The 10 Best Video Games of the Last Five Years (As Per Complex)

Skyrim was massively successful on PS3, though, it was just broken.

Not sure why Bethesda gets a pass for shipping out unplayable games here.

TLoU was an actual exclusive, Skyrim 360 isn't a real thing because the game was multiplatform :lol:
Skyrim was massively successful on PS3, though, it was just broken.

Not sure why Bethesda gets a pass for shipping out unplayable games here.

TLoU was an actual exclusive, Skyrim 360 isn't a real thing because the game was multiplatform
what do you guys mean by broken? all games have glitches
Does Complex have ANY writers/journalists on their staff or just a bunch of list makers?.... ish a is joke

Next week.....Complex presents the 25 best Complex lists
Skyrim was massively successful on PS3, though, it was just broken.

Not sure why Bethesda gets a pass for shipping out unplayable games here.

TLoU was an actual exclusive, Skyrim 360 isn't a real thing because the game was multiplatform :lol:

I guess I just don't really care that it didn't work on PS3. that doesn't affect at all how it worked on 360
And the game that people played on 360 was almost unquestionably one the best 10 games of the Generation
what glitches in skyrim are you guys refering to?

i have several friends that have skyrim on ps3 and they never once complained about the game
Skyrim would lag like crazy for me. I couldn't play the game for more than an hour at a time after a point
yeah Skyrim got terrible, the farther you progressed in the game. wouldn't even get out of the loading screen half the time. :smh:
A 2D indie game has no place on a list like this, sorry.

Hotline Miami isn't even the best indie game, let alone one of the best games of the past 5 years.

Why doesn't it belong on the list? Because it didn't have a huge budget with a multimillion dollar marketing campaign? If it wasn't the best indie game then maybe more indie games should be on the list.
Bioshock >>

is Bioshock: Infinite that great? I feel like I should pick it up.

Yea, its amazing.

I would say wait until all the DLC comes out, but that will probably be another 2 or 3 years.

A 2D indie game has no place on a list like this, sorry.

Hotline Miami isn't even the best indie game, let alone one of the best games of the past 5 years.

Why doesn't it belong on the list? Because it didn't have a huge budget with a multimillion dollar marketing campaign? If it wasn't the best indie game then maybe more indie games should be on the list.

It doesn't belong on the list because its like a 2 hour game.

The same reason why I wouldn't agree w/ Journey being on the list and that's one of the best games I've ever played.

I have a hard time comparing something that lasts 2 hours to something like Mass Effect or RDR which can take 50+ hours, that's all.
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A 2D indie game has no place on a list like this, sorry.

Hotline Miami isn't even the best indie game, let alone one of the best games of the past 5 years.

Why doesn't it belong on the list? Because it didn't have a huge budget with a multimillion dollar marketing campaign? If it wasn't the best indie game then maybe more indie games should be on the list.

I'd love to see Journey on that list. That one definitely deserves a spot.

Woah! While I do admit that I'm a big nintenerd there is no way you can seriously believe melee over brawl. Yes melee is very polished and is still big on the tourney scene but its not touching brawl in any aspect of the game. Melee doesn't even have a physics engine.

:rofl: Brawl is *** that's why people left it. The physics are garbage and everyone floats like they're in outerspace.

Why not google evo 2013 and try to understand why Brawl was not there but melee was. Both brawl and melee have a competitive scene, the only difference is one is a lot bigger and happens to be 10 years older.

There's a whole world you're obviously unaware of....

The physics is what makes melee melee.

Brawl physics is floaty, melee physics are consistent and allow for some rather creative stuff outside of wavelanding.
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I had to slow my gaming down to Brawl speed when I first played.
this is all true. but in terms of balancing, even in melee there are 3-4 characters that are competitively viable (zelda/fox/mario/marth). overall the slower characters dont get enough benefits for being as slow as they are

sea manup sea manup No, no no. competitive viable characters is more than the majority of games.

fox falco sheik marth peach captain falcon iceclimbers
this is all true. but in terms of balancing, even in melee there are 3-4 characters that are competitively viable (zelda/fox/mario/marth). overall the slower characters dont get enough benefits for being as slow as they are
@sea manup No, no no. competitive viable characters is more than the majority of games.

fox falco sheik marth peach captain falcon iceclimbers
yeah thats true, most fighting games have about 10% of the character pool competitively viable

hopefully they will balance the one for the wii u for competitive play and not just casual, although i have a feeling they're just going to make a bunch of new gimmicky characters 
I dont agree with that list. The best 10 games in the last five years are (in no particular order)

1. Last of US

2. Battlefield 3

3.  COD Modernwarfare 2

4. Batman Arkham City

5. God Of War 3

6. Uncharted 2

7. Skyrim (played it on xbox 360)

8. the first Bioshock

9. Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

10. GTA V

We have all three consoles in my household so im not biased. Honorable mention  would include Super Street Fighter 4, Halo 4, Fable 2,  and Call of Duty Modern Warfare .
Just wanted to make sure Red Dead was on there. Wasn't expecting it to be number one but :pimp:
Def been my favorite game of this generation.
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