The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Want to start but not be the #1 option??  What the??  Makes no sense.  WE ALL DREAM of hitting a homerun at the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs.  WE ALL DREAM of hitting that GW.  Never heard of a guy wanting to start and then being afraid of being the guy. LOL  Unless you consider Dwight or Rose.
Im not getting on him just, never thought I'd hear that from an athlete

He doesnt need to make an official statement but yet he chose to say those words people can interpret it however they want, unless he comes out directly and says what he meant

Thats the last im speaking on this
No owner in their right mind is trying to build their franchise with Reggie Jackson as "the guy". A decent starting point guard for a contender, maybe. Lakers, Heat, Celtics all won recently without a great point guard
Bosh made a good point. He was talking about what made him pick MIA over HOU and he mentioned that HOU being in a better position to win kind of detered him. He was like he would rather stay in MIA because these last 4 years were so taxing on his body. He basically said he was done with that stage of his life. He has been to 4 finals and he doesn't feel the need to continue to have THAT happen each year. He said he isn't giving up on winning but basically there is more to life.
Man as soon as you sign that guaranteed contract, anything goes LOL
“For some people (starting is) important. To others it’s not. It’s very prideful for me. I feel like I’m very talented. I feel like I can lead a team. That’s just how I’ve been raised and that’s just how I’ve always felt. I want to be the guy in charge. I want to be the guy leading the team. The head of the snake.”
Now how do you interpret the, "I feel like I can lead a team" comment.

A. Be the best player

B. Lead as in be the Lead Guard of a Team

I ASSUME he meant B. I don't think he is wild enough to think A is a true option.
Now how do you interpret the, "I feel like I can lead a team" comment.

A. Be the best player

B. Lead as in be the Lead Guard of a Team

I ASSUME he meant B. I don't think he is wild enough to think A is a true option.
Well, I guess that makes much more sense. In that case, come to miami bruh
Bosh be like, "so you mean to tell me I can get paid dumb money, live in Miami, be a 2 time Champion, and coast it for a few seasons...."

that's some RNS ... at least he's being honest

not every athlete is in it for the same reasons.. got his chips, made some all-star games... he chillin.
I think it's obvious what Reggie is saying, but to further dissect it would just be meaningless.  He wants to be the 'head' of the 'snake', he wants to be the guy in charge.  All arrows point to the same thing.  There's no need to twist it.  This isn't a 41 year old Antwawn Jamison saying he can 'still' contribute.
He didn't say either explicitly, just that he wants to lead a team and be a starter. You can interpret it a number of ways. If his true feelings are he wants to be the best player then more power to him, rather the floor general of my team have that mentality than somebody comfortable with being just another guy.
Bosh be like, "so you mean to tell me I can get paid dumb money, live in Miami, be a 2 time Champion, and coast it for a few seasons...."

that's some RNS ... at least he's being honest

not every athlete is in it for the same reasons.. got his chips, made some all-star games... he chillin.

This guy Bosh :smh:
Bosh is right.  There's no incentive to play, no incentive to stamp your name into the history books.  For whatever is worth, you can basically do what Bosh is doing.  Pretend and act, get paid, and enjoy your life.

That's why the CONTRACTS should probably have some 'clause' inside of it, or performance based pay.
What is there to misunderstand? I WANT TO BE THE GUY IN CHARGE. there's no room for misinterpretation. Watch him play one time and it's obvious
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What is there to misunderstand? I WANT TO BE THE GUY IN CHARGE. there's no room for misinterpretation
I don't see Reggie saying that. The quote didn't say THAT. That is your interpretation. 

The dude, to me, just said he wants to start as the leading guard. PG.
Not only does Reggie want to start,

but he wants to be the guy.

The featured player,

face of a franchise type stuff.

Can't hate a man for being ambitious.
seems like all the good teams have a solid pg.
reggie gonna have some bottom tier team pay him. gonna be challenging if reggie is one of your highest paid player
Didnt reggie say he wanted out if he not a starter when they had KD Westbrook and Sefolosha on the team
reggie jackson doesnt want the miami lebron role where he carries the team, he wants the cavs lebron role where he can take weeks off to play GM 
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