Tekashi 69 lookin at RICO

Did you contribute or are you keeping it for yourself? You can't have it both ways.
Both. Black ppl have it all ways. Black people invented hip hop. The production and call and affect are west African. Like what are you saying right now.
Black people are begging to be heard in hip hop?
On the executive level, without white ppl puppeteering, yes. We dont control hip hop. Not the radio stations, not the streaming platforms, not the journalist style platforms, not the real ppl behind these labels, not the awards, etc.

We dont control billboard or the riaa or the rock and roll hall of fame and the list could keep going. Black people have contributed greatly to music in general and we should have way more power within the music industry and the black ppl that do have power should not feel obligated to bend to the will of white ppl to appease white ppl and to feel accepted. Or like that's what they need to do in order to become and to remain successful.
I hear you, I really do...but none of that really applies to nyc. Cultures are blended too much, especially street culture. tekashi was from that hood which is all that really matters.

No true, black Americans aren't welcomed in other groups cultures like that, hispanics and fresh off the boat black-Caribeans "blend" into OUR culture. In no way shape or form is it reciprocal, in fact theres no benefit for us to do so, so we should just set the record on that.

I think you're equating hip hop to only black people which has not been the case in a long time once it became popular music. I don't think that is a bad thing either. I prefer our culture to be embraced by the masses; especially when many of us are extremely profitable from it.

In America, race is secondary to capitalism and I'll stand on that ledge.

Also, any and everyone objectifies women in that form of hip hop, but I understand the point you're making. It's easy to say "**** that" and envision a world that's different but it's not. Tekashi being Mexican in this scenario is irrelevant and is just another angle to point blame at what happened.

It is a bad thing when a culture that your people created is no longer controlled by your people, and thats a fact.

In America race WILL NEVER be second to capitalism, because no matter how much money a black person will have they will still be mistreated, money don't make racism go away. Go ask LeBron when they spray painted the N word on his crib, go ask Dr Dre when the cops hemmed him up at his own drive way after HE called the police on a white dude that parked in his drive way, I can go on and on.

And how is Tekashi being Mexican irrelevant? THIS DUDE BRINGS IT UP EVERY CHANGE HE GET :lol::lol::lol:
"Oh Im just a mexican kid" "Im a mexican kid with Rainbow hair" etc.

He is literally disrespecting black culture with every chance he get, again a black-american person could not go into no other groups culture and pull off the stunts this grown *** mexican man has done.
No true, black Americans aren't welcomed in other groups cultures like that, hispanics and fresh off the boat black-Caribeans "blend" into OUR culture. In no way shape or form is it reciprocal, in fact theres no benefit for us to do so, so we should just set the record on that.

It is a bad thing when a culture that your people created is no longer controlled by your people, and thats a fact.

In America race WILL NEVER be second to capitalism, because no matter how much money a black person will have they will still be mistreated, money don't make racism go away. Go ask LeBron when they spray painted the N word on his crib, go ask Dr Dre when the cops hemmed him up at his own drive way after HE called the police on a white dude that parked in his drive way, I can go on and on.

And how is Tekashi being Mexican irrelevant? THIS DUDE BRINGS IT UP EVERY CHANGE HE GET :lol::lol::lol:
"Oh Im just a mexican kid" "Im a mexican kid with Rainbow hair" etc.

He is literally disrespecting black culture with every chance he get, again a black-american person could not go into no other groups culture and pull off the stunts this grown *** mexican man has done.

At what point do you hold our people responsible for giving away our culture for free then?

I just fundamentally disagree with your second point. It is easier to think your second point is true but the truth is everyone is mistreated in some form. Can even look at how some other black members interact with non black members on NT. Injustices happen everyday but they happen disproportionately more to citizens living in poverty. Lebron and dr Dre examples are thankfully, extreme outliers. There will always be racism and prejudice, it’s human nature. Money doesn’t make racism go away but it puts a silk robe over it; which in my opinion is the best we’ll ever get.

As far as Tekashi (and let me be clear, I could care less about tekashi) screaming he’s Mexican is just what he identifies as. I also can’t speak to being Mexican in today’s society while ICE is snatching up people everyday and families are being held in cages. Maybe he’s just proud to be a “successful” Mexican, who knows...

and of course we can enter other cultures; we just don’t choose to try enough or given the confidence to. Please give me realistic examples of what you had in mind, genuinely curious.
No true, black Americans aren't welcomed in other groups cultures like that, hispanics and fresh off the boat black-Caribeans "blend" into OUR culture. In no way shape or form is it reciprocal, in fact theres no benefit for us to do so, so we should just set the record on that.

It is a bad thing when a culture that your people created is no longer controlled by your people, and thats a fact.

In America race WILL NEVER be second to capitalism, because no matter how much money a black person will have they will still be mistreated, money don't make racism go away. Go ask LeBron when they spray painted the N word on his crib, go ask Dr Dre when the cops hemmed him up at his own drive way after HE called the police on a white dude that parked in his drive way, I can go on and on.

