The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.
Terrible comparison, they were all vets that knew what it takes to win

this cavs team besides bron, miller & marion dont know what it takes to win
The principle remains the same; pieces on paper look good.. but it just won't work on the court.
ive said it before...bron is gonna struggle if he has the be the alpha dog. he may have had better stats than wade, but it was never his team.
Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.

o_0...that lineup played a total of like 8 games together. Who knows what they could've done. At any given time, a piece was hurt when they others were healthy. No way that team would've sucked if they were healthy. That starting 5 still looks amazing.
Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.

o_0...that lineup played a total of like 8 games together. Who knows what they could've done. At any given time, a piece was hurt when they others were healthy. No way that team would've sucked if they were healthy. That starting 5 still looks amazing.
**** nash 
The principle remains the same; pieces on paper look good.. but it just won't work on the court.
But how can you jump to conclusion if the season isnt halfway over
I'm basing it off of what we've seen so far. It's similar. Theres no denying that. 

I'm not saying there gonna struggle to the playoffs and Bron is gonna tear an achilles and Love will go to a younger team with a star. I'm not saying its the same. I'm saying it's pretty similar situation and everyone will monitor it going forward in the season.
Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.

o_0...that lineup played a total of like 8 games together. Who knows what they could've done. At any given time, a piece was hurt when they others were healthy. No way that team would've sucked if they were healthy. That starting 5 still looks amazing.
Roster was pretty bad outside of the top four. But then again, injuries set a lot of things back during their brief time together.
Someone mentioned it on twitter but this Cavs team has a feel like the Dwight Nash Pau Kobe Lakers.

Pieces on paper look good, but it just won't fit for whatever reason.

o_0...that lineup played a total of like 8 games together. Who knows what they could've done. At any given time, a piece was hurt when they others were healthy. No way that team would've sucked if they were healthy. That starting 5 still looks amazing.
**** nash :rofl:

I concur my friend. **** nash.

hey have you seen his new ***** *** commercial? So he can go and do tv ads, but cant call the homie byron back? **** nash bruh.
Lmao cavs fans thought they were about to go 82-0. FOH. Cavs aren't even in the top 20 in the league
Not a fan of Bron or the Cavs, but he's just coasting till the playoffs. No need to bust your *** 82 games, word to the Spurs.
LeBron isn't coasting.

He's having a solid but "down" year compared to what he did in Miami, which isn't that surprising since he's in the backstretch of his prime.

The problem is this Cavs team is inconsistent as hell.

No way they should lose to a team like the Pistons at home, let alone get washed by them.

The Cavs have similar problems that Miami did during the Big 3 era, no size to match up against the bigger teams in the league. Unlike Miami though they don't have the suffocating defense to compensate for this.

Miami's defense was centered around their Big 3 with the likes of Cole, Top Ten and Birdman making contributions as well.

Cleveland has Bron who has lost a step or two defensively, and Love and Kyrie who are sieves on that side of a ball. They just lost Varejao too which makes their situation even worse.
Bron said this team was gonna test his patience but yall want instant gratification :smh:

But at the same time yall claim he lost a step

Makes sense
Remember when people said Lebron would start declining around age 30 and it was laughed at?

Like clockwork

i swear cats dont think bron is human. they think time defeats all men, CEPT bron. he just gon look age in the face, and be like 'nah bruh'
wouldnt surprise me if bros is pacing himself. if he's still like this second half of the year maybe it's for real but for now, i think he's pacing himself.
I know Kyrie didn't play but damn first Love gets benched in the 4th and then they get killed by the pistons my have things fallen....HGH Bron time to join another superstar group or settle for the 2 chips
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