Tell somebody about my paintings!!!!! I need to eat! New drawing pg. 9

Originally Posted by heyson

I have honestly taught myself more than my art professors have taught me not trying to beat a dead horse. Art is not the only thing I am studying, and I earned myself a free education so it is worth it to me for the other benefits of college more so.
So "Art" isnt even your major, yet youre tryin to sell your homework assingments that lack a fundamental understanding of....everything?

This is officially my last post in this thread. Good luck to you my dude.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Ima be dead honest with you, no one is gonna buy that work.

Your hustle may be stong, but your quality of work isnt on par.

Quality > quantity.

(im not tryin to be rude or discourage you, but you gain nothing by having a bunch of bums big up you. You need to work harder and further your craft before you can expect people to pay money for your work)
now your work, i would buy.
How can you seriously say you know more about "Art" than your professors? I'm no art major or even an art aficionado, but I'd say its safe toassume that it would be a good idea to know the fundamentals of art, like how to look at it, symmetry etc..?

Unless you're a genius?

You, my friend, have this mindset of being a genius when in fact, you're not. You've read one too many Bill Gates, YouTube creators, Google creatorsstories. Ol, everybody doubts me but give me 10 years and i'll be the biggest name in art....

That .gif sums it up perfectly.
I never said I know more than my professors. I said they don't instruct or teach barely anything. You lack fundamental reading skills son.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

(im not tryin to be rude or discourage you, but you gain nothing by having a bunch of bums big up you. You need to work harder and further your craft before you can expect people to pay money for your work)
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