Tell somebody about my paintings!!!!! I need to eat! New drawing pg. 9

I love how so many people pick some random hobby up, barely develop any skill at it, and dismiss any criticism as hate. Its beautiful. What a fantastic way tobetter yourself and your skills.

Everyone who says your work is terrible is just hating man, Its DEFINITELY not because your work is bad. I refrained from insulting you at first because forall I know you could be really dedicated and working hard towards improving, but your prior responses are just too ridiculous.

I dont think anyone on this board would take the art youre trying to sell if you sold it for just the price of shipping.
what are you talking about man^ were at all in this thread did i even use the word hate? and you have no idea how long i been doing anything?
The art game is frugal man, unless you really bringing something new or orignal to the table, you must be extremely skilled which you aren't.
Originally Posted by dopestop

Originally Posted by heyson

you're right...
I don't have a dog.

im sorry dude...but really.......this guy's invisible dog can draw better than you

i really hope you find something to eat though
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Ima be dead honest with you, no one is gonna buy that work.

Your hustle may be stong, but your quality of work isnt on par.

Quality > quantity.

(im not tryin to be rude or discourage you, but you gain nothing by having a bunch of bums big up you. You need to work harder and further your craft before you can expect people to pay money for your work)

yo i check your blog and I like most of your stuff and dislike some like that buffalo drawing or something.. I really was interested in the drawing of theLarry Bird fight did you finish it
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The art game is frugal man, unless you really bringing something new or orignal to the table, you must be extremely skilled which you aren't.

true and I always wanted to say this KAWS IS OVERRATED
agent arenas where you at man? I'm just trying to understand why you would write something like that?
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Ima be dead honest with you, no one is gonna buy that work.

Your hustle may be stong, but your quality of work isnt on par.

Quality > quantity.

(im not tryin to be rude or discourage you, but you gain nothing by having a bunch of bums big up you. You need to work harder and further your craft before you can expect people to pay money for your work)
off topic, but that rooster drawing you did is pretty badass. did you ever finish the 300 piece?
That female pic looks MAD suspect ...
... F grade Mona Lisa and I thought Mona Lisa was very underwhelming in person!
Originally Posted by heyson

agent arenas where you at man? I'm just trying to understand why you would write something like that?
Why? Because thats my take on the situation. I dont know about you, but when Im working hard at something I thrive off of criticism. The best wayto improve is to have someone whose opinion differs from that of yourself observe your work. You aren't hanging up your work in your room for yourself tosee are you? No. You are attempting to sell your art to other people. Which means that these other people should be convinced that your work is worth buying,and thats a judgment made directly from the quality of your artwork. I don't really see you asking people what you think could improve or areas you couldwork harder in. To me you just seem to be replying to people's comments and almost defending your work blindly.

In my opinion it just seems like a waste. 2o6 is a really skilled guy, if I were you I would be asking someone like him how I could improve rather than justtry to sell 100 dollar pieces to a sneaker related message board. You could have posted your artwork minus the prices and asked what we thought of it, and youwould have gotten more valid criticism. But then again, it seems like youre more interested in selling your work than improving upon it. Im not sure, you tellme.
Okay I get where you are coming from, and I totally agree that criticism is key to improving, and nor did I object to anyone's criticism or say that anyonewas hating on me. I'm trying to understand what oo206oo meant when he said my logic is flawed. He is a good artist, but I am sure there is a place for allart as well as mine. This is not my best work, far from it, but I want to get some stuff out there and at the moment this is what I chose to put out.
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