Doesn't a double tech put Dray at 7 tho? So he'd be out for game 5 either way.

I'm not a fan of the league reviews and officiating after the game. When you do that you might as well start calling missed calls and going back and changing stats and scores. I don't mind the in game reviews that much, but you can't tell me this crap doesnt negatively affect a wait 2 or 3 days to know if you're going to be suspended from the biggest game of the year seems like it would be stressful.
You're thinking about a flagrant 2. Double tech (1 for bron, 1 for dray) would put dray 1 more tech away from a suspension.
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Warriors will still win without him. NBA clearly catering to Bron Bron and his crying :lol:

Very possible Brandon Rush might start in place (to be replaced quickly by Iggy). If Warriors need any more motivation, I think this BS suspension is enough...LeBron is going to have a real tough time tomorrow with all the chants and boos
if this means that steph becomes primary ball handler more, I really hope he stops dribbling into double and triple teams and cuts out the hook pass. I'm not worried, I think the depth of this team (livingston and barbs at home especially) will overwhelm cavs
At the end of the day, it's his own damn fault for putting himself in this position based on
1) prior history
2) accumulated points/techs

Not saying I want to change him in any way, I'll put up with this because it is part of what makes him special but jesus...he got the mulligan in the OkC series and proceeded to jab a dude in the nuts again. Warranted or not.

I really hope we win just to get everyone to shut the hell up and be done with this season. Can do it without Dray would be huge and I don't want to hear none of that "we're lucky BS".

Bron is a gigantic P though. Respect for that guy dropped to negative levels after this episode
If Draymond gets suspended Ima be livid, clear indication that the league is catering to Lebron smh
I agree with you. I like the Warriors. Let me ask you this question though. Has Draymond NOT been on the line for quite some time? Let's be real. 

They made a ruling based on a pattern. Dray lacks emotional intelligence. Lebron is just as guilty and everyone knows this. 
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If Draymond gets suspended Ima be livid, clear indication that the league is catering to Lebron smh

I agree with you. I like the Warriors. Let me ask you this question though. Has Draymond NOT been on the line for quite some time? Let's be real. 
They made a ruling based on a pattern. Dray lacks emotional intelligence. Lebron is just as guilty and everyone knows this. 

the ruling is an overreaction to pressure generated by media. why wasn't the league on it immediately following the game and making the ruling sooner if it was the egregious?
the ruling is an overreaction to pressure generated by media. why wasn't the league on it immediately following the game and making the ruling sooner if it was the egregious?
It was less shocking than Adams getting hit in the groin. An overreaction by the media. An altercation involving who get it. It's a PATTERN. 
the ruling is an overreaction to pressure generated by media. why wasn't the league on it immediately following the game and making the ruling sooner if it was the egregious?

It was less shocking than Adams getting hit in the groin. An overreaction by the media. An altercation involving who get it. It's a PATTERN. 

i feel you on it being a pattern, but i find it hard to believe that dray is the only one who's guilty of this in today's NBA. im sure there are others who have demonstrated the same patterns but the media has chosen to ignore it due to those players probably not mattering as much as dray. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but why the agenda against dray?

i say that, but then again, westbrook is always kickin out his leg
i feel you on it being a pattern, but i find it hard to believe that dray is the only one who's guilty of this in today's NBA. im sure there are others who have demonstrated the same patterns but the media has chosen to ignore it due to those players probably not mattering as much as dray. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but why the agenda against dray?

i say that, but then again, westbrook is always kickin out his leg
Everyone's guilty yes. You're right. It's the league that does the choosing unfortunately on who and when and how people get served at what time. 

The media chooses just as well who wins and loses and highlights one guy as the victim over another guy who "looks" to be the aggressive party. 

It's all a game man.  

I have no shade against Dray. I just don't like that he puts his team in awkward positions.

He could have easily let Lebron go, but he didn't.

A guy like Dray is going to fight you for everything and I love that about him. He's also hated for it because he doesn't give a ****. He's a livewire.

You need livewires because they keep everything funky. The challenge is knowing when to turn it on and off. 

Is there an agenda? Maybe. Maybe the league has seen enough and decided hey this is the game or the series that this person messes up again and we're pulling the cord. 

Bron isn't the first guy to gripe. 
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you right, can't even argue with that logic. i will never take issue with dray's style of play, however. more often than not, his aggressiveness on the court puts this team in a position to win. it unfortunately got the better of him this time, so be it. HB gotta have nothing but that contract in mind during game 5. GET THAT MONEY YOUNG FELLA

you right, can't even argue with that logic. i will never take issue with dray's style of play, however. more often than not, his aggressiveness on the court puts this team in a position to win. it unfortunately got the better of him this time, so be it. HB gotta have nothing but that contract in mind during game 5. GET THAT MONEY YOUNG FELLA
HB needs to take that role and rise to the occasion. I have faith. 
I agree with you. I like the Warriors. Let me ask you this question though. Has Draymond NOT been on the line for quite some time? Let's be real. 
They made a ruling based on a pattern. Dray lacks emotional intelligence. Lebron is just as guilty and everyone knows this. 

I wouldn't have a problem if they called it a flagrant when they reviewed it, but the Cavs lobbying the officials to change the call 2 days later? Nah **** that
Man I wish I could help, been searching myself as well, every store I've called out here in SF peninsula seems to be sold out.. Resellers out here selling them for $100+ smh
i have a hat for him not this one but the one they sold after they won it in oracle.. they did not sell the locker room (this version) at oracle that evening
Man I wish I could help, been searching myself as well, every store I've called out here in SF peninsula seems to be sold out.. Resellers out here selling them for $100+ smh
what did you expect that was clearly blatant on draymonds end so I don't mind the suspension for his dumb actions...
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