Tell somebody about my paintings!!!!! I need to eat! New drawing pg. 9

OP could learn a thing or two from Crank
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

I don't wanna be rude, but I really don't wanna get your hopes up either. I went to arts schools for 9 years and I gotta tell you that I have a charcoal sketch of a stapler from 6th grade that outshines each of those pieces on many levels. Asking $100 for a still life of fruit is ludicrous unless you're Matisse, fam. If you really REALLY want to make it happen, I would sincerely advise taking classes and developing and honing your skills. No hate,-- just real talk, bro.
first bold + second bold =
Originally Posted by heyson

Okay I get where you are coming from, and I totally agree that criticism is key to improving, and nor did I object to anyone's criticism or say that anyone was hating on me. I'm trying to understand what oo206oo meant when he said my logic is flawed. He is a good artist, but I am sure there is a place for all art as well as mine. This is not my best work, far from it, but I want to get some stuff out there and at the moment this is what I chose to put out.

Why would someone buy your paintings if you claim that its far from your best work??
Originally Posted by ljlukelj


The hell is this fam? What happen to dukes arms?
Ol' my forearms bigger than my biceps havin $@%$%*$+!%*@
Ol' Obama with a wig lookin' hermaphrodite

This looks like CalypsoChanta or whatever his SN is in a wig
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