That boy Chris Brown Put Hands on Rihanna!!!

I want more news from Ben Baller himself, considering the fact that he's friends with both of them.
I always got that vibe like this dude had a bad side to him. Dude was on Sesame Street singing with elmo, he's like the most PC R&B artist out, and hejust smiles too much and he acts too damn happy all the time. Hate to sound pessimistic, but in most cases those are the ones you really gotta look out for. Sad situation though.
The herpes thing could be real, yo.

Everybody knows about Jeter possibly handing out the herp and there's this picture chart something like 6 degrees of seperation type thing and Rihanna usedto go out with Josh Hartnett who was in the herp umbrella tree. Somebody google it and post it.

Well said good sir...the media and NT will take a rumor and blow $+%! up and add more $+%! on to it.
Have you ever heard of people CHEATING? It means another dude is smashing while they are still a couple. Its very possible.
True, true...but this ain't Tom and Jane from up the block. These two probably can't go two steps without a camera in their face. Ifeither one of them dipped out the other would probably know the same day.

Your right its possible, but I just don't see it. Ole girl probably got ticked dude was drivin' too fast, kept naggin the cat and CB caught her with adouble back slap.
We had been hearing there was an umbrella in the car -
Rihanna has a terrible attitude in real life so I'm sure she either instigated it or escalated it.
IMO theres no justifying Chris Browns actions...beating on a woman? Just when im proud to be a black man, i guess now we feed into stereotypes even more
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Even though that is mediatakeout, I had a feeling he probably whooped on her before. You just don't pulled a weapon on a chick outta nowhere. You gotta have pre $** whoopings to build up to that status in your relationship.

well, from what i've gathered, they had a volatile relationship... shes been seen hitting him public... my theory is that they got into a dumb argument, she put hands on him, and he put hands on her back.... i think she instigated it, which is why she's not charging him with anything....and the fact that she never made a 9-1-1 call is going to make court cake for Chris Brown. they'll just both say "she hit her head on the dashboard" in 6 months, when there are no physical marks on her... and that will be that. p.s. none of you dudes know what kind of relationship they were in, nor exactly what happend that night, so just because you lust after homie's girl...doesn't mean you HAVE make judgements or formulate a theory where he's a "woman beater" or any of that nonsense... i think two kids got into a silly argument, which turned physical. they were prolly pretty "intoxicated" too...they WERE coming from a pre-party...
my girl be on that rihanna stuff....we'll argue and she'll just hit me out of nowhere
Afer he turned him self in,micheal jackson says he's taking him off the album... but he's a pedophile.
Originally Posted by From Da South06

IMO theres no justifying Chris Browns actions...beating on a woman? Just when im proud to be a black man, i guess now we feed into stereotypes even more
you act like white men dont hit their women....difference is white women will just take it and a blk woman will fight back
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by From Da South06

IMO theres no justifying Chris Browns actions...beating on a woman? Just when im proud to be a black man, i guess now we feed into stereotypes even more
you act like white men dont hit their women....difference is white women will just take it and a blk woman will fight back
Just like a nter to fight a generalization with a generalization.

yes the nter generalization was on purpose.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by From Da South06

IMO theres no justifying Chris Browns actions...beating on a woman? Just when im proud to be a black man, i guess now we feed into stereotypes even more
you act like white men dont hit their women....difference is white women will just take it and a blk woman will fight back
I understand what your saying but WE are the ones who fit the stereotypes of neglecting our women and yes other races do but im sad to say thatsexactly how society views us but with other negative connotations....and im not generalizing im just simply stating what society says about African Americanmales...i'd never put my hands on a woman and im not saying all black men do, all im saying is that were feeding into the stereotypes and its embarrasing,and on top of that you have individuals who not only try to attempt to justify his actions but glorify them as well.
Originally Posted by Face82

Afer he turned him self in,micheal jackson says he's taking him off the album... but he's a pedophile.





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