Texans Ready for In-N-Out? Vol. Camping Out...

Originally Posted by SC415

The wait for in n out is usually 10 mins or less if you live by hercules.

Appian Way
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

5 Guys is horrible, it could be the one here in Frisco but its horrible man.

I've been 3 different times hoping it gets better but its not. Its @+% period.

its not bad, imo. but definitely overhyped as well.
but its funny how these california dudes is like "
@ the line" yet they hype it up like its the greatest thing on the westcoast

ill try to go to the frisco one this weekend. hopefully line isnt too bad.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

5 Guys is horrible, it could be the one here in Frisco but its horrible man.

I've been 3 different times hoping it gets better but its not. Its @+% period.

its not bad, imo. but definitely overhyped as well.
but its funny how these california dudes is like "
@ the line" yet they hype it up like its the greatest thing on the westcoast

ill try to go to the frisco one this weekend. hopefully line isnt too bad.
ahhhh... I'm in southern Cal so there are 2 In N Out's within a 5 mile radius from my house.
I'm actually quite tired of it. It's like living 15 minutes from Disneyland (which I do)... you get really sick of it after a while.

oh... 5 guys sucks IMO.
ahhhh... I'm in southern Cal so there are 2 In N Out's within a 5 mile radius from my house.
I'm actually quite tired of it. It's like living 15 minutes from Disneyland (which I do)... you get really sick of it after a while.

oh... 5 guys sucks IMO.
smh the only time you will never wait in line at IN n Out is usually 10-11 and 2-5 ... i swear i always wait in line for a good 15 minutes.
smh the only time you will never wait in line at IN n Out is usually 10-11 and 2-5 ... i swear i always wait in line for a good 15 minutes.
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Fatburger and Five Guys are better by far

I just had Five Guys for the first time the other day and it is not even close to the quality at In n Out and it's more expensive. They need to stop focusing on all those toppings and just worry about making a good burger
Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

Fatburger and Five Guys are better by far

I just had Five Guys for the first time the other day and it is not even close to the quality at In n Out and it's more expensive. They need to stop focusing on all those toppings and just worry about making a good burger
HYPEBEASTS. Do people realize Betty Jo's Diner has likely the same quality of burgers. or some other hole in the wall.. Support your true local joints.. We just barely got Five Guys last year. Yet local places triumph over those guys. You couldnt tell by the lines though... Burgers are like the #1 bar food in America. I have almost never had a bad burger. I was on a roadtrip and had a burger at almost every place we stopped at. Random Bar/restraunt... Good burger. Applebees.. Surprisingly good burger. Texas has some of the best roadside joints. If you are spending two hours or even an hour in line, that is too much. Sitdown local joint that may take 30 minutes >whatever you may get of an in-n-out. I think only where it is highly available, is it fastfood.
HYPEBEASTS. Do people realize Betty Jo's Diner has likely the same quality of burgers. or some other hole in the wall.. Support your true local joints.. We just barely got Five Guys last year. Yet local places triumph over those guys. You couldnt tell by the lines though... Burgers are like the #1 bar food in America. I have almost never had a bad burger. I was on a roadtrip and had a burger at almost every place we stopped at. Random Bar/restraunt... Good burger. Applebees.. Surprisingly good burger. Texas has some of the best roadside joints. If you are spending two hours or even an hour in line, that is too much. Sitdown local joint that may take 30 minutes >whatever you may get of an in-n-out. I think only where it is highly available, is it fastfood.
In-n-out FTW. Hands down one of the top fries ive ever had next to wingstop. Watching that video makes me appreciate having 2 in-n-outs within 15 minutes of me lol.
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