Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

I know how these cases go, I've been paying attention, but I'm still very curious to see how this will play out. I'm still foolish to believe that maybe just this once, they will get this right and justice will prevail.

Wishful thinking sadly. :smh:

There is no way anything happens to this lady.

Womens rights groups would tear that justice system apart.

Our issues are the last thing they care about. :smh:
With so many officers there, and only one shooter, will we ever see the day that officers actually have a light bulb go off and say, "did we just watch our co worker kill an unarmed person? Should we detain her before going crazy again." Of course not. There is zero accountability across all states/precincts. Have officers ever go on the stand against fellow officers? Is that against the union brotherhood? They are literally worse than actual gangs. They are the gangs.

Traffic related? True. A news copter maybe. But a police copter? They use those for hostage situations, and police chases. Were they led to believe that a chase was about to happen? Like I said.. Were they bored? I haven't seen a police copter in months being used, let alone for a stranged car and /or crazy person in the road. That costs tax payers thousands. It just normally doesn't seem feasible
biggest gang there is... aint no shame to their game

So damn real. Shout out Sheryl Underwood for that moment of truth that white people weren't expecting.

Enough talking. Enough cheek turning. Enough being humble and calm.

She's 100% right.

Training has nothing to do with this. Cops do not need to be trained to not shoot white people, cuz they don't do it. Cops go out of their way to not shoot a white person. If you're white you can shoot up a black church getting taking alive and get you a double whopper on the way to jail. For us, if we breathe wrong cops will blow our heads off.

People need to call this what it is. People don't understand why this is happening, is it training? Do we need to have talks? Hell no. We been talk about it for decades. There's nothing else to be said. It's a war on black people, specifically black men. What more do you need to see? How much video and audio evidence do you need to see? This is some sick **** we been watching and hearing for the last few years. When they can kill a certain group of people and never go to prison, what does that tell you? Or they get a slap on the wrist like the cop that executed Oscar Grant.
I'm not getting my hopes up. I wonder how long before the DA convenes a grand jury to set the ground work for not pressing charges?
Steve Wilkos on TBC talking about these police. He touches on one of the many issues with the cops. He didn't hit the root of it, but he did mention one of the many factors associated with police response to minorities. You can start at around 16:55.
Ohio Police Chief just crossed the Blue Wall. 

An Ohio police chief venting frustration at the Terence Crutcher shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is gaining national attention on social media.

Middletown Police Chief Rodney Muterspaw took to social media to vent his frustration at the shooting death of the unarmed black man by a Tulsa police officer, one of several this year that have continued to spark tension between police and the black community.

One of his tweets, shared thousands of times as of Wednesday morning, reads: “As an officer I am so sick and drained of some cops doing things like this. You are making us all look bad. STOP.”

As an officer I am so sick and drained of some cops doing things like this. You are making us all look bad. STOP. #TerenceCruthcher
— R_Muterspaw (@RodneyMute) September 20, 2016

Life is precious man. Sorry we don't all agree. Compassion and empathy is eternally important. Just sick of seeing death & hate. #Life
— R_Muterspaw (@RodneyMute) September 20, 2016

CBS Cincinatti affiliate WKRC-TV reports  Muterspaw later said that he’s been in that situation many times and that he believes officers should do whatever it takes it protect a life first.  

Muterspaw is a longtime veteran officer with the Middletown Police Department.  

Muterspaw told the Journal-News newspaper​ in Middletown that he will use the shooting in Tulsa as a training tool for his officers, and that he will speak to all of them about it.

He said he doesn’t know why deadly force was used in the Tulsa shooting, but acknowledged that no amount of training can prepare some people for the job.

“We are like any job,” he said. “It’s not necessarily bad seeds or bad apples, people just aren’t prepared when something happens and they panic. You can train all day long. You can go through scenarios all day long. But you know you are not going to get hurt in those scenarios. But when it hits the fan, people sometimes panic.”

The shooting death of Crutcher in Tulsa, as well as another allegedly armed black man in Charlotte, N.C.​, has set off another round of protests against police​ in those two cities. 
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Ohio Police Chief just crossed the Blue Wall. 


View media item 2173723

[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.cbsnews.com/news/tulsa-oklahoma-police-shooting-terence-crutcher-unarmed-protests-officer-betty-shelby/[/URL]"]

An Ohio police chief venting frustration at the Terence Crutcher shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is gaining national attention on social media.

Middletown Police Chief Rodney Muterspaw took to social media to vent his frustration at the shooting death of the unarmed black man by a Tulsa police officer, one of several this year that have continued to spark tension between police and the black community.

One of his tweets, shared thousands of times as of Wednesday morning, reads: “As an officer I am so sick and drained of some cops doing things like this. You are making us all look bad. STOP.”

As an officer I am so sick and drained of some cops doing things like this. You are making us all look bad. STOP. #TerenceCruthcher

— R_Muterspaw (@RodneyMute) September 20, 2016

Life is precious man. Sorry we don't all agree. Compassion and empathy is eternally important. Just sick of seeing death margin:0px 0px 15px;">CBS Cincinatti affiliate WKRC-TV reports Muterspaw later said that he’s been in that situation many times and that he believes officers should do whatever it takes it protect a life first.  

