The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Where were all these Warrior fans 4-6yrs ago
Oh these mother ******* were here... Oh, were they here. I'll never forget the hell they unleashed on here when the W's knocked off the Mavs. 

:lol: And you Knicks dudes were convinced Tyson was washed, too... WRONG.

The sooner yall accept that your Bozo organization is a black hole, the better off everyone will be.

Does Amare make the Mavs frontrunners in the West? No. Does it help? Hell yes it does. To suggest otherwise is ******ed.
Warrior fans been here since I can remember posting in ST.

There was an internal conflict on whether they wanted steph or Monta
Amare is a move to try and keep the mavs head above water for the rest of the regular season. He won't see the floor in the 4th during the playoffs unless something goes horribly wrong
If you guys are relying on Amare as the first big off the bench and someone to provide points it'll be a short experiment.

He's not washed, but he'll get hurt at the most critical time.
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The sooner yall accept that your Bozo organization is a black hole, the better off everyone will be.

Which is why I laugh whenever I see posts about so and so could've been a Knick. Almost positive Curry wouldn't be the same player he is today had he been drafted by the Knicks.
Yea, Warriors' fans have been around here for years.

Keep that salon talk Kardashian **** out the NBA thread, please.
To me, Tyson Chandler is the key to the Mavs post-season success. If he's healthy and defending and rebounding at a real night level, Dallas has an outside shot at coming out of the West. If he's not healthy or playing like he did on the Knicks, second round is as far as they'll go.
To me, Tyson Chandler is the key to the Mavs post-season success. If he's healthy and defending and rebounding at a real night level, Dallas has an outside shot at coming out of the West. If he's not healthy or playing like he did on the Knicks, second round is as far as they'll go.
Completely agree... They'll go as far as he can carry them defensively. They're not a ton different structurally than 2011. 

I think they're a little more talented on the whole, but it's a pretty similar roster build.
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Yea, Warriors' fans have been around here for years.

Keep that salon talk Kardashian **** out the NBA thread, please.

Truth in both statements, yall most not remember the We Believe/Monta era and men shouldn't care about Hollywood socialite beef IMO.
Tyson is super important but nobody wants to talk about how washed Dirk is becoming.

I don't think Monta or Parsons are even as close to reliable #1 options as Dirk was and you don't have a great shooter/passer at PG like Kidd.

They had a more talented team when they won in 2011 and the league was less stacked.

I don't think they have anything resembling a chance especially with Rondo as their PG.
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as long as carrie keagan takes care of parsons the mavs will be aight. They'll be in the WCF at least, carlisle can coach bruhs
I want to see Houston go down in flames. All they do is go after whatever the biggest names available are. GM is a idiot. Who can't do his job? I hate seeing people act high and mighty when the job they do can be done by a 10 year old playing 2K15.

Side Note: Rockets jerseys are strait garbage. Change that mess please.

Let that hurt go bruh, the Rockets ain't even been that successful over the past years for you to be this upset.
Tyson is super important but nobody wants to talk about how washed Dirk is becoming.

I don't think Monta or Parsons are even as close to reliable #1 options as Dirk was and you don't have a great shooter/passer at PG like Kidd.

They had a more talented team when they won in 2011 and the league was less stacked.

I don't think they have anything resembling a chance especially with Rondo as their PG.

Please tell these dudes bruh. They ain't tryna hear me :lol:

Monta is a beast tho. He just can't do it by himself
I'm sitting here thinking about Russ' performance in the ASG. Dude was shooting from 10ft behind the 3pt line splashing. Lebron was airballing from out there. I don't think these older legendary cats can splash from back there. Even their 3pt line was closer.

beyond that, I thought bout how he hit his head on the backboard catching that oop. And i realized... i will never know that feel. dude was FLYING up there. whats it like to have enough bunnies to jump and get TOO high? that must be crazy
Knicks fans can't understand why people laughed at Amare for getting max money to bathe in wine vs getting the vet min to come off the bench for a team who's fighting for home-field advantage.
Tyson is "super" important but they dont have a chance with one of the best pg's in playoff history?

You really srs

So one good playoff run 3 years ago before a torn ACL and a myriad of other injuries makes him one of the best playoff PG's ever?

You're talking about a guy who's average 9/5/6 on 40% from the field 30% from 3 and 26% from the line since he's become a Mav, doesn't fit the system at all but he's the key though right?

He's going to take you to the promise land thoug he shoots worse than Shaq/DeAndre Jordan/Drummond and Dwight right?

I need answers.
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One good playoff run? :smh: :lol:

& if 2 months on a new team is a big enough sample size to disregard his past playoff performances then idk what to say

Yes his 2012 run was his only dominant run, every other time in the playoffs he played next to 3 HOF'ers, there is 1 on his current team and his better days are behind him.

Also his numbers were just as bad on the Celtics, so............

Rondo is leading no team to a championship, he's not that level of player.

It was a stupid trade, you'll see come May when you can see them sent home even through the veil of your ignorance.
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