this fall under whether it be manslaughter or murder and noting that if its manslaughter noone can get the death penalty cause im pretty sure that you need to commit murder to get that sentence
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

is this considered murder or manslaughter cause im pretty sure if you get manslaughter theirs no way you can get death penalty
Wait...do you honestly think the death penalty applies to a 12 year old?
no im asking what does this fall under whether it be manslaughter or murder and noting that if its manslaughter noone can get the death penalty cause im pretty sure that you need to commit murder to get that sentence
Probably in the ballpark of involuntary manslaughter (negligence).
This is in NY, so you know the death penalty wouldn't even be brought to the table even if it was an adult that did it intentionally.
These two will just be another burden on the taxpayer.
never thought i'd see people calling for the death of children, when they are clearly a product of their environment...as in lack of parenting. im all for being harsh with them...but they still need to learn about life, right from wrong, etc. jail the parents. send the kids away too...maybe to military school or something idk. but don't execute them...are we really about that life?

no racial, but we need to do better
UPDATED ARTICLE FROM TODAY. The kids "laughed and joked about the incident" after being taken into custody. T here is no reforming little @#$% like this!! They knew exactly what they were doing!!

In a crime that has shocked New Yorkers, two 12-year-olds allegedly dropped a shopping cart from four stories up, letting it fall on the head of a woman shopping for Halloween treats for underprivileged kids. She's now clinging to life.

Marion Salmon Hedges, 47, a successful Manhattan real estate agent, was at an East Harlem mall along with her 13-year-old son when the incident occurred Sunday, police said. Her son was not injured but was hysterical after witnessing the incident, according to the New York Post.

Mother and son were walking through a breezeway at a popular shopping area that includes, four stories up, a skyway that helps customers get to their destination. That was the perch the kids allegedly used to toss a shopping cart up and over the railing as a kind of prank, according to media reports.

Earlier in the day, the same kids were allegedly throwing drinks down on unsuspecting passers-by. Later, they moved on to more deadly objects.

At one point, the cart became stuck on the railing. "A 14-year-old buddy urged the duo to give it up," the Post reported, quoting a source. But one of the suspects "was so determined to make sure it went over the edge that he allegedly pushed it again. It reportedly hit a sign on the way down, and then struck the 47-year-old mother of two as she stood at a kiosk to pay for parking outside Costco with her son, Dayton," the Post reported.

Police sources told the Post that the two kids taken into custody later laughed and joked about the incident.

A doctor who happened to be at the scene performed CPR and revived Hedges. She was in critical but stable condition at New York City's Harlem Hospital, lying in a medically induced coma.

The Daily News reported that Hedges is an active volunteer at the Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center -- which serves the suspects' neighborhood -- and was buying Halloween candy for the center when she was struck. She is also active in her church and was named Outstanding Volunteer of 2006 by the Junior League, according to the Post.

The boys are each being charged with assault and criminal possession of a deadly weapon, a spokeswoman for the New York Police Department told the L.A. Times.

The case has already triggered debate, with some saying law enforcement should come down hard on the two suspects; others say the real blame lies with a lack of security and safety fencing to keep items from hitting customers below, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Sounds like the type of woman who will wake up from her coma, forgive the kids, and continue doing charity work. And on the other end these kids are showing no remorse for their actions, while the woman was shopping for goodies for kids like them. Pretty sickening.
Yeah, where are the people saying they were immature kids who didn't know any better right now? You think laughing and giving each other daps while nearly killing people means you "didn't know any better"?

These kids are disgusting, brainless, useless pieces of trash. They aren't even good enough for the death penalty. Save everyone money and just throw their sorry, pathetic excuses of people living bodies into the ocean or at least out of America. We're having a hard enough time with a crap economy and high unemployment to deal with wastes of life like these low level morons.
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