Tell somebody about my paintings!!!!! I need to eat! New drawing pg. 9

Originally Posted by heyson

thanks super. do you have a website or anywhere to view your work online?

oo206oo- School is frustrating and almost a waste in my opinion, at least the school I am at. I cannot wait until this semester is over so I can actually do my own thing and create something that I actually care about. No that is not the reason I say your logic is flawed. Why not try to sell these if I feel that I can? I need the money, and I want it. I have more of a business mindset than an artists.
That seems pretty evident, seeing as how you think school is a waste of time, given the quality of work youre currently producing.

(i realize that sounds harsh, but honestly, whats the point of sugar coating it? Im just sharing my opinion. In all honestly though, if you want me to stopdoin so in this thread i will, i feel ive made my point. Im not replying just to try to discourage and/or insult you)
No hard feelings at all, I really appreciate the crit. Any is better than none, and that's what I was getting before posting this. None. And I don'tknow how it was for you when you were in school, but no I barely have any time. Its easy to take what I am saying the wrong way when I say that school is awaste of time, but I really feel that way since I have taken up art in college. I hear the same type of responses in critiques "the anatomy isawkward" "I like how you accented blah blah with blah blah" "This particular part works well, but you should push this more" all ofthat is nonsense, and it sounds robotic. For me an art piece is either working for you or not, and sure you can improve by advice and instruction but I feellike what I am getting out of my schools art program is far from the price I am paying for it.
Originally Posted by heyson

thanks super. do you have a website or anywhere to view your work online?

oo206oo- School is frustrating and almost a waste in my opinion, at least the school I am at. I cannot wait until this semester is over so I can actually do my own thing and create something that I actually care about. No that is not the reason I say your logic is flawed. Why not try to sell these if I feel that I can? I need the money, and I want it. I have more of a business mindset than an artists. I will never be at a point in a piece of art where I feel totally confident about it or totally like it, in fact I dislike most of my work, but I know that someone out there will like it.
You're in the wrong business.

Art/music whatever is the hardest career to get into, and it's either you try hard or you @%%%. You don't make art or music for money, you do itbecause you like it. I'm not saying you don't like it, but it seems like you're trying too hard to get money, and not focusing on how to improveyour art. That's like 98% of art careers.

If you're not taking the time to finish something (I'm not an artist, but I do play cello) with any passion, you shouldn't be doing it. It'snot worth your time, and it means you have something else that matters as well, in this case, you should do that.

Let me know when that $100 piece of artwork sells.
Most of that is school work that is the reason my 100 percent effort was not given, and I am barely trying to sell this. It took barely any work to put that upfor sale. I do intend to put my whole focus into my work and career. Look out for my post because I will let you know when it sells.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by Alan Garner

Originally Posted by KL9

Bro, I'm interested in the

Nah jp.
cold. ice cold.
I guess i just dont understand how you can say that school is a waste of time and that you dont put 100% into it, but then try to sell your work at the sametime. I assume youre passionate about art, or you wouldnt be going to school for it. So why not dedicate yourself and soak up as much knowledge as you can?Take it from me, you arent goin to learn much more, or any faster, on you own. School is important.

I worked 45-50 hours a week at night, while taking 20-23 credits at a time while i was in college, because i really cared about it. A lot of people i knew didthe same thing, so i just dont get why youd bother going to school for it if you arent really dedicated and focused on it.

You cant honestly think youre going to get better on your own, at this point, than you would in school. Personal style is one thing, but it looks like youstill have a lot to learn about the techniques and mediums themselves. Thats where school comes in.
I'm not getting much out of the professors at all. I took up art because I enjoy it and for other reasons. But I disagree, anything can be self taught. Iagree that I really need to be giving more effort of course.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

I guess i just dont understand how you can say that school is a waste of time and that you dont put 100% into it, but then try to sell your work at the same time. I assume youre passionate about art, or you wouldnt be going to school for it. So why not dedicate yourself and soak up as much knowledge as you can? Take it from me, you arent goin to learn much more, or any faster, on you own. School is important.

I worked 45-50 hours a week at night, while taking 20-23 credits at a time while i was in college, because i really cared about it. A lot of people i knew did the same thing, so i just dont get why youd bother going to school for it if you arent really dedicated and focused on it.

You cant honestly think youre going to get better on your own, at this point, than you would in school. Personal style is one thing, but it looks like you still have a lot to learn about the techniques and mediums themselves. Thats where school comes in.
I cant believe youre continuing to really take time to respond to dude. I commend you for your patience, honestly.
Originally Posted by heyson

I'm not getting much out of the professors at all. I took up art because I enjoy it and for other reasons. But I disagree, anything can be self taught. I agree that I really need to be giving more effort of course.
So instead of trying to make this a job... and going hungry...

