Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Not getting good excited over those charges yet. When it's sticks and she gets appropriate punishment, I'll be happy.
Same here. After the 6 officers were aquitted in the Freedie Grey case I remain an extreme skeptic until the words Guilty are uttered. 
embarrassed? fam I would be pissed. Little girl was right not to trust to white officers, and they proved her right. She'll probably be scared for life with that interaction.

By embarrassed I mean, ur daughter runs a red light, damages a car and don't comply when asked in a decent tone. Then jump on the bike like idgaf....shorty has a different tone from the get go, acknowledge mistake...she can go about her business I'll take care of it...I must be getting old too smh
Manslaughter is a joke.


She won't see any time. A few months at the most. I'm just waiting on the gofundme page for her.

Chopper Chopper as a white dude, can you give me an imsight as to what the conversations are like between white people when sht like his happens.

It's clear you understand....but how do the convos go when you try to explain this bs to other white people? Like they just refuse to see it?
This is exactly why there needs to be pysch evaluations, background checks etc for future police officers. A lot of these cops just arent mentally tough enough to handle guns, or they are genuinely crazy. This wont happen unless BOTH sides COOPERATE to reach solutions but sadly that wont happen
Social media is a gift and a curse, but one of its greatest benefits is the ability to actually put a face to the oppression and brutality that has been kept hidden for 60 years. In the 60s and beyond they didnt care at all about blatant racism. Since, they're continued to do it, but been more lowkey about it. They never planned for Rodney King or Malace Green to be caught on tape. Mark Furman never meant to be called out as racist. This **** isn't new. The medium to air their evil ***** out is. With twitter, and snap and vine and ig and now FB Live, We have more weapons than ever. They want to be racist af, just not publicly. So we have to continue to air them out. To show their faces. To spread the message and share the links. Use the media against them. Take away their excuses and lies. It used to always be, a cop would say, 'there's nobody here boy, so who are they going to believe, you or me??' now its, nah bruh, I don't even have to say anything, they're see this footage from here to tibet, go **** yourself.

Preach brotha Freeze
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But you're not trolling? Maybe try to make some sense if you want your "opinion" to be taken seriously.

Man u don't have to like my opinion or take it seriously....my opinion...agree to disagree...but trolling? Weak retort. A lot of real foulness going out here, I felt this incident was partially self-inflicted...that's MY opinion but to call it trolling, whatever man
Your initial statement contradicted your follow up statements, thats all i was pointing out. Some may see that as trolling. The alternative would be that you're just spouting off random bs without even thinking about what you're saying. I appologize for assuming you were intelligent enough to form a consistent arguement if your contradictions were a serious attempt at expressing an opinion.
Your initial statement contradicted your follow up statements, thats all i was pointing out. Some may see that as trolling. The alternative would be that you're just spouting off random bs without even thinking about what you're saying. I appologize for assuming you were intelligent enough to form a consistent arguement if your contradictions were a serious attempt at expressing an opinion.

Seriously what random bs? What contradiction?

Cmon man, the peoper spray was uncalled for but really yall gonna act like they really did any wrong by not letting her leave the scene of an accident? Someone damages my property i want their info

After every thing thats been going on involving police and black folk she really gonna act out like that? Honestly the way excessive force is being used these days she could have easily ended up something worse than pepper spray.

The pepper spray was some complete bull but all that extra she was doing was unnecessary.
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