The 2014-2015 NBA Season Thread. Lock It Up Please: The Golden State Warriors Are The Champions

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Basically - and this sounds odd about another NBA player - but he's not coordinated enough to have a reliable post move. I've seen him try jump hooks and up-and-unders and more often than not he messes up the footwork or doesn't have the touch to finish. I can tell he works on those kind of things, but it's beyond his physical abilities to do it well, consistently. I'm happy that he's at least learned how to establish good post position so he can get the ball and go right up with a dunk or lay-in. TBH, having watched him his whole career, DJ is way better than I ever thought he would be.

And that's really terrible news about Bosh.

Take out the name 'DJ' and Copy+Paste this exact post into the 2008 NBA Season Thread in the year 2008.

People would immediately recognize you're talking about Dwight Howard.

It's true -- some guys are just athletic to a fault. He's such an exception in that category, and it's such a prevailing part of who he is as an athlete, that it leaks into everything he tries to do on a basketball court. It's like drinking a **** ton of coffee and trying to understand why that person can't make themselves sit still. His athleticism can't be tempered, so it can't be contained. Everything he faces on a basketball court is at a different elevation -- than everybody else.

It's a fortunate problem, granted -- it's better than being physically overmatched by everybody on the court -- but he's also held to a bar most aren't because of something that might actually be hindering his offensive development.
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Simply posting the ROY's shooting numbers.

Just wanted to enlarge it so no one misses it.
Probably isnt the best thing to do. Playing sports decreases blood viscosity and Coumadin decreases blood viscosity. Them together could cause a hemorrhage. He wont be on blood thinners for ever, though. Maybe 3-6 months.
Damn.. he and melo might have played their last game of the season last Sunday
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2 months left in the season, 4 more years left on his contract. It would be stupid and ethically irresponsible from a medical standpoint to even clear him to play this season.
Not trying to sound all sappy, but this is when you find out who is legit and who's a scumbag. What I mean is it is mad cool that a lot of us come on this board and we bash players all in fun, but it is a good feeling to know that it isn't personal and we have compassion as human beings in regard to other human beings that we don't even know. I hope Bosh is alright, not my favorite player or anywhere close to it, but he still is a human, and has pretty much never been a scumbag so I hope he pulls through and this doesn't curtail his career.
Probably isnt the best thing to do. Playing sports decreases blood viscosity and Coumadin decreases blood viscosity. Them together could cause a hemorrhage. He wont be on blood thinners for ever, though. Maybe 3-6 months.

Yep, plus all the air travel increases the risk of blood clots...The thinners would help with that but bottom line it's not worth the risk. Blood clots are dangerous things...I thought I heard that's what killed Jerome Kersey the other day. :nerd:

Sucks OKC and Detroit don't match up again until next season.

Reggie and Russ are going to go AT IT.

I know right :lol: ...amazing what comes out after a guy leaves. Russ would destroy him on the court but Jackson wouldn't back down.
2 months left in the season, 4 more years left on his contract. It would be stupid and ethically irresponsible from a medical standpoint to even clear him to play this season.
all this. Nothing confirmed but in no way could anyone make such a rumor without there being some substance, he's got to sit out
Could happen from a bunch of different reasons. Immobilization from surgery to congenital to hereditary issues.
The most common cause of such a blockage is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein in the leg and travels to the lungs, where it becomes lodged in a smaller lung artery.

All of this...blood clots typically aren't bad things...when you cut yourself and a scab forms to stop the bleeding that's a blod clot. The problem comes in when the body doesn't properly break down a clot.
Still a long way to go so if Russell leads them to a playoff spot without KD he'd certainly have a chance

Harden and Curry haven't built up an insurmountable lead

LeBron still in the mix too but he won't win because the story of Harden/Curry/Russell will be "better"

I think the Cavs would have to go on a ballistic run to end the year for LeBron to get it
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