Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Mike can miss me with that talk. One of the comments in that vid said "coming from someone who couldn't run a lap if his life depended on it". I respect Mike but I howled :lol:
Instead of unifying all you ever have is dude like him with all talk criticizing the moves of our own. At this point it's group economics & militarize ourselves or nothing. That integrate & wanting more Black brothers in "x" profession is dead. You can have all the black lawyers you want but at the end of the day devils are still gone devil & they should only be dealt with as such.
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Realest man of all of time. Everything he says applies to America today.


Mindblowng that people don't realize this is RECENT history.

We got multiple living family members that were alive during Malcom.

Yet, that's ancient history to a lot of people b/c it's black and white footage :smh:. Everything he said holds true today.

I'm tired man. :smh:
Yo who pulls a gun out of there pockets? Unless he had on some State Property jeans, how is this possible?

I legit :lol:

lol @ dude saying white people dont hate us [emoji]128527[/emoji]
I hope you don't really believe that.

If you were DNA recessive and facing extinction soon, you'd prob act out too, Iamjusayn.

They may be jealous or envious..but general hate..i doubt it..

Thats not really how hate works fam. We dont even do anything to them. Its more they see things in us that they wish they had or were. Its essentially the same concept as bullying. People typically attack the parts of others that they hate in themselves and that make them feel inferior. People bully those that make them feel weak and small. They do it to feel better about themselves or their situation. Insecurities. If they were so good and everything was gucci, theyd be too busy flourishing and living life to worry about us at all. But they stay clocking us.
She's a white women that shot him, forget about it. No charges will be seen, no jail time will occur, at best a 'leave' will be assessed to the profile. 
Black folks have been patient and praying for 500 years now. All this strength we have in our heritage that we've gained through the struggle of our ancestors; all of this will and ability to survive and move forward, when are we literally going to say enough is enough and hit back?

We've tried the MLK way. It was cute. But it was soft and ineffective to make real change. Brother Malcolm had some great thoughts on this..

The funnies tthing about all of this is white people don;t even really hate black people. Nope. Not at all. They hate themselves. Say we all left. Say we all just said f it and packed up and bounced. they would all just turn on each other and consume themselves like that rat experiment. Chaos is their nature. It's been proven all throughout history. It's like a bacteria. A fungus. A cancer. It just moves through and consumes and destroys everything in its path that it feels threatened by. They use the media to change the narrative...but truth is the only constant. It is unwavering. They can blame black people and minorities all they want...but we're variables. We come and go. White man is the control in this experiment.

At the same time though, I'm torn because I cannot blame them for taking advantage of their ability and opportunities. There is a reason why they are in charge and we are not. They created the weapons first or the means to transport. They got in control and have maintained it for centuries. I'm not mad at that. You get control and you keep control. It's logical. I'm more so just moved because the oppression comes at the cost of black people and other minorities. If it was business, the same rules would apply. I really just wish as a community, mentally, that we wouldn't have changed so much since the CRM. These new black folks are idiots. They idolize nonsense. And are oblivious to the world they live in. The 60s black man says, oh, I'm not welcome in yours? cool, I'll make my own. And keep to and police my own. The 60s black man wouldn't just roll over and tweet and talk. They would march and show you that we were here and not going anywhere. Not to mention the panther movement, and Malcolm's camp putting pressure on the police.

We have no leaders. No nina simone to sing the song of our struggle. No unity. And just underutilized anger.

When we were locked out and denied access, we were actually empowered to create and to grow. I'm sure the white people hated it, but one of the biggest killers to black innovation and development was them allowing us to take part in their stuff. Allowing us to come in their clubs and buy their booze and their food. Shop in their stores. Then we stopped creating our own. Stopped owning our own clubs and selling our own booze and food. Stopped creating and stopped owning which in turn stopped building our own wealth and power.
Thank you for this. This was well said. Definitely gives me motivation going into work this morning.

Thanks Freeze
We always protest man. Nothing ever comes from that.

2 days of protesting literally means nothing at THIS point

Thank you!

Quiet as kept, it has not meant anything for the last few decades either.

I digress though. I watched some of that Ray Lewis video and man I had to turn it off after a few seconds. Bruh was literally possessed with ignorance! Looking like a uber smart dummy! :smh:
freeze freeze

Don't let the media white wash'd version of MLK fool you.

I was fooled to.

It's a shame what they have turned him into but if you do your research, MLK was about that action.
What I find pathetic in all these situations is that they try to bury Kaep for his peaceful protest but then turn around and say the protest in NC should be peaceful like MLK said. These idiots are amazing fellas. :smh::smh:
What I find pathetic in all these situations is that they try to bury Kaep for his peaceful protest but then turn around and say the protest in NC should be peaceful like MLK said. These idiots are amazing fellas. :smh::smh:

They would be complaining if the protest in NC were peaceful.

They want people to stay quiet and ignore it like they've been doing.
They would be complaining if the protest in NC were peaceful.

They want people to stay quiet and ignore it like they've been doing.

