The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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LeBron got his eyes on NY...

The money, best friend and fellow superstar, cap space, lottery pick, NY media attention, AND the Zen Master.

Homie bouta shaft Cleveland twice in 10 years
don't do this man 
LeBron got his eyes on NY...

The money, best friend and fellow superstar, cap space, lottery pick, NY media attention, AND the Zen Master.

Homie bouta shaft Cleveland twice in 10 years :lol:

I would laugh so goddamn hard. please let this happen :rofl: :rofl:
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Mark Jackson is doing the Birdman hand rub while he's on the corner preaching to anyone that's listening.
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LeBron got his eyes on NY...

The money, best friend and fellow superstar, cap space, lottery pick, NY media attention, AND the Zen Master.

Look at his shoe collection, they've dropped hints of the two places he's wanted to play. He's been to one

Homie bouta shaft Cleveland twice in 10 years :lol:

The bird was blue & orange.. :rolleyes
The bird was blue & orange.. :rolleyes

U don't gotta believe me pimp :lol:

The Cavs can be niave if they want. They already blew step one by giving Verajo 30M. Love the first chip, Tristan the second. Both gonna command Max deals, they leave its a wrap.

Cavs better hope Waiters wanna stick around in 2016
Lmao cavs fans thought they were about to go 82-0. FOH. Cavs aren't even in the top 20 in the league

Not a fan of Bron or the Cavs, but he's just coasting till the playoffs. No need to bust your *** 82 games, word to the Spurs.
Okay so if Lebron is coasting till the playoffs.. what about the rest of the team?

Dion Waiters is coasting too right? He's not worried about the regular season.
Kevin Love will turn into classic playoffs Kevin Love when the postseason rolls around .. oh wait

Stop making excuses, these dudes are losers plain and simple. Lebron isn't a loser, but he's showing that he's not a good enough leader to elevate the guys around him. Remember Wade was actually the alpha male and vocal leader on those Heat teams, NOT Lebron

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Coasting.... lol

They ain't the defending champs coasting to a top 3 seed so they can be fresh for a playoff run. they're an unproven team trying to become a contender and playing barely over .500 in the worst conference ever.  A team that has played 30 games together and never won anything is probably not "coasting"

i hardly get the feeling of "oh we're so good we can just kick it till April" from this Cavs team. 
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Okay so if Lebron is coasting till the playoffs.. what about the rest of the team?

Dion Waiters is coasting too right? He's not worried about the regular season.
Kevin Love will turn into classic playoffs Kevin Love when the postseason rolls around .. oh wait

Stop making excuses, these dudes are losers plain and simple. Lebron isn't a loser, but he's showing that he's not a good enough leader to elevate the guys around him. Remember Wade was actually the alpha male and vocal leader on those Heat teams, NOT Lebron

Its december relax
Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.
Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.

Terrible comparison, they were all vets that knew what it takes to win

this cavs team besides bron, miller & marion dont know what it takes to win
Like the 2012-13 Lakers, this Cavs team is lacking after the big stars on the team and are dealing with injuries.
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