TERMINATOR THREAD - T2 turns 30 July 3

maybe the storyline is the terminators got him addicted to mess up his future then they can use the actor in his current state?
Linda Hamilton got real old bruh. Hit me today how time just flies by so fast. Its been 28 years since T2.
Watching the sdcc interview today and seeing Linda I got hit hard with my sense of mortality.
Also seeing the Top Gun 2 trailer bruh..........its been 33 years.........my god
Everything seems pretty much pointless and meaningless now
I dunno... IMO, she looks old for a a 62-year-old. On the contrary, I think Arnold looks great for a 71-year-old.

But overall... man, all my childhood moviestars have aged so much.
Another terminator? They gonna try to go back in time in an attempt to stop the war only to find out the war is inevitable?
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