Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Ray should've taken his own advice when his boys murdered a man.
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I'm really starting to think Ray isn't innocent he hates black people. This idiot really said since Kaep kneeling we still have numberous cops being murdered.
spiceman80 spiceman80 notice the year you had that positive encounter with the fuzz was 2007.
The plan to use murder as a means of castration against black males in this country didn't get revitalized until after Obama took office in '08.

They can't kill him so they kill us.
Fear by excessive force and murder.
Goal is to keep the next generation of young vibrant black men afraid of running for office and having total and complete authority over them.
Ray got too much black ice on the brain or something, talmbout prayer. Yes Ray, prayer will magically make every cop able to see black folks as humans instead of something to fear. **** outta here, man. :smh:
Black folks have been patient and praying for 500 years now. All this strength we have in our heritage that we've gained through the struggle of our ancestors; all of this will and ability to survive and move forward, when are we literally going to say enough is enough and hit back?

We've tried the MLK way. It was cute. But it was soft and ineffective to make real change. Brother Malcolm had some great thoughts on this..

The funnies tthing about all of this is white people don;t even really hate black people. Nope. Not at all. They hate themselves. Say we all left. Say we all just said f it and packed up and bounced. they would all just turn on each other and consume themselves like that rat experiment. Chaos is their nature. It's been proven all throughout history. It's like a bacteria. A fungus. A cancer. It just moves through and consumes and destroys everything in its path that it feels threatened by. They use the media to change the narrative...but truth is the only constant. It is unwavering. They can blame black people and minorities all they want...but we're variables. We come and go. White man is the control in this experiment.

At the same time though, I'm torn because I cannot blame them for taking advantage of their ability and opportunities. There is a reason why they are in charge and we are not. They created the weapons first or the means to transport. They got in control and have maintained it for centuries. I'm not mad at that. You get control and you keep control. It's logical. I'm more so just moved because the oppression comes at the cost of black people and other minorities. If it was business, the same rules would apply. I really just wish as a community, mentally, that we wouldn't have changed so much since the CRM. These new black folks are idiots. They idolize nonsense. And are oblivious to the world they live in. The 60s black man says, oh, I'm not welcome in yours? cool, I'll make my own. And keep to and police my own. The 60s black man wouldn't just roll over and tweet and talk. They would march and show you that we were here and not going anywhere. Not to mention the panther movement, and Malcolm's camp putting pressure on the police.

We have no leaders. No nina simone to sing the song of our struggle. No unity. And just underutilized anger.

When we were locked out and denied access, we were actually empowered to create and to grow. I'm sure the white people hated it, but one of the biggest killers to black innovation and development was them allowing us to take part in their stuff. Allowing us to come in their clubs and buy their booze and their food. Shop in their stores. Then we stopped creating our own. Stopped owning our own clubs and selling our own booze and food. Stopped creating and stopped owning which in turn stopped building our own wealth and power.
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At the same time though, I'm torn because I cannot blame them for taking advantage of their ability and opportunities. There is a reason why they are in charge and we are not. They created the weapons first or the means to transport. They got in control and have maintained it for centuries. I'm not mad at that. You get control and you keep control. It's logical. I'm more so just moved because the oppression comes at the cost of black people and other minorities. If it was business, the same rules would apply. I really just wish as a community, mentally, that we wouldn't have changed so much since the CRM. These new black folks are idiots. They idolize nonsense. And are oblivious to the world they live in. The 60s black man says, oh, I'm not welcome in yours? cool, I'll make my own. And keep to and police my own. The 60s black man wouldn't just roll over and tweet and talk. They would march and show you that we were here and not going anywhere. Not to mention the panther movement, and Malcolm's camp putting pressure on the police.

We have no leaders. No nina simone to sing the song of our struggle. No unity. And just underutilized anger.

When we were locked out and denied access, we were actually empowered to create and to grow. I'm sure the white people hated it, but one of the biggest killers to black innovation and development was them allowing us to take part in their stuff. Allowing us to come in their clubs and buy their booze and their food. Shop in their stores. Then we stopped creating our own. Stopped owning our own clubs and selling our own booze and food. Stopped creating and stopped owning which in turn stopped building our own wealth and power.
This thread is beautiful man. So much truth, so much knowledge.

From the killer Mike vid to the moors info and everything inbetween. Turned a negative into a positive just like we do. I love y'all man. I love us.

