Terence Crutcher murdered by cops in Tulsa, Oklahoma

freeze freeze

Don't let the media white wash'd version of MLK fool you.

I was fooled to.

It's a shame what they have turned him into but if you do your research, MLK was about that action.

Bro by all means, hook me up with a link. I'd like to believe that. But I've heard his speeches. Read his testimonies. He must've had some back room, under the table moves that I don't know about. All I've read was 'peace' from him. Malcolm and Huey were bout it.

Not trying to "count people's moves" but Cam, the ball is in your court my brother. Right in your backyard, the time is right.

Don't hold your breath homie. Cam is NOT about that life. Son is about endorsements. This new age of athlete has much much more to lose than those of the 60s. They see the money they can make..not the change.
How is her dash cam not on for the first minute when she pulls up tho?
cus she was bumpin Jeezy

Not trying to "count people's moves" but Cam, the ball is in your court my brother. Right in your backyard, the time is right.
Nah. Son aint mentally equipped to speak on these issues and bringing attention to the issues doesnt fit with his personal agenda. He prefers, and its prolly for the best, to leave that role for someone else.
Truth is truth no matter where it comes from

still aint voting for you tho
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one thing about Trump.he's honest. And he honestly hates women more than minorities :lol:


We have this information yet people still act like they don't know what black people are talking about. The willful ignorance is infuriating.

Look at the LA's sheriff's dept. In 1991, a federal lawsuit found there was a gang the deputies started called the Lynwood Vikings. It was essentially a deputy gang that was a neo-nazi, white supremacist gang that used "terrorist-type tactics" against black and Hispanic residents in the city of Lynwood.

Now that's in a "northern metropolitan" city like LA which is more progressive & liberal. Imagine the rest of the country. It's more pervasive that people think. I know here in Baltimore there are a crap ton of racist cops bent on taking out blacks & minorities.

My ex in-law was black cop that came up thru the 70s & 80s who did a lot of things like ran vice, district commander, commandant of the police academy. He used to tell me all kinds of stories about white cops & how difficult it was ascending the ranks as a black man.

I told him he should right a book but he said he wasn't trying to get killed & liked his pension. :smh:

There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind closed doors. Alot...


We have this information yet people still act like they don't know what black people are talking about. The willful ignorance is infuriating.

Look at the LA's sheriff's dept. In 1991, a federal lawsuit found there was a gang the deputies started called the Lynwood Vikings. It was essentially a deputy gang that was a neo-nazi, white supremacist gang that used "terrorist-type tactics" against black and Hispanic residents in the city of Lynwood.

Now that's in a "northern metropolitan" city like LA which is more progressive & liberal. Imagine the rest of the country. It's more pervasive that people think. I know here in Baltimore there are a crap ton of racist cops bent on taking out blacks & minorities.

My ex in-law was black cop that came up thru the 70s & 80s who did a lot of things like ran vice, district commander, commandant of the police academy. He used to tell me all kinds of stories about white cops & how difficult it was ascending the ranks as a black man.

I told him he should right a book but he said he wasn't trying to get killed & liked his pension. :smh:

There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind closed doors. Alot...

Tell him to get on it. Even if he doesn't publish the book, he has to document his experience. As long as we don't write about life from our perspective, other people will always tell our stories how they see fit. That's why we still have ignoramuses who think that the majority of Africans live in huts.
Look at the LA's sheriff's dept. In 1991, a federal lawsuit found there was a gang the deputies started called the Lynwood Vikings. It was essentially a deputy gang that was a neo-nazi, white supremacist gang that used "terrorist-type tactics" against black and Hispanic residents in the city of Lynwood.

Now that's in a "northern metropolitan" city like LA which is more progressive & liberal. Imagine the rest of the country. It's more pervasive that people think. I know here in Baltimore there are a crap ton of racist cops bent on taking out blacks & minorities.

My ex in-law was black cop that came up thru the 70s & 80s who did a lot of things like ran vice, district commander, commandant of the police academy. He used to tell me all kinds of stories about white cops & how difficult it was ascending the ranks as a black man.

I told him he should right a book but he said he wasn't trying to get killed & liked his pension. :smh:

There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind closed doors. Alot...
this... Why else would there be 6 cops and a helicopter for a stalled vehicle? Why else would the responding officer to a traffic situation not but their light bar on for traffic reasons? I wonder what the cops cell and text records look like before the incident? I wonder how amazing the coincidence is that the lady just "finished" training for pcp recognition, and just happens to find a vial of it in the victims car.... 8 cops total for a stalled vehicle on a back country road... I don't see that much for one on a 8 lane freeway.
So she was on the way to a domestic disturbance call?

Thats why a helicopter was following her?

So they said the window was down, so how the hell did his blood get on his window if it was down?

Where in the video did he have his hand in his left pocket?

And if that's the part thats not recorded, how come we see him wit his hands up and they couldnt swoop in and cuff him?

It really seems like that helicopter was hunting, and was makin sure his wife was in the area they were traveling so they can pop someone.
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So she was on the way to a domestic disturbance call?

Thats why a helicopter was following her?

So they said the window was down, so how the hell did his blood get on his window if it was down?

Where in the video did he have his hand in his left pocket?

And if that's the part thats not recorded, how come we see him wit his hands up and they couldnt swoop in and cuff him?

It really seems like that helicopter was hunting, and was makin sure his wife was in the area they were traveling so they can pop someone.
unless it's a "hunt" for something, this while situation is a case of 1+1=6.... I hope the feds get to the bottom of this, because I have a feeling that there was a premeditated motive for something....
Oh, one more thing...... Since we have no audio.... Ive personally been victim to the cop asking me to show him my ID, and then when I reach for my wallet, have him yell to put my hands back on the vehicle. I wonder IF, he put his hands in the pocket, could that be the reason why.

15 year old girl might have a brain injury so lets slam her against the wall and pepper spray her
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Look at the LA's sheriff's dept. In 1991, a federal lawsuit found there was a gang the deputies started called the Lynwood Vikings. It was essentially a deputy gang that was a neo-nazi, white supremacist gang that used "terrorist-type tactics" against black and Hispanic residents in the city of Lynwood.

Check out the "City Heat" police biker gang out of chicago, and other midwestern cities. Somebody exposed the members only section of their website not too long ago, all kinds of racist imagery.
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i don't care what the kid is saying, the officer is older, trained, supposed to be a professional and supposed to know better ... 

Take the kids bike away

Call an ambulance since it was an accident (yes, the kid can refuse treatment)

Pepper spray unnecessary 

The girl does not want to be touched ... can they call in a female officer... do they have to yoke her up like that? 

Someone there knows exactly who she was referring to when she called for Officer Zach 

They have to try harder to not make something like a bike/car accident involving a minor end like it did even if the young girl was cursing 

I don't know what the solution is ... but you know wrong when you see it ... and that was all sorts of wrong 
freeze freeze

Don't let the media white wash'd version of MLK fool you.

I was fooled to.

It's a shame what they have turned him into but if you do your research, MLK was about that action.


Towards the end of his life he was realizing that marching/ peaceful protesting wasn't getting it done. His views were starting to go in the direction of brotha Malcome.

Man what could have been had they linked up and not been killed :smh:
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