Exactly, there motives are so transparent it's amazing.
Not trying to "count people's moves" but Cam, the ball is in your court my brother. Right in your backyard, the time is right.
Scam is a Tom and a sellout fellas. He's the type of dude during slavery saying "we all the same" while getting beat , he's the same type of dude that would be saying "an eighth of an inch" watching John Lewis get beat trying to eat lunch at a lunch counter.
Black folks have been patient and praying for 500 years now. All this strength we have in our heritage that we've gained through the struggle of our ancestors; all of this will and ability to survive and move forward, when are we literally going to say enough is enough and hit back?

We've tried the MLK way. It was cute. But it was soft and ineffective to make real change. Brother Malcolm had some great thoughts on this..

The funnies tthing about all of this is white people don;t even really hate black people. Nope. Not at all. They hate themselves. Say we all left. Say we all just said f it and packed up and bounced. they would all just turn on each other and consume themselves like that rat experiment. Chaos is their nature. It's been proven all throughout history. It's like a bacteria. A fungus. A cancer. It just moves through and consumes and destroys everything in its path that it feels threatened by. They use the media to change the narrative...but truth is the only constant. It is unwavering. They can blame black people and minorities all they want...but we're variables. We come and go. White man is the control in this experiment.

At the same time though, I'm torn because I cannot blame them for taking advantage of their ability and opportunities. There is a reason why they are in charge and we are not. They created the weapons first or the means to transport. They got in control and have maintained it for centuries. I'm not mad at that. You get control and you keep control. It's logical. I'm more so just moved because the oppression comes at the cost of black people and other minorities. If it was business, the same rules would apply. I really just wish as a community, mentally, that we wouldn't have changed so much since the CRM. These new black folks are idiots. They idolize nonsense. And are oblivious to the world they live in. The 60s black man says, oh, I'm not welcome in yours? cool, I'll make my own. And keep to and police my own. The 60s black man wouldn't just roll over and tweet and talk. They would march and show you that we were here and not going anywhere. Not to mention the panther movement, and Malcolm's camp putting pressure on the police.

We have no leaders. No nina simone to sing the song of our struggle. No unity. And just underutilized anger.

When we were locked out and denied access, we were actually empowered to create and to grow. I'm sure the white people hated it, but one of the biggest killers to black innovation and development was them allowing us to take part in their stuff. Allowing us to come in their clubs and buy their booze and their food. Shop in their stores. Then we stopped creating our own. Stopped owning our own clubs and selling our own booze and food. Stopped creating and stopped owning which in turn stopped building our own wealth and power.

Damn, very well said :smh: repped
How is her dash cam not on for the first minute when she pulls up tho?

They arent activated unless the sirens/lights are on, which I would assume if youre stopped in the middle of a road blocking traffic you would turn them to alert other drivers.

Kind of the same way Ive seen officers do when someone is broke down on the SIDE of the road, flashers were always turned on
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Black folks have been patient and praying for 500 years now. All this strength we have in our heritage that we've gained through the struggle of our ancestors; all of this will and ability to survive and move forward, when are we literally going to say enough is enough and hit back?

We've tried the MLK way. It was cute. But it was soft and ineffective to make real change. Brother Malcolm had some great thoughts on this..

The funnies tthing about all of this is white people don;t even really hate black people. Nope. Not at all. They hate themselves. Say we all left. Say we all just said f it and packed up and bounced. they would all just turn on each other and consume themselves like that rat experiment. Chaos is their nature. It's been proven all throughout history. It's like a bacteria. A fungus. A cancer. It just moves through and consumes and destroys everything in its path that it feels threatened by. They use the media to change the narrative...but truth is the only constant. It is unwavering. They can blame black people and minorities all they want...but we're variables. We come and go. White man is the control in this experiment.

At the same time though, I'm torn because I cannot blame them for taking advantage of their ability and opportunities. There is a reason why they are in charge and we are not. They created the weapons first or the means to transport. They got in control and have maintained it for centuries. I'm not mad at that. You get control and you keep control. It's logical. I'm more so just moved because the oppression comes at the cost of black people and other minorities. If it was business, the same rules would apply. I really just wish as a community, mentally, that we wouldn't have changed so much since the CRM. These new black folks are idiots. They idolize nonsense. And are oblivious to the world they live in. The 60s black man says, oh, I'm not welcome in yours? cool, I'll make my own. And keep to and police my own. The 60s black man wouldn't just roll over and tweet and talk. They would march and show you that we were here and not going anywhere. Not to mention the panther movement, and Malcolm's camp putting pressure on the police.

We have no leaders. No nina simone to sing the song of our struggle. No unity. And just underutilized anger.

When we were locked out and denied access, we were actually empowered to create and to grow. I'm sure the white people hated it, but one of the biggest killers to black innovation and development was them allowing us to take part in their stuff. Allowing us to come in their clubs and buy their booze and their food. Shop in their stores. Then we stopped creating our own. Stopped owning our own clubs and selling our own booze and food. Stopped creating and stopped owning which in turn stopped building our own wealth and power.
Thank you for this.
Realest man of all of time. Everything he says applies to America today.
I love watching his speeches. Used to watch it during lunch break at work & ppl would look at me like i'm crazy or I wanted to start a revolution. This man was a real prophet. 

Also, what Killer Mike had to say was extremely on point. I've actually saw someone say it on here. We can't revolt b/c we don't really know how to survive w/o things being handed to us.
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