Rest in peace to the deceased. Much respect to his family man. This is a hard one.
http://uproxx.com/realtalk/killer-mike-black-people-arent-ready-for-revolution/ (link to video: 

Edit: Found the YouTube version to embed:

In the face of another spate of police involved homicides, discussions of radical and revolutionary approaches to change the way we live and govern in America are on the minds of a lot of citizens again today. While participating in a panel discussion at the All Black National Convention in his hometown of Atlanta, Ga., Killer Mike gave a moving description of what revolution means to him, and criticizes community leaders and elders for asking their young people to put themselves in danger if they aren’t willing to put themselves in the line.

In a passionate five-minute speech, he argues that until the black community becomes economically self-sufficient, that they are not yet ready for real revolution.
“You ain’t ready to oppose nothing. You are as a part of this system as any white person gentrifying in this city. And you can’t tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about. Because I’ve lived in this neighborhood long enough to know when two out of every five yards had a garden in the back. I’m old enough to know when the Muslim community was the strongest security force and food their own force in this community. Black people I love you, and I love you enough to tell you, you ain’t ready to revolt ****.”
Mike goes on to get more detailed about what that revolution would look like to him. For those expecting violent rhetoric and an emphasis on confrontational interactions with the police, prepare to be disappointed:
“You don’t feed yourself. You don’t hunt your own animals and slaughter them. You don’t prepare your own meat. You don’t own your own land. You don’t have a seed growing in your window. So you think about revolutionary-ism, and you think about fighting and dying in the street, you ain’t **** if you can’t feed your children, you ain’t nothing if you can’t teach your children to hunt. I’ve been hearing this revolutionary talk all my life. All my life, I’ve been seeing leaders get before me and tell me how much of a strong warrior…and just like the United States Army, just like the military, I’ve seen their words send black boys off to die in the street fighting and arguing with police.[…]Don’t send these babies off to die, because you didn’t die when you was 21. Don’t you send these babies off to die, because you feel like you missed the ‘60s and the ‘70s. I want to see more black attorneys. I want to see more black law enforcement. I want to see more black people pooling their money to run their own candidates.”
Killer Mike has been a great ambassador for hip-hop  for years speaking eloquently  about serious issues that should concern all American citizens—particularly those in the black community—in his music and interviews for a long time now. He once again takes an unexpected approach to the problems that face this country, and he shares them in the unapologetic, fiery, manner that is his trademark.
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I really wish he would change his name. I feel like his word's aren't afforded the same attention because they;re coming from a dude named 'Killer Mike'
He's actually talked about that before and criticized TV and radio for that. He tried the Mike B**** name for a minute but I guess it didn't really stick.
Black empowerment is the only answer to this ****.

We're so defeated mentally and economically that this won't end until we make Black Empowerment the new trend.
Damn, Ray Lewis is kind of an idiot. He pontificated this nonsensical, inconsistent rant and ended with saying basically not putting all your faith in God is the root of all this. How naive and stupid can you be?
I guess people just aren't praying hard enough, that's why this oppression is happening /s
Who thinks like this? :smh: Biblethumpers gotta stop poisoning minds with these fairytales
Wonder if dude thinks if the police ran up in his crib prayer would stop them at the door
I guess people just aren't praying hard enough, that's why this oppression is happening /s
Who thinks like this? :smh: Biblethumpers gotta stop poisoning minds with these fairytales

Christians historically are the worst offenders/sinners and don't put respek on the Lord's name. Or the word of God. They are usually the worst examples when they are supposed to be building bridges instead of walls.

Prayer doesn't necessarily mean hope for something to immediately change or whatever Ray thinks he is saying cause sin is embedded in this world and it is already set in motion.

Not sure if this is relevant to the discussion but I felt like pointing it out. :lol:
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Dudes gettin thet race relations from Skip, I'm done :lol:

Ray been dancing since caught that charge.

He a house ***** now.
I can't believe how many holes are in their story,
Based on similar incidents in recent memory, it should be completely believable.

I'm more amazed by people being shocked that this continues to happen than I am by the actual shootings.
Yo who pulls a gun out of there pockets? Unless he had on some State Property jeans, how is this possible?

I legit :lol:

lol @ dude saying white people dont hate us [emoji]128527[/emoji]
I hope you don't really believe that.

If you were DNA recessive and facing extinction soon, you'd prob act out too, Iamjusayn.
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