The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Bosh said more than that. He said he was happy living in Miami. He'd have to uproot his family again. He'd have to deal with the "spotlight" again. Every move scrutinized by the media. As someone that won 2 rings already, I think it's cool for him to want to stay put.

Ya'll blast ring chasers then call people beta for not chasing rings. :lol:

Ain't that some ****.
for sure man. i totally understand his reasoning. i'd wanna win more though just because well why not :lol:
Why not? Because it takes a lot from you and it takes you away from your family. AND it takes away miles from your career. Those playoff games add up after a while
im the type of dude that would be playing to win a ring. the money the relocating, none of that would matter. i could see other players taking umbrage with that, but thats just who i am.
media :lol:

Bosh out here wifing publicized thots and talking bout being a family man in Miami. Dude is doing it backwards.
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Bosh said more than that. He said he was happy living in Miami. He'd have to uproot his family again. He'd have to deal with the "spotlight" again. Every move scrutinized by the media. As someone that won 2 rings already, I think it's cool for him to want to stay put.

Ya'll blast ring chasers then call people beta for not chasing rings. :lol:


Bosh out here wifing publicized thots and talking bout being a family man in Miami. Dude is doing it backwards.
Oh his wife is a video girl or something?
What was Phoenix even thinking when they had built a guard-heavy team?

Ya got three great talents with the Morris Twins.
Thats not going to work out...
Bosh and his "the Heatles" changed the landscape of competing for rings. "Ring chasing" was ok to talk down on when the landscape was relatively even. Now, you have no choice to remain competitive. That's a lazy cop out imo.
us not having games to watch is killing this thread b. then we're forced talk to each other.
Bosh said more than that. He said he was happy living in Miami. He'd have to uproot his family again. He'd have to deal with the "spotlight" again. Every move scrutinized by the media. As someone that won 2 rings already, I think it's cool for him to want to stay put.

Ya'll blast ring chasers then call people beta for not chasing rings. :lol:

Well being that I'm the one who used the term beta, show me when I've blasted a ring chaser

I'll wait ...
@sam_amick: Reggie is known to have turned down a Kemba type offer from OKC (4 yrs, $48 million). He wants more & believes he'll prove worthy over time.

reggie y u do dis :smh: :smh: :smh:
He def gonna struggle as a #1 option
How can we make this assumption. Would you consider Bledsoe to be struggling right now? Do we think Reggie could put up similar numbers as Bledsoe is putting up?
Read between the lines tho for real bro that is the context

Seems like hes tired of deep playoff runs which is caused by winning
You are over simplifying it by calling it, "Tired of winning." It isn't black and white man. 
cant imagine MIAMI fans are happy to hear that.

what would you fellas tell a MIA fan who's says theyre upset at Bosh?
Alright yall can say i jumped on the Reggie Jackson comment and said that premature

But Chris Bosh to me def seems like he said hes tired of winning in every way with that statement, if you disagree tell me what you think he meant instead of flat out saying you disagree
Eh Reggie was putting up 19, 7, and 5 earlier when Russ and KD were out
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