Muterspaw is a longtime veteran officer with the Middletown Police Department.  

Muterspaw told the Journal-News newspaper​ in Middletown that he will use the shooting in Tulsa as a training tool for his officers, and that he will speak to all of them about it.

He said he doesn’t know why deadly force was used in the Tulsa shooting, but acknowledged that no amount of training can prepare some people for the job.

“We are like any job,” he said. “It’s not necessarily bad seeds or bad apples, people just aren’t prepared when something happens and they panic. You can train all day long. You can go through scenarios all day long. But you know you are not going to get hurt in those scenarios. But when it hits the fan, people sometimes panic.”

The shooting death of Crutcher in Tulsa, as well as another allegedly armed black man in Charlotte, N.C.​, has set off another round of protests against police​ in those two cities. 


meh. He stepped on the gas...then prolly got that phone call...then hit the break.

Started using white people buzzwords like 'training' and 'panic' 'unprepared'

My hands are up and empty and that causes you to panic fam? You gotta be prepared to deal with an unarmed black male differently than an armed white one? How are you afraid of being hurt if I dont have ****?? This is your training day officer hoyt[/quote]
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I totally get the human error aspect of it, we are human, we panic, we do things without thinking in said panic, the problem is the lack of accountability after the fact and the blatant disrespect for the life lost when they do their smear campaign....I have a lot of cop friends since I joined CRossfit, but yesterday I vented my frustration on FB regardless if they'd be upset or not....any other job, you make a mistake, you get written up, you lose your job, you might even end up sued....I'm a medical practicioner, I work with a state provided liscence, best believe in a panic I break someone's jaw while intubating, or I give a patient the wrong dose of a medication that can cost them their lives, my *** won't be put on paid admin leave!...I will be fired first and foremost and that's just the beginning of the repercussions....as a cop however, even if you are blatantly wrong, the cop becomes the priority, defend the officer at all cost and the life lost becomes almost irrelevant to the state....fire these incompetent ***** and then have them judged accordingly and let them pay for their mistakes....like the rest of the world man!
He's dangling off the other end of the wall but hasn't hit the ground yet.

"“We are like any job,” he said. “It’s not necessarily bad seeds or bad apples, people just aren’t prepared when something happens and they panic. You can train all day long. You can go through scenarios all day long. But you know you are not going to get hurt in those scenarios. But when it hits the fan, people sometimes panic.”

Ain't no panic or "unprepared scenario" causing that officer to shoot and kill an unarmed black man who was already tasered.

If he really wants to cross that wall, call a spade a spade. Don't dance around it.
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I totally get the human error aspect of it, we are human, we panic, we do things without thinking in said panic, the problem is the lack of accountability after the fact and the blatant disrespect for the life lost when they do their smear campaign....I have a lot of cop friends since I joined CRossfit, but yesterday I vented my frustration on FB regardless if they'd be upset or not....any other job, you make a mistake, you get written up, you lose your job, you might even end up sued....I'm a medical practicioner, I work with a state provided liscence, best believe in a panic I break someone's jaw while intubating, or I give a patient the wrong dose of a medication that can cost them their lives, my *** won't be put on paid admin leave!...I will be fired first and foremost and that's just the beginning of the repercussions....as a cop however, even if you are blatantly wrong, the cop becomes the priority, defend the officer at all cost and the life lost becomes almost irrelevant to the state....fire these incompetent ***** and then have them judged accordingly and let them pay for their mistakes....like the rest of the world man!

He's speaking out which is a risky move given his profession. You're not going to get the perfectly worded statement you want. But the fact someone in law enforcement is saying anything about it and disagreeing with those cops actions on a public level is a good look.
They could have easily tackled him, took him to the ground, restrained him and handcuffed him.
Seen it done too many times before.

That broad and her husband had been planning to kill a black dude and she took full advantage of her opportunity to make her family tree and community proud of her.
Don't be surprised when video surfaces of her being the keynote speaker for some local events around town and in the schools.
cops don't speak up enough. they cover for each other. it happens over and over and all they do is make up stories, dance around evidence and protect one another so they can go out and unjustifiably murder more unarmed citizens of this country solely based on the color of their skin.

cops shouldn't police cops, and they should be held to the same laws that citizens are held to. a cop speeds down the freeway at over 100mph and gets pulled over by another cop. cops shows badge and is let go with no questions asked. you get caught doing the same thing and you are charged with reckless driving and more and have your license taken away.

they need to be held responsible for their actions to the letter of the law...in every case.