Why don't you make it a hobby instead of a career?
Geary - Great work man, you've got a great style and your proficiency with the media is apparent.

I need to get back to work... the hardest part for me is motivation.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by oo206oo

I guess i just dont understand how you can say that school is a waste of time and that you dont put 100% into it, but then try to sell your work at the same time. I assume youre passionate about art, or you wouldnt be going to school for it. So why not dedicate yourself and soak up as much knowledge as you can? Take it from me, you arent goin to learn much more, or any faster, on you own. School is important.

I worked 45-50 hours a week at night, while taking 20-23 credits at a time while i was in college, because i really cared about it. A lot of people i knew did the same thing, so i just dont get why youd bother going to school for it if you arent really dedicated and focused on it.

You cant honestly think youre going to get better on your own, at this point, than you would in school. Personal style is one thing, but it looks like you still have a lot to learn about the techniques and mediums themselves. Thats where school comes in.
I cant believe youre continuing to really take time to respond to dude. I commend you for your patience, honestly.
I read that Mr Chi City thread a while ago, felt like helping out, lol.
I'm not hungry I'm good but I can earn money however I want to. I'm 22 years old and this is what I like to do. You are fools if you think I amrelying soley on art. And I am trying to pick some brains here, and I am geniunely interested in what oo206oo is saying so whats the problem agentarenas?
Originally Posted by oo206oo

I guess i just dont understand how you can say that school is a waste of time and that you dont put 100% into it, but then try to sell your work at the same time. I assume youre passionate about art, or you wouldnt be going to school for it. So why not dedicate yourself and soak up as much knowledge as you can? Take it from me, you arent goin to learn much more, or any faster, on you own. School is important.

I worked 45-50 hours a week at night, while taking 20-23 credits at a time while i was in college, because i really cared about it. A lot of people i knew did the same thing, so i just dont get why youd bother going to school for it if you arent really dedicated and focused on it.

You cant honestly think youre going to get better on your own, at this point, than you would in school. Personal style is one thing, but it looks like you still have a lot to learn about the techniques and mediums themselves. Thats where school comes in.

Wow.. thats crazy bro.. what was your gpa looking like?
GPA was in the 3.0-3.5 range. Id only had two Cs in my whole life (both in algebra) until college.

I got my share of Cs in college though, due to the schedule i was working with, but rent had to be paid. I wasnt as lucky as some friends of mine who had welloff parents. To this day, i think i can honestly say that college, the way i did it, was my biggest accomplishment so far.

All that aside though, OP should take advantage of what the school has to offer, or dont bother going anymore (if thats your mindset). But id wager to guessthat youre learning more than you think, whether you realize it or not.
Originally Posted by heyson

I'm not hungry I'm good but I can earn money however I want to. I'm 22 years old and this is what I like to do. You are fools if you think I am relying soley on art. And I am trying to pick some brains here, and I am geniunely interested in what oo206oo is saying so whats the problem agentarenas?
So if you're not hungry or barely making ends meet, then don't make a misleading sob thread about how no one follows your art work, orcall us fools because you forgot to put in key details.

%$@%#%@ attitude.
I have honestly taught myself more than my art professors have taught me not trying to beat a dead horse. Art is not the only thing I am studying, and I earnedmyself a free education so it is worth it to me for the other benefits of college more so.
Originally Posted by heyson

I'm not hungry I'm good but I can earn money however I want to. I'm 22 years old and this is what I like to do. You are fools if you think I am relying soley on art. And I am trying to pick some brains here, and I am geniunely interested in what oo206oo is saying so whats the problem agentarenas?

Are you attempting to call me out or something? I've spelled it out pretty clearly for you, and youve made my point even more valid through your posts.Youre defensive of any criticism towards your work. You say you lack time etc etc but you dont ever seem to lack an excuse. Perhaps you're continuedignorance post after post led me to my comment? Or maybe you constantly contradicting yourself?

You obviously lack many of the basic principles and techniques necessary to excel, yet you're convinced you can teach yourself everything. You say youaren't interested in the professors and what they have to say, yet you expect your work to be admired when you admitted you dont even feel its your bestwork?

Seriously? You came into this thread with homework assignments with price tags attached to them. Thats not art, thats comedy.
okay right on agent, i said all that because you replied to someone else indirectly at me. but were good thanks for looking man.
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