The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Meh put up Bean's stats that year and name another sidekick who put up those kinda numbers.
and if Draymond gets max, will guys like Pat Beverley get 10 mil a year?
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View media item 1407067
View media item 1407069
Excuse the meme but what sidekick you know put up those numbers in the playoffs? At 21 years old? You posted from 2001 Finals. Exfoliate your face B.

I know exactly what I was doing homeboy. I can't stand those Lakers (Kobe stan first and foremost Lakers fan second) like yourself. You give real Lakers fans a bad name. Anyone who watched these playoffs absolutely agrees Shaq was the go to guy on offense. You whole offense was dump it down to the post EVERY POSSESSION. You dudes act like saying shaq was option #1 and Kobe #2 is a slight at him. The man was probably the most dominant force ever in NBA history but kobe fans want to get salty when people say he was a second option :smh: the hell out of here with that nonsense :lol:
Not going to turn this into a cesspool but that wasn't true in every series especially in the 2001 playoffs. But your a Knicks fan though can't expect much.
im not gonna deny it, and even PJ will say the same thing. LA won because of Shaq as he was the focal point. it was obvious if you watched the team play in those years. the duo fit so well they both flourished.
Kobe the GOAT
Can we get back to taking about our Hawks tho
why can't we talk about the greatness of Kobe and the Hawks 
This is kind of embarrassing but I don't know enough about this kobe character to hold a conversation about him
tbh I'm the same way about the Hawks.

I wish @ryanjumpman420  could fill me in.

However, I pretty much know everything there is to know about Kobe.... Vlade Divac=Kobe, great husband and father, greatest SG of all time, fantastic in charity basketball games, etc
I see stats only work if they contribute to your arguement. But if they don't, it's "you had to see it" "the numbers are lying"

Yall can't have that **** both ways. Wanna shove lebrons numbers down everyone throat, but when it comes to kobes post season, "no, he was a side kick"

Like Mamba said,

no one elbows better den Shaq. imagine 360 lbs of force landing onto your face. they should given thr plexi masks to rik smiths, sabonis, and mutombo. lol
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