every single case of police brutality and negligence that has hit the news since the early 90s (and before) has resulted in no justice for the person afflicted and the families destroyed. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

i have friends who are cops...and are black that literally don't say anything about this stuff. they walk out of the room when the conversation comes up.
I totally get the human error aspect of it, we are human, we panic, we do things without thinking in said panic, the problem is the lack of accountability after the fact and the blatant disrespect for the life lost when they do their smear campaign....I have a lot of cop friends since I joined CRossfit, but yesterday I vented my frustration on FB regardless if they'd be upset or not....any other job, you make a mistake, you get written up, you lose your job, you might even end up sued....I'm a medical practicioner, I work with a state provided liscence, best believe in a panic I break someone's jaw while intubating, or I give a patient the wrong dose of a medication that can cost them their lives, my *** won't be put on paid admin leave!...I will be fired first and foremost and that's just the beginning of the repercussions....as a cop however, even if you are blatantly wrong, the cop becomes the priority, defend the officer at all cost and the life lost becomes almost irrelevant to the state....fire these incompetent ***** and then have them judged accordingly and let them pay for their mistakes....like the rest of the world man!
It's crazy cuz that's all ppl been asking for mane ...if they not gon stop killin then make em accountable for when they do it's not that hard of a concept
Do these cops take a 2 month course for a certificate to get in that profession? Cause they sure seem to not use any time of judgment for situations
I totally get the human error aspect of it, we are human, we panic, we do things without thinking in said panic, the problem is the lack of accountability after the fact and the blatant disrespect for the life lost when they do their smear campaign....I have a lot of cop friends since I joined CRossfit, but yesterday I vented my frustration on FB regardless if they'd be upset or not....any other job, you make a mistake, you get written up, you lose your job, you might even end up sued....I'm a medical practicioner, I work with a state provided liscence, best believe in a panic I break someone's jaw while intubating, or I give a patient the wrong dose of a medication that can cost them their lives, my *** won't be put on paid admin leave!...I will be fired first and foremost and that's just the beginning of the repercussions....as a cop however, even if you are blatantly wrong, the cop becomes the priority, defend the officer at all cost and the life lost becomes almost irrelevant to the state....fire these incompetent ***** and then have them judged accordingly and let them pay for their mistakes....like the rest of the world man!


to add to that I do Top Secret clearance work and if I was to mishandle TS data and put someones identity into jeopardy I could be given prison time word to that PFC in the Army name Bradley Manning who received 30+ years at Ft Leavonworth for leaking DoD classified documents to wiki leaks.

and these pigs are senselely murdering unarmed civilians who they serve and protect are recieving paid leave WTF!

and im at Vet/Black man BTW we are accountable for murdering or doing senseless things down range that are counterproductive to the war, word to UCMJ!

sometimes I just want to put a decal on my car that says F the police like these boys down here in the south with they pick up trucks with a huge confederate flag on the back window or on the grill of the truck!
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They could have easily tackled him, took him to the ground, restrained him and handcuffed him.
Seen it done too many times before.

That broad and her husband had been planning to kill a black dude and she took full advantage of her opportunity to make her family tree and community proud of her.
Don't be surprised when video surfaces of her being the keynote speaker for some local events around town and in the schools.

The crazy thing about all of what you said is there shouldn't have been a reason for him to be tackled, and/or handcuffed in the first place. This is the real freaking issue. Traffic stops shouldn't result in someones death. A man who's vehicle broke down on the road should not be dead b/c police got involved. I've been in Bmore since '07, originally from BK, NY. My experiences here vs in nyc are so different. Quick story, I ran out of gas on a major road out here last year. One officer drove by and did a uturn and came to me and asked what the issue was. I told him and he called for assistance. Another patrol car pulled up a few minutes later. They blocked off traffic and both pushed my car while I steered into an empty parking lot. Both officers are white and they did what they were supposed to do. Me being on such a busy street could have potentially caused an accident. The approached me like a human being, assessed the situation and resolved it. Why is that so difficult to ask now from these dudes?

We can't control how people think and how they feel about others. But damn why can't they at the very least do their ******* jobs. :smh:

Start using their pension to fund their legal defense and I bet we see some changes.........then again, they never go to trial.

View media item 1195878

It's crazy cuz that's all ppl been asking for mane ...if they not gon stop killin then make em accountable for when they do it's not that hard of a concept

People acting like the cops are true victims here.
cops don't speak up enough. they cover for each other. it happens over and over and all they do is make up stories, dance around evidence and protect one another so they can go out and unjustifiably murder more unarmed citizens of this country solely based on the color of their skin.

cops shouldn't police cops, and they should be held to the same laws that citizens are held to. a cop speeds down the freeway at over 100mph and gets pulled over by another cop. cops shows badge and is let go with no questions asked. you get caught doing the same thing and you are charged with reckless driving and more and have your license taken away.

they need to be held responsible for their actions to the letter of the law...in every case.

every single case of police brutality and negligence that has hit the news since the early 90s (and before) has resulted in no justice for the person afflicted and the families destroyed. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

i have friends who are cops...and are black that literally don't say anything about this stuff. they walk out of the room when the conversation comes up.

I couldn't live with myself if I sat back silently and watched my people face injustice. I get it, nobody wants to be the "PD snitch". But this isn't as simple as officer ___ is sleeping with the Captain's wife. Unarmed people are being executed. These "good cops" are scumbags
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