And how is Tekashi being Mexican irrelevant? THIS DUDE BRINGS IT UP EVERY CHANGE HE GET :lol::lol::lol:
"Oh Im just a mexican kid" "Im a mexican kid with Rainbow hair" etc.

He is literally disrespecting black culture with every chance he get, again a black-american person could not go into no other groups culture and pull off the stunts this grown *** mexican man has done.

“Fresh off the boat “caribbeans come to ny & f*k with they own islanders ...maybe down the line of them getting comfy some will rock with us black americans ...its more so the kids who are born & americanized that blend in with us...but the ones thats grown & come to ny will stick with their own countrymen & as time goes on some will rock with us & with others they will remain sticking to they own...a jamaican is more closer to us then a bajan (& even then some jamaicans keep they distance)..same applies to trinis ,haitians ...just cause we all”black” dont mean everybody holding hands at the roundtable on some “black unity” empowerment..not happening captain...wouldnt necessarily say they “blend in” with us
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Idk about in NY but down here, AA weren't so welcoming to the "fresh off the boat" immigrants. That's how Zoe Pound started.
Yeah i got a older haitian homeboy in his 50s that moved to the bronx from florida he was telling me it was full on beef between black americans (or yankees as we called) & haitians in florida....haitians & jamaicans used to get jumped on & robbed in ny back then as well (up here jamaican posse had to get busy to put a end to that)...west africans on the eastcoast gotta move cautiously now since some is being targeted as well..thats part of the reason foreign blacks come here & dont f*** with us as a whole (instead of some individuals)
Yg isn't out here exploiting mexican culture while snitching and wishing ****** would do something about it. **** are we talking about right now. yg isnt some plant. Yg isnt a federal informant. Yg didnt get in a gang to go viral. Smhhh
At what point do you hold our people responsible for giving away our culture for free then?

I just fundamentally disagree with your second point. It is easier to think your second point is true but the truth is everyone is mistreated in some form. Can even look at how some other black members interact with non black members on NT. Injustices happen everyday but they happen disproportionately more to citizens living in poverty. Lebron and dr Dre examples are thankfully, extreme outliers. There will always be racism and prejudice, it’s human nature. Money doesn’t make racism go away but it puts a silk robe over it; which in my opinion is the best we’ll ever get.

As far as Tekashi (and let me be clear, I could care less about tekashi) screaming he’s Mexican is just what he identifies as. I also can’t speak to being Mexican in today’s society while ICE is snatching up people everyday and families are being held in cages. Maybe he’s just proud to be a “successful” Mexican, who knows...

and of course we can enter other cultures; we just don’t choose to try enough or given the confidence to. Please give me realistic examples of what you had in mind, genuinely curious.

so we unfortunately don’t have the mentality to keep our culture away from others, again we have a different relationship with this country so figuring that we align ourselves with mother groups of people that do have our Backs in the end hurt us in the long run. I am here to calll our that fact that other groups come in change up agendas to benefit them and it’s not going to keep happening

And you keep believing that racism is second to capitalism in this country... racism BUILT capitalism in this country bro. How are black American NTers treating non black American NTers?? Calling out racism and no longer allowing other groups to come into our community and benefit off our culture while black people suffer mistreatmen to other non-black American NTers?? I’m sorry bro but with that mentality it’s very dangerous, im. Or attacking you but it almost sounds like a “can’t we all just get along??” - Rodney King

and Having money dont ever put silk robe on racism, at all bro. That’s almost the same as saying money can buy happiness. We are in a system of white supremacy, weather you have money or not will never change things, you know how many brothers get money, move into their white neighborhoods and get the police called on them for suspected breaking and entering? Money won’t save you from racism bro it just won’t.

Also Tekashi is telling you every chance he gets that he’s a Mexican but has entered black culture, use the N word, lock Up other black brothers who he had do his dirty work and I’m supposed to think that him mentioning he’s a Mexican kid and proud of being successful because of ICE unfortunately snatching up kids and families at the border? I’m sorry but what does that have to do with me and calling this kid out and defending MY culture. I’m not gonna fall for the ”well Mexicans are having issues in this country too” because the ones who are America citizens unfortunately don’t ever come through for us BUT we have black politicians going to Battle against issues of kids at the border but I never see no Mexican American doing the same for injustices against black Americans so I’m sorry miss me with that.

Also, don’t fool yourself bro We absolutely are not allowed to enter into other cultures and take advantage of them like others do us, damn even in other music genres there’s difficulties for us to break through and be successfu, we’re not invited to the Latin music awards, we’re not invited To thy e country music awards and when we do break through in this genres those are “outliers“

Also we never needed to get into other cultures because it doesn’t benefit us, black Americans are the only ones in this Country that fought in every war this country has had, our ancestors for over 200+ years built the wealth of this country that other groups benefit today, our grandparents and great grandparents fought for civil rights and died to get some liberation outta jim crow, bro there’s a saying “They need us, we don’t need them”. It’s just Again unfortunately we as a people don’t realize that and have become so inclusive after fighting for our liberation we want to be loved by everybody.
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