Tell somebody about my paintings!!!!! I need to eat! New drawing pg. 9

Originally Posted by heyson

ATL thanks my dude
ImReallyDirk you have good work
I'm digging your fruit still life.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Do NOOOOOT post your work (music, designs, clothing labels, tats, whatever) on NT unless you have already gotten major props from lots of people who don't give a crap about you.

This should be stickied at the top in every forum on Niketalk.
umm.....seriously dude.

Those are pretty terrible, perhaps try your luck at another hobby.

I liked the fruits one though!
you're crazy posting art on nt...unless its a supreme x ______ collaboration people aren't interested....

but let me give you my need make work that doesn't look like an art class every one of your paintings/sketches issomething every art student in every art school gets assigned to do....still life fruit...coal...etc...

and i hate de kooning btw lol

kaws is the only "fine artist" nters seem to know which is kind of sad...also hacks like hirst from the supreme collaborations...

kaws is so funny to me how hes milking the art world hard core...he sells mass produced made in china toys sort of like oldenburg did and then paints 100s ofthe same boring (they used to be interesting but the repetition killed it for me) paintings for high 5/low 6 figures...he went from toys to that....i haventeven seen his work on any of the secondary markets yet and its been like 8 years since hes been painting so its really interesting what hes worth, if anything,at auction....

/end pointless rant

yeah so you need to find your style, it doesn't have to be in the way the old masters like Caravaggio and Rembrandt used to do it, i mean you can make itbig doing stuff like de kooning and basquiat (i actually like basquiat though) that requires little painting talent, more conceptualization (which you couldsay it sort of lacks anyway) than anything...

so once you find your style start doing shows then find a dealer to rep you and you might become rich one day!? There are plenty of artists selling paintingfor like $5,000 and thats really considered chump change nowadays...

the end.
For the guy that asked about the Larry Bird and Dr J joint, i finished that a few months ago but had some issues with the print shop i was using, so imcurrently looking for a better shop to work with in the seattle area, so that i can sell some reasonably priced prints.

And the 300 painting has also been done for a while, and its currently hanging up at my friends house in his foyer.

Finished pics of the Larry drawing and the 300 joint are on my blog is you go back far enough.

And to the OP, all i meant was that just because your current paintings may somewhat resemble the early paintings of a famous and successful artist (one whomore than likey generated no fame or money until he was long dead), doesnt mean that you can compare yourself with said artist. A.) the odds of ANY artistbecoming famous, well respected and prosporous based on fine art is extremely slim and B.) based on what youve shown, i see an elementary understanding ofanatomy and a rudimentary understanding of the media itself.

I didnt come in here hating, i offered some realistic advice. I dont claim to be a better artist than you, but i do happen to know a thing or two. My advicewas simpy to focus on refining your skill with every piece you do, as opposed tp pumping out a high number of lack luster pieces and attempting to sell them.
Yo Martin thanks for posting that. I knew when I posted this here the feedback I was going to get but I wanted any feedback and views. You hit it on the nose,most of this work is school work or work being done while I have other school work to do, so all of my focus wasn't directed at this work. I appreciateyour comments man. Are you an artist?
On a sidenote, the fact that you just admitted that youre trying to sell your homework assignments seems real, real silly to me. Youre not even waiting til youfinish school to try to sell your work? Meaning you really think your work is good enough in its current state to demand commercial value?

EDIT: Thanks martin, ill look into it. I might just end up sending the original to the shop. My main issue now is getting a solid scan of a bic pen drawing,theres a lot of values involved that give it depth, but the scans ive seen dont seem to really capture it.
oo206oo I never assumed you were hating or anything like that I just am really trying to get some discussion going here. I respect where you are coming fromand respect you as an artist, I check your blog out from time to time. I was not at all comparing myself to Picasso in anyway. All I was trying to show is thatevery person who puts themselves out there in one way or another will recieve negative feedback as I do, but it didn't discourage him and neither me. Thework I have posted does show the flaws you pointed out, but I know that it is not from a weakness in my skill set.
Yeah I am trying to sell my work before I get out of school, why wouldn't I? That is where your logic is flawed to me. I feel my work definitely has value.
Props to you for acknowledging your flaws, but if i may be direct about it, why not post some work that better illustrates your skill set?
Honestly nothing that I have done yet is what I am capable of, because practically everything I have done is school work. I lack the effort, time, and patiencethat it takes right now to complete something that looks finished to "most" people.
wow i've really just mistaken one of picasso's most well known works for a de kooning...oh well. I don't like picasso much either.

No problem, 206. I might just have a crappy scanner but scanners never seem to capture most elements of w/e you're scanning, or they just skew them...Iwould get in contact with them and ask what they would do in your case...i'm almost sure sending the original is the best thing to do however...I tooadmire your work btw...
I actually like the "fruit still life".

I'm quite positive that it doesn't do the reference justice, even so, it exudes a certain level of appeal.

Keep working on your ishh OP. I'm an artist myself so I definitely have respect for all artist--regardless of skill level.

You think my logic is flawed because you think your homework assigments have value.

Thats where we disagree.

And for what its worth, it doesnt say a lot that youre still in school and lack the time, effort, and patience to complete a piece that displays your skillset.If not now, then when? This is the time where you should be working your hardest imo, maybe thats just me though.
thanks super. do you have a website or anywhere to view your work online?

oo206oo- School is frustrating and almost a waste in my opinion, at least the school I am at. I cannot wait until this semester is over so I can actually do myown thing and create something that I actually care about. No that is not the reason I say your logic is flawed. Why not try to sell these if I feel that Ican? I need the money, and I want it. I have more of a business mindset than an artists. I will never be at a point in a piece of art where I feel totallyconfident about it or totally like it, in fact I dislike most of my work, but I know that someone out there will like it.
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