That akward moment where you or a friend is leaving and you go for the dap but they go for the shake, so you change up to the shake but they end up changing to the dap, so you guys end up doing some akward mold of the two. Always happens to me
When you wio with your eyes closed and you're just out there dangling in the wind.
that moment when the porker on the other side of the room keeps staring me down like im a Rotisserie Gold and wont let up.
Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

Originally Posted by RavageBX

That awkward moment when you get the black woman thread closed and the entirety on NT puts you on their fade list...
Hold up you got that thread closed 
 naw he didn't. But as soon as I seen his post I was like
 and had to search.
When you hug someone & you try to pull away but the other person intends on giving you a lingering hug and you kind of jerk awkwardly... because you're still trying to get away.
that awkward moment when you have to stand beside a guy at the urinal because all the others are full and you really have to pee
when you're out for dinner with another family/party and they make a feeble, half-*** attempt at snatching the bill.
that moment when the elevator door closes on someone while you still have a chance to keep the doors open, all the while making eye contact
when you walk into a public restroom and you catch a guy checking himself out in the mirror

when youre in the gym and happen to glance at yourself and you get caught by the cute chick in the spandex

when you get caught checking out the cute chick in the spandex while shes stretching
Originally Posted by JD214

That's why you're suppose to be in the White Woman Appreciation thread.

I have awkward moments at school, on a daily basis.
Damn man do you have to state your dislike for black people in every thread you enter. WE GET IT!!! 
Originally Posted by MeloManFan

That akward moment where you or a friend is leaving and you go for the dap but they go for the shake, so you change up to the shake but they end up changing to the dap, so you guys end up doing some akward mold of the two. Always happens to me

This always happen all the time.. after I finish playing basketball..because people shake hands differently..

Originally Posted by RavageBX

That awkward moment when you get the black woman thread closed and the entirety on NT puts you on their fade list...

wait what...?
Originally Posted by Kiiing

When you say something sweet to a girl and all she says is "awwww"
smh at dudes who dont know where to take this. 
- when you are having a conversation with 2 others and one them gets spit on his/her face. smh at people just ignoring that s@#$. Im rofl though. 

- when u loose a (public transportation) staredown 
when u get that phone number and you do a celebration dance and people be looking at you
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

...When someone is waving or head nodding in your general direction and you wave back only to find out they were waving to someone behind you.
I hate this &@^# 
...mostly cause it's like "Are they waving at me?? Are they? Ah &@#% it *waves*" '
Behind you' 
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

...When someone is waving or head nodding in your general direction and you wave back only to find out they were waving to someone behind you.
I hate this &@^# 
...mostly cause it's like "Are they waving at me?? Are they? Ah &@#% it *waves*" '
Behind you' 
Haha, I'm on board with you guys, happens to me all the time.
Originally Posted by Kspar

Originally Posted by Kiiing

When you say something sweet to a girl and all she says is "awwww"
smh at dudes who dont know where to take this. 
- when you are having a conversation with 2 others and one them gets spit on his/her face. smh at people just ignoring that s@#$. Im rofl though. 

- when u loose a (public transportation) staredown 
So your two weeks is up huh?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Kspar

Originally Posted by Kiiing

When you say something sweet to a girl and all she says is "awwww"
smh at dudes who dont know where to take this. 
- when you are having a conversation with 2 others and one them gets spit on his/her face. smh at people just ignoring that s@#$. Im rofl though. 

- when u loose a (public transportation) staredown 
So your two weeks is up huh?

That awkward moment when you return from banned camp and dont even know that OGBobbyJohnson made you a victim with his PS skills
That awkward moment when you fart because your think your all alone and then right after someone wanna stroll down the aisle and all that
Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by JD214

That's why you're suppose to be in the White Woman Appreciation thread.

I have awkward moments at school, on a daily basis.
Damn man do you have to state your dislike for black people in every thread you enter. WE GET IT!!! 
Always making some subtle,slick remark
. Dude's a grade a certified